Special Forces: Villain Berserker
34 voting assembly

Wu Jin


In the meeting room, the platoon leaders of the various squads were all seated. They stared at the documents in Gao Cheng's hands, guessing what training instructions the higher-ups had issued.

Gao Cheng raised his head and looked at each platoon leader. Then, he said solemnly,"I called you here today because I want to hear your suggestions and ideas. After discussing with the instructor, I have decided to promote Wu Jin from the third platoon to be the shooting instructor of the recruit company.”

As soon as Gao Cheng said this, everyone looked shocked and whispered to each other. They felt that it was a little too ridiculous to let a recruit be the shooting instructor, even though Wu Jin's shooting level was the best among the recruits.

Gao Cheng glanced at the instructor and then turned to look at them."If you have any ideas, just say it. I asked you to come here to listen to your ideas.”

"Company commander, do you think it's appropriate for a recruit to be a shooting instructor?" A platoon leader stood up and asked.”,"That's right! What right did a new recruit have to be a shooting instructor?”

"If you want to be a shooting instructor, you have to convince us with guns first!”

Everyone in the class objected to Gao Cheng's suggestion one after another.

"What's inappropriate about it? As an instructor, of course, only the capable would be able to do so. There was no need to consider the age and qualifications of the soldiers.”Gao Cheng was surrounded by a group of rebuttals. He didn't hear a single voice of approval. He was so angry that he glared at them and said loudly.

At this moment, another class monitor stood up and said,"We heard about it, and some people have seen Wu Jin's shooting level. I admit that he's better than many of us, but it doesn't mean that he's the best shooter in the entire company or the entire regiment. If he's really the best shooter in the entire regiment, then let alone being the instructor of the recruits, it's only natural for him to be our instructor.”

"Third Class Monitor is right!"

"I heard that Wu Jin doesn't have a good temper. As an instructor, of course, shooting skills are indispensable, but it's also very important to have the teaching quality of an instructor. At the age of nine, would he have the patience to teach new recruits?”

"Yes, I am!"

Everyone discussed and expressed their opinions. Most of them felt that it was not too suitable. At the very least, they had to pass the assessment to determine whether Wu Jin was a suitable candidate.

The instructor signaled for everyone to quiet down and said,"We've basically considered the problems that everyone has mentioned before. The reason why the company commander and I want to do this is to improve the shooting results of the recruits so that we can beat the recruits from other bases in the final recruit assessment and fight for the title of the best recruit training base.”

Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi had been sitting there without saying anything. Gao Cheng looked at Shi Jin and gave him a look. Shi Jin slowly stood up and said,"I think Wu Jin should be suitable for this instructor's position. Of course, I'm not saying this because he's my platoon! Based on my analysis, after so many days, Wu Jin was the one who trained the hardest among the recruits. I usually paid close attention to his training. When the other recruits were training their formation movements, Wu Jin was already familiar with shooting and bombing. When the recruits were undergoing the second stage of shooting training, Wu Jin's shooting training had already reached a new height. I believe that if I can be strict with my soldiers during training, as an instructor, I will definitely be strict with my students. Moreover, I found that Wu Jin's desire to conquer and fight is relatively strong. I think Wu Jin can use the position of shooting instructor.”

Gao Cheng grinned at Shi Jin. He only heard Shi Jin praising Wu Jin. Wu Liu's face was stern as he glared at Shi Jin. He didn't look too happy.

"561, tell me." Gao Cheng pointed at Wu Liuyi and said. Wu Liu Yi rolled his eyes at Gao Cheng and slowly stood up."I also think that Wu Jin is quite suitable for the position of instructor. His shooting skills are excellent.”

Gao Cheng laughed out loud. Of course, this was what Gao Cheng wanted to hear. Wu Liu Yi naturally understood Gao Cheng's meaning. As his old company commander, although Wu Liu Yi didn't agree with it in his heart, he had to at least stand on the side of the company commander.

Gao Cheng cleared the mulberry seeds and took a sip of tea. After pondering for a while, he said,"How about this? If any of you have any questions about Wu Jin's shooting standards, this is easy to handle. I'll invite the best shooter in the group to compete with Wu Jin another day. Also, I'll find some time to listen to Wu Jin's thoughts and understand his views on this shooting instructor.”

When everyone heard Gao Cheng say this, they did not say anything else. They could only wait until the day of the competition to see for themselves how good Wu Jin's shooting level was.

"Alright, that's all for today.”The instructor waved his hand and walked out while chatting with Gao Cheng.

"Old Hong, go and ask Wu Jin for his opinion. See if he's willing to be the shooting instructor. I'll go to the regiment to find a famous shooter to compete with Wu Jin.”

"Alright then, I'll go and ask. I wonder if that kid, Wu Jin, is willing! If you're not willing, wouldn't our efforts over the past few days be in vain?”After saying that, the instructor and Gao Cheng left the company.

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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