There was something special about this game!
23 What if?

King of th



The Defensive Tower's fourth attack finally chose its target.

And this target was…

Wait a minute!

Why did the turret attack Ke Lie?

Why didn't he attack the critically injured Blade's Shadow?

At this moment, Blade Shadow was already at a critical level of health. If he took another attack, he would definitely die.

Enraged Heart, who had already returned home, was still waiting for the 400 yuan to buy equipment.

However, when he saw this scene, he was instantly dumbfounded.

The other people who were watching the situation were also confused. They did not understand what was going on.

" Cheat…again??"

The coquettish man stammered in shock.

Ke Lie typed directly:

" Why aren't you dead????"

A series of question marks indicated his surprise at this matter.


Qin Feng was even more shocked. Using Flash to reset the aggro of the turret, wasn't this the most basic operation?

Even Bronze and Silver players knew about it, alright?

Hence, he said this.

"It's to use Flash to reset the aggro of the turret. The turret won't be able to hit me in the last moment, and you're still within the attack range of the turret.”


"There's such a thing?"

The players were stunned.

They were all a little dumbfounded. They really did not realize this problem.

Moreover, the official description of the Flash skill and the superiority of the defensive tower did not describe this aspect.

Where did you find out?

"Ah, what he said is true!"

Very soon,

Just as everyone was at a loss and puzzled, Qin Feng's teammate, Gragas, suddenly typed: "As expected!"


Qin Feng turned the camera to look at him and was a little speechless.

Victor had already returned home to replenish his equipment, and there was no one in the middle lane. In order to verify Qin Feng's theory, Gragas rushed into the turret's attack range before the minions. After taking two hits, he used Flash and successfully transferred the aggro of the turret to the minions.

"That's great, hahahaha! I've also learned a new and interesting technique!”

Gragas didn't feel any regret for using Flash for no reason. Instead, he looked like he had picked up a bargain.


Even the coquettish man and the ADC were eager to try this feeling.

However, they didn't have Flash, so they had no choice but to give up on this idea.

"Are you crazy? Isn't this a waste of a skill?" Qin Feng asked Gragas as he controlled the male Blade Master to rush back to the middle lane.

"What waste?" " We'll definitely lose this round," Gragas answered without a care." What's the difference between having a Flash or not?”

"Lose? What are you talking about? I'm 2-0. Okay, I'm about to take off!”Qin Feng raised his brows and replied.

Now that his equipment had taken shape, the damage was already there. Next, he just needed to make the 5-Speed Boots, Armor Penetration, and Cooldown Reduction equipment. It could be said that he could kill anyone who stood in his way.

With the other party's fragile lineup, he could cut whoever he wanted and bring the rhythm back in minutes, okay?

However, his teammates were not optimistic.

"The team's record is 2-5. The opponent has more heads than you. "Moreover, the other side has many points. You're the only one who has developed well. The four of us are at a huge disadvantage. We can't continue playing. We'll definitely lose.”

"Could it be that you can defeat the five of them alone?”

His teammates were complaining, telling Qin Feng about the current cold situation, indicating that Qin Feng should calmly accept the current situation.

However, he had to admit,

Admitting defeat just like that?

This was not Qin Feng's style!

"Do you think I can't beat the five of them myself? What if?"




A new book! Today is the weekend, and also Mother's Day. I hope that all the mothers of the readers will have a happy holiday!

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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