Naruto's Control of Broken Jade
  • Naruto's Control of Broken Jade

  • frog
  • 50Chs|10Score

"Lord Aizen, the enemy has activated Eight Gates. I’m not his match.”Minor Actor A said.

Aizen smiled gently." It’s alright. I’ll bestow you Steel Skin and Ultra Regeneration. All physical attacks are meaningless.”

"Lord Aizen, the enemy’s escape technique is too powerful. I’m not his match.”Minor Actor B said.

"It’s alright. I’ll bestow you with Void Bullet and Void Flash. No escape technique will pose any threat to you.”

"Lord Aizen, the enemy’s Blink Technique is too powerful. I’m not his match.”Minor Actor C said.

"It’s okay. I’ll grant you the Sound of Rotation. You can make him unable to eat even dust.”

"Lord Aizen, the enemy has the limit of the Blood Successor. I’m not his match.”Minor Actor D said.

"It’s alright, I’ll grant you the power of Gui Ren, so no blood heir will be scary anymore.”

"Lord Aizen, the enemy has activated the Eight Gates of Escape, and his escape technique is powerful. He also knows the Instant Movement Technique and has the Blood Succession Limit. I’m not his match.”Minor Actor E said.

Blue dyeing warmth
