Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
12 . The Western Region Archeological Operation Begins!

Wu Tianzhe


Along the way, Ghost Child gave Yu Qian a few hints to make a real move, but he chose to ignore them all.

He still had a mission. As long as he went to collect a few bats, he could exchange them for the Kirin Dry.

What a good deal!

"Yu Qian, we've been walking around for so long. Why are we always in such a broken place?”

After walking for half a day, they found another dead end.

"Brother Qian, I think I stepped on something!”Yanzi suddenly froze on the spot.

"Don't move!" Yu Qian took out the flamethrower from his bag.

"Yanzi, raise your feet!"

At that moment, Yu Qian directly put the bat into his bag.

He brought two Japanese soldiers with him| Official gloves.

"Fatty, Old Hu, help me catch a few bats.”

"Are you crazy? Why are you catching bats?" Old Hu couldn't understand.

Fatty's reaction was more normal." Old Hu, have you forgotten? Yu Qian was just shaving the hair of the corpse. He has this kind of weird habit!”

"If you ask me, you people from the Dou family really know how to play!”

"What nonsense are you talking about? Yu Qian definitely had his own use for catching these.”Old Hu's words seemed to be convincing himself.

"Stop talking nonsense. Are you going to help or not? Don't get in the way!" Yu Qian said impatiently.

"I didn't say I wouldn't help. What are you in a hurry for? I'm looking for tools!”

Looking at the bunch of bats hanging on the ground, if they were alarmed, they would bite.

Yu Qian knocked the floor heavily with the shovel.

chick ~

The bat let out an ear-piercing sound.

A large group of bats suddenly pounced over and surrounded the four of them.

"Yu Qian, your bag is full. How many do you want to catch?”Fatty was catching bats like crazy.

"That's enough. You guys hide behind me.”

Yu Qian picked up the flamethrower and pointed it at the bats.

Hong ~

A ball of fire spewed out, burning all the bats in its path.

A burnt smell filled the air.

"This thing of yours is too fierce. When will you lend it to me to play with?”Fatty stared at the sparger in Yu Qian's hand. After spraying for so long, it seemed that there was basically no fuel left.

"Next time!" Yu Qian said.

Mission accomplished!

The reward for this mission is the designated prize. The reward has been issued!

"Already sent it? Where is it?"

Yu Qian asked the system through his mind.

In the pockets of adventurers, the customers used safe and reliable food packaging.

Yu Qian touched his pocket and found an exquisite packaging box.

"Is this the Kirin Essence?"

Seeing the packaging, Yu Qian was not in a hurry to open it. He would open it after he left.

Adventurer, do you want to leave first?

"No, I won't go back this time.”

He had only been here for a few hours, so there was no point in going back now.

"Let's go!" Yu Qian prepared to leave.

"Brother Qian, you don't want your bag anymore?" Yanzi reminded.

Yu Qian looked at the bag in disgust. There were still a few bats in it. Just thinking about it now made him feel disgusted.

He might as well throw the entire bag away.

"No, let's go back!"

Fatty and Old Hu looked at each other, feeling a little baffled.

"You said you wanted to collect bats just now, but now you don't need to?”

Seeing Fatty's sullen expression, Yu Qian took out a bag of money from his bag." I'll treat you to a restaurant when we get back. I'll give you enough mutton!"”

"That's more like it!" Fatty followed with a smile.

After they left, they first found a place to bury the two children.

Yu Qian handed two pieces of jade to Fatty and Old Hu." One for each of you!”

The jade wasn't worth much. He had taken the mask, so there was no need to take the jade with him.

"Why do you have this?"

"The two of you dropped it on the way, so I picked it up.”

Yu Qian casually found an excuse.


After the trip to Rushing Bull Mountain, Fatty and Old Hu ran to the antique shop on Golden Cliff excitedly.

Sitting opposite Jinya, Fatty subconsciously stared at Jinya's big golden tooth and told him about his experience in Rushing Bull Mountain.

Jin Ya picked up a pair of jades on the table, looked at them carefully, and put them down casually.

"Master Fatty, do you want to hear the truth?"

"These jades are so beautiful. Fortunately, they are worth some money in a pair. Look at the moth pattern on them. The ancients used moths to fly into the fire to describe the bravery of a warrior, so this jade is usually rewarded to brave soldiers!”

"Then what is valuable? I saw that the dumpling had a black mask on its face, and then there was this jade!”

"Mask? Where is it?" Jin Ya was interested in that mask.

"Usually, as long as it has black rust on it, it's most likely gold. Where's the mask now?”

Fatty gritted his teeth and stomped his feet angrily.

Yu Qian looked at Fatty and immediately said,""I think that mask must be made of copper!”

"Yes, I think it's copper too." Old Hu agreed.

"Even if it's copper, it's still valuable!" Jin Ya sighed.”

Dong dong dong ~

Fatty slammed his head against the wall.

"Golden-tooth, look at Fatty. He's about to commit suicide. Hurry up and introduce us to some money-making jobs so that we can calm down and at least broaden our horizons!”

Yu Qian knew that Golden Cliff's Ren Meridian was wide, so there must be many ways.

Fatty also stopped after hearing this." Yu Qian is right. If we knew what was valuable, we wouldn't have come back empty-handed next time!”

Jinya thought about it carefully and thought of something.

"The three of you don't have to say anything. There's really such a thing that suits the three of you.”

"What is it?" Old Hu's interest was piqued.

Jin Ya slowly said," Recently, our country is organizing an archaeological expedition to the Western Regions. The sponsor is the daughter of a tycoon in the United States. The leader is a professor with the surname Cheng. He's my father's friend!

What they lacked right now was a person who knew about Tianxing Feng Shui to be their guide!”


Seeing so many friends giving me flowers, I'm too slow to say how much I'll add!

But as long as everyone supports me, I will try my best to write as much as possible!

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