Special forces conquer the world
  • Special forces conquer the world

  • desert dust
  • 50Chs|10Score

He had transmigrated to the I Am Special Forces world and become the son of Fan Tianlei. Fan Bentian had joined the army and vowed to become a powerful soldier. He would lead the soldiers of the Z nation to fight in all directions for the rise of a great country and praise the future…

The brave will win when they meet on a narrow road, and I will be the vanguard at the end of the war.

The flames of war rose, and the sound of charging rang out. The blood of heroes flowed endlessly!

From then on, the majesty of the great country would envelop every corner of the world. Endless legends of this god of iron and blood would also spread. Some said that he had brought many beautiful women home, some said that he had a special liking, and some said that he had become a god...
