42 never to rise again



The entire lecture hall was silent, and Zhang Haichao was speechless. It wasn't that he had a conscience, but that he couldn't find the words to refute Chen Mu. He had taken the video and posted it on the campus network with ulterior motives. Chen Mu had exposed everything in public. Even the fact that he had hired the underworld to beat Chen Mu up could be exposed at any time.

Su Yuexin stood up and looked at the crazy man in front of her. Her heart suddenly ached. She couldn't remember how many times Chen Mu had appeared in her mind. She only knew that she had gotten used to thinking about Chen Mu in her mind. She was used to quietly staring at Chen Mu in a corner. Now, looking at this man's hysterical appearance, she only felt her heart ache.

Looking at Chen Mu, Su Yuexin said softly,"" Chen Mu... forget it..." She did not want Chen Mu to continue making mistakes. It was very likely to ruin his future. This kind of thing that rushed into the classroom and hit people would not be given a reprieve in Yan University. It would only be the death penalty.

Chen Mu glanced at her but did not say anything. He could throw caution to the wind and not stay in this school. Chen Mu did not care about a university, not even the best university in the world. Therefore, he just wanted to vent the anger in his heart.

"Blockhead." Qin Hu, who had rushed to Chen Mu, hurriedly hugged him and said anxiously,""It's not worth it, brother. It's not worth it for this kind of scum!”

"Nothing is not worth it." Chen Mu said lightly and then said,""Qin Hu, step aside. This has nothing to do with you.”Then, he said to Zhang Chen and Li Xiaofeng, who were about to step forward,"You two too."

At this moment, Zhang Haichao started to panic. He didn't know what Chen Mu would do to him next. Beat him up? This was probably the best outcome. Although he could find his grandfather, who worked in the Ministry of Education, to vent his anger on him, he still had to take this beating.

Chen Mu wanted to punch again to his heart's content and calculate everything for Zhang Haichao, but at that moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.""Why don't you explain?"

" Why didn't you explain?" Xiao Wan stood beside Chen Mu and asked with a complicated expression.

Chen Mu frowned and asked curiously,""Why are you here?"

Xiao Wan smiled and said gently,""I arrived earlier than you."

When Qin Hu heard this, he said unhappily,"You came earlier than Blockhead. Why didn't you stop him?”

"Why should I?" Xiao Wan chuckled. Every smile of hers seemed to be filled with endless charm. Then, she said calmly,"You might be worried that he'll be expelled from school, but I'm not.”

Xiao Wan shook her head in amusement and said to Chen Mu,""Yesterday, I thought you were a little barbaric, but today, I realized that sometimes you need to be barbaric to shock some scum.”

Zhang Haichao understood what Xiao Wan meant. She was not worried that Chen Mu would be fired because she had the absolute ability to stop it. If that was the case, he would have suffered a beating for nothing.

Xiao Wan smiled at Chen Mu and said,""By the way, Chen Mu, I forgot to tell you. The police recorded Li Hui's statement at the hospital today. It seems that someone's crime of hiring a murderer has been finalized.”

Chen Mu also smiled at Xiao Wan, knowing that she must have done this for him. He said gratefully,""Thank you, Xiao Wan."

At this moment, security arrived.

Chen Mu was first sent to the school's security office, but he was soon brought to the Academic Affairs Office. During this period, besides the three people in the dormitory, Xiao Wan was there. When he arrived at the Academic Affairs Office, Emma and Laura had also heard the news and rushed over.

A police officer even came over to deliver a copy of Li Hui's interrogation record to Yan University. He was lying quietly on the desk in front of the dean. Zhang Haichao applied some medicine on his face in the infirmary and was called to the dean's office. When he entered and saw Chen Mu, Xiao Wan, Laura, and Emma, Zhang Haichao immediately realized: It was over!

Before Zhang Haichao arrived, Chen Mu had already told the dean about the two incidents. When Chen Mu mentioned the incident with the class teacher last night, the three women finally understood why Chen Mu had suddenly asked to get off the bus that night.

The director of the Academic Affairs Office was very surprised and angry. He didn't even pursue the matter of Chen Mu beating someone up in the hall. Instead, he slammed the table and stood up as soon as Zhang Haichao entered. He angrily asked,""Zhang Haichao, do you know that you ruined the reputation and future of an excellent teacher today?”

Zhang Haichao was speechless. On the way here, he had thought that he would pretend to be pitiful when he saw the director of the Academic Affairs Office and tell him how badly he had been beaten. Now, it seemed that he was the target of public criticism.

"I really can't imagine that on the campus of Yan University, we can educate a student who disgraces me like you!”The director said indignantly,"You instigated the triads to beat up our students outside the school and spread rumors to insult and slander our teachers and students. You are a disgrace to Yan University!”

Zhang Haichao's face was blue, but it was hard to tell whether it was bruised or livid. He was still making the final excuse."I didn't get the triads to beat up my classmates. Dean, you can't listen to their one-sided story!”

