I’m the Master of Breakups
  • I’m the Master of Breakups

  • jxbq456
  • 50Chs|10Score

Tang Chen had transmigrated to a parallel world where men were very soft and women were very strong. The men here didn’t like strong women and didn’t know how to break up peacefully, leading to depression, suicide, and self-harm. Fortunately, it was bound to the Breakup Master System. Every time she helped a man break up successfully, she could permanently obtain these abilities according to the target’s abilities and hobbies.

The target liked finance. After completing the mission, he would become the God of Finance.

The target liked martial arts, so he would become a martial arts grandmaster after completing the mission.

The target liked calligraphy, so he would become a calligraphy master after completing the mission.

Not only that, but he could also set goals and requirements.

First, it had to be a beautiful woman, and those with less than 90 points in attractiveness would not be accepted.

Second, it must be a pure body, or else I won’t accept it.

He thought that no one would accept such a request, but he didn’t expect the order to come like snowflakes. The daughter of a wealthy family, a beautiful superstar, a mafia queen, a beautiful military officer, a princess of the empire...
