Shenhao Black Technology Base

Coincidentally, Jiang Feng, the otaku youth, discovered that there was an abandoned secret base laboratory under his sweet potato cellar!

The area was huge beyond imagination. It had a radius of ten kilometers and a height of more than a hundred floors. It was like an underground giant city. The total area of the buildings was comparable to an international metropolis. Black technology gathered and crushed the earth.

Star Destroyer/Spaceship/Bio-Human/Robot/Clone

Medical pod/laboratory/simulator/energy warehouse/elemental warehouse

Here was the Milky Way’s most advanced technological civilization, the Milky Way’s strongest military force, the Milky Way’s largest warehouse, and a super laboratory…

The building area was over ten thousand square kilometers, and he could enjoy it alone!

Robot soldiers/Bio-Human bodyguards/clone beauties. The black technology factory could produce anything. There was nothing that could not be done here.

There were also gold, jade, antiques, wine, and art collections…

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