Young Marshal of the War of Resistance
  • Young Marshal of the War of Resistance

  • old guns
  • 50Chs|10Score

A small employee was struck by lightning and accidentally crossed the Anti-Japanese War battlefield. He was tragically reborn in a child’s body. Fortunately, he had a super military empire system.

No tanks or planes? Wait a moment, I’ll go to the mall to exchange for it. You can choose any Raptor fighter jet, Typhoon fighter jet, Leopard II tank, or T90 tank.

No funds to operate? When I lead my troops to kill them, they will come rolling in with money.

No energy base? The Super Mall had unlimited points, and they could give you whatever you wanted.

From then on, China’s planes swept the world, steel torrents conquered the land, and sea killers dominated the world.

Don’t think that you can provoke me just because I’m young. The consequences are a price you can’t afford: World Head Xia Tian!
