Choosing from the beginning
15 A difficult choice!

Drunken So


In the laboratory of the Divine College.

Ye Chen and the Space-time God looked at the double-spiral Divine River Power super gene on the screen with admiration.

The light that had just shot into the sky illuminated the dark starry sky.

Ye Chen and the Spacetime God smiled at each other.

He had succeeded.

"I'll leave the rest to you.”The Spacetime God said in relief.

Ye Chen bowed deeply to the Spacetime God.

Previously, Ye Chen had told the Spacetime God that now that the De Xing Power had fallen, Ye Chen was prepared to combine the Divine River Power Gene with his Angel Gene.

Furthermore, he had obtained the approval of the Space-time God.

However, the next step of gene fusion would be left to Ye Chen.

The Space-time God did not plan to participate in the construction of the new Divine College and was prepared to travel the universe.

Nodding his head, the Space-time God displayed the super gene of Norstar's Hand on the screen.

"The God-slaying power is the core of the Dark Slicer. The God-slaying drive hidden in the weapon is matched with this gene.”

Ye Chen nodded solemnly.

The Space-time God was handing over the inheritance to him!

Soon, Ye Chen and the Spacetime God arrived at another Energy Secret Room.

"Due to the instability of the spacetime gene, this place is in a sealed state.”

Ye Chen looked at the huge transparent tank."She also needs a ten-thousand-year seal?"

" Yes." The Space-time God nodded." Ten thousand years later, she will be reborn."”

"Ding dong! Host, please choose the birth of the Spacetime Rose.”

1. Give it to the Demon Nebula Morgana to raise.

[Reward: Beginner God-Slaying Technology, and gain the favor of the Morgana Demon Legion.]

2. Wait for the arrival of Commander Kao.

[Reward: Void Material Fragment x1, Random Element Control Fragment x1, Kao and Lian Feng's Affinity increased.]

3. The host will raise the child himself.

[Reward: Random Skill Fragment x1, the key step of super gene fusion.]

[Hint: The host still has two days to consider.]

He looked at the options.

Ye Chen was confused.

Any one of them seemed feasible, but none of them were feasible.

Now, the third universe war between angels and demons was about to begin.

Ye Chen knew very well why the Angels had suffered such a crushing defeat this time.

The biggest reason was the Godslayer No. 1.

Now, Angel City had just merged the first-generation Divine River Gene with Angel Gene.

Cold Ice had developed the Godslayer No.1 based on the war between Norland and Germany.

The Godslayer No. 1 was not a real Godslayer technology. It could only be said to be a semi-finished product.

However, this was enough to threaten the angels who had only fused with the first-generation genes of Divine River.

In the original novel, Morgana was able to hold her head high for the first time in this battle.

After that, Holy Kesha vigorously developed godkiller-class technology. Angel Gene and God River Gene's second generation were combined, and guard-class angels were born.

Guardian-class angels absorbed the energy of the nebula and possessed excellent combat performance. They were compatible with the second generation super genes of Divine River, and their performance was comparable to or even better.

This was not all. After absorbing the battle strategy of the Deenor wargod level, the team combat ability of the Angel Guards was even more extraordinary.

From then on, every word and action of an angel could influence a civilization.

Mogana also began to study Godkiller-level battles.

During the ten-thousand-year war with Mogana, she had often needed to sacrifice a super team to defeat an Angel Warrior.

When facing a guardian angel, one would have to activate the Super Godslayer Battle to kill it, or even not.

Now, the first option given to Ye Chen was to obtain the Beginner Godslayer.

In the current era, other than the War God, the God Slaying Sword could be said to be invincible.

However, could Jordan choose 1?

Putting aside his identity as an angel, if he really did that, Holy Kesha would probably be the first to arrest him.

As for the second, it was related to the future development of history under Ye Chen's control.

If he killed Khal now, Ye Chen could not predict what would happen in the future.

The third option was even more difficult to choose.

The crucial step of super gene fusion was what Ye Chen urgently needed.

The activation of the Anti-Void Engine and the fusion of his Angel Gene and Divine River Power Gene were Ye Chen's current goals.

Without this step, Ye Chen would have needed at least a thousand years to study it himself.

Of course, he could wait. However, Ye Chen still wanted to fuse with the genes of the Godslayer's Planet Ninuo War God.

This would take another few thousand years.

Therefore, when faced with these three choices, Ye Chen hesitated for the first time.

The destruction of the De Nuo Star System had a huge impact.

The war in the De Nuo System this time was a war that inspired the universe.

Firstly, the one who benefited the most was Morgana. In the upcoming third war between the angels and demons, Morgana had used the semi-finished Godslayer No. 1 to destroy countless beautiful angel warriors of Kesha.

This was also the reason why the older generation of Angels were so rare.

Next was Holy Kesha. She clearly recognized that this battle style surpassed the battle style of her Angel Corps.

Even though her Angel Corps still possessed the highest level of combat skills.

However, Kesha still believed that a wargod level god-killing battle in the Deno Star System could still easily take her head from an army of millions.

Finally, it was Karl of the River Styx.

He also began to use death to research the Taotie mercenaries of the Netherworld River civilization.

? It was also at this moment that the Spacetime God spoke.

"Ye Chen, Kao survived…"

[PS: Kill Ducao or not?]

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