The director threw the interrogation record at Zhang Haichao and said angrily,""Look for yourself!"

Zhang Haichao picked it up. When he saw the words 'interrogation note', his heart sank.

At this moment, Chen Mu said,""Director, please deal with this matter later. I hope you can clarify the truth for Teacher Wang Ying to the entire school. Also, she will be leaving Beijing tonight.”

The director stood up and said to Chen Mu,""All of you should return to your respective classes first. I'll handle this matter well.”

Chen Mu didn't know if the academic director would be able to keep Wang Ying, but he could only pin his hopes on her.

On the way back, Xiao Wan said to Chen Mu apologetically,""Chen Mu, I'm really sorry. I misunderstood you at noon.”

Chen Mu shook his head lightly and said,""It's nothing. You don't have to worry too much.”

"You should explain." Xiao Wan said softly and lowered her head.

Chen Mu only smiled faintly but did not say anything.

Chen Mu returned to his class, feeling a sense of loss. Although he was treated like a hero, Chen Mu was not happy at all. He only found out today that Wang Ying had such a difficult story. He did not want her to leave, nor did he want her to give up her development and dream in Yanjing. However, he did not know how to change Wang Ying's mind.

Before school ended in the afternoon, the school had issued an announcement on how to deal with this incident, and the announcement was made through the school's broadcast. The director of the academic affairs office explained the process of the two incidents in detail. After severely condemning and criticizing Zhang Haichao's actions, he said," Based on the above facts, the school has decided to give Zhang Haichao a one-year probation and a verbal warning for Chen Mu's irrationality. In addition, I hope that all students in the school can remember the class teacher of Class 6, Teacher Wang Ying. Because of Zhang Haichao's slander, Teacher Wang Ying has resigned from her position in the school and insisted on her decision. I hope that everyone can wish Teacher Wang Ying well and hope that she will leave Yan University. You can have a better development."

" Stay in school for inspection?!" Everyone seemed to be a little dissatisfied with this result. They had hired the underworld to beat up the students of their school and slandered the relationship between teachers and students. Any one of these could have directly expelled them from school. Why was it that they were punished with detention in the end?

However, that was how things were. Zhang Haichao's grandfather, who worked in the Ministry of Education, risked his old face and fought for a lenient sentence of a death sentence with a reprieve. He wanted to get rid of Chen Mu, who had beaten up his grandson, but he met with unprecedented resistance, so he could only give up.

Wang Ying, on the other hand, had decided to leave because of Zhang Haichao.

Wang Ying quietly left with her luggage. The students couldn't even send her off. There were several train stations in Yanjing, and no one knew which train station she would leave from. The whole class was very disappointed, but there was a good side to things. When Wang Ying left, she was already clean. No one would say anything about her anymore. She was strong. This was the last impression that the beautiful class teacher left on everyone.

Chen Mu did not seem to be satisfied with this result. After coming out of the Academic Affairs Office, he said to Xie Xiaobao with a cold face,"Xiaobao, thoroughly investigate Zhang Haichao's files. Your dad is going to make sure he never gets out of this!”

"Dad, what should I do?" Xie Xiaobao asked in confusion.

" Hmph!" Chen Mu snorted and said," Use a fake identity to set up an account in an overseas bank. Then, check all the information of Zhang Haichao's relatives. Transfer every cent they have in the bank to that overseas account. Remember, don't leave a single cent behind!"”

"Roger!" Xie Xiaobao immediately nodded and agreed. This was a piece of cake for her, and Chen Mu was not worried about giving himself away. He transferred all the assets of Zhang Haichao's family in the major banks to a fake account. From then on, the money was sealed in that fake account. No one could touch it, let alone himself.

The school had given Zhang Haichao detention, but Chen Mu's punishment was far worse. The Zhang family, which was once famous in Yanjing, had become penniless overnight. Other than some real estate, they had nothing overnight.

Not long after, Zhang Haichao's grandfather was suddenly arrested because the Anti-corruption Bureau received an anonymous email that revealed the details of his bribery of 18 million yuan in the past six months. This was the transaction record forged by Xie Xiaobao after hacking into the bank system. However, as the conclusive evidence of Zhang Haichao's grandfather's corruption, no one could reverse the case.

A few days later, Zhang Haichao's second uncle was shot dead by his enemy. The reason was that he had become poor and could not maintain his own network. After losing his original power, his enemy, who had been holding a grudge for a long time, seized the opportunity to kill him.

After the simple funeral of Zhang Haichao's second uncle, Zhang Haichao's mother disappeared mysteriously. She sold most of the Zhang family's real estate. It was said that she had flown to the United States and had never been heard of since.

There was indeed a huge price to pay for angering Chen Mu. However, that was something that would happen a few days later. After Chen Mu had given Xie Xiaobao his orders, he still had something he needed to do, and that was how to make Wang Ying stay.

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