Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
19 . Reward leveled up again, additional reward obtained

Wu Tianzhe


When he reached the eighth level of the Demon Pagoda, Yu Qian heard the system notification again.

Adventurer has collected more than 100 Fireflies. The reward has increased again! Adventurer, please choose your reward.


[Reward 1: Obtain the power of the Silent Cavalry General]

[Reward 2: Obtain Overlord's Power and upgrade to Overlord Bloodline]

"Wait a moment, I'll look for something on this floor!”

There were fireflies all around him, so it wasn't a suitable place to make a choice.

Stepping into the ninth level of the Monster Pagoda.

A coffin lay quietly in the middle.

He looked around. This floor had the most dead bodies.

There were many dead people kneeling around the coffin.

The surroundings were filled with abyssal characters. Yu Qian walked to the coffin and pulled out his knife to open it.

Rustling sounds could be heard from all directions.

"I don't care so much. Open it and take a look first!”In for a penny, in for a pound, he prepared to open the coffin.



With a crisp sound, Yu Qian slowly pushed open the coffin lid.

A dried corpse lay quietly in the coffin.

The race of the ancient Demon Nation was the Abyssal Race, which later ruled the Golden Sense Nation.

Burial objects. Yu Qian immediately prepared to search for the burial objects inside.

Rustle ~

Inadvertently, Yu Qian suddenly saw a green corpse monster crawling out from the side.

"There are actually corpse beetles here?"

He didn't expect that after clearing the fireflies crawling on the surface, there would still be corpse beetles here.

Yu Qian looked at his palm.

He had just eaten the Kirin Fruit. In order to save trouble, he would let it bleed!

He gently cut his hand with the knife, and blood slowly flowed out.

He sprinkled his blood all around.

The group of zombie beetles looked as if they had seen a ghost. They suddenly hid and disappeared.


Only now did Yu Qian have the time to observe the things in the coffin.

"Why is there only one necklace?" He looked at the coffin carefully. There was indeed only a gold necklace inlaid with jade.

"Could it be that the funerary objects are not on this level? Or had it already been taken away by someone else?”

Looking at the corpses outside just now, there were indeed some bold ones who would try to run up.

However, this necklace and the rings and bracelets on the other corpses just now, Yu Qian basically took them away without hesitation.

After putting it into the bag, it moved slightly, making a tinkling sound.

The harvest this time was not bad!

"System, send me back immediately."

is transmitting

After the system notification, Yu Qian disappeared from the ninth floor of the Demon Pagoda.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the place where he lived

Returning to his own home, Yu Qian opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of cold beer.


"System, the Overlord's Power you mentioned, is it Xiangyu's power? What was so special about his bloodline?”

In history, the tomb of Qin Shihuang was dug up by Xiang Yu. Some people said that the tomb was fake, while others said that he transported out carts of treasures.

The Xie Ling Sect also regarded Xiang Yu as their ancestor, imitating the method that Xiang Yu had used to lead his people to dig graves.

Chu Overlord Xiang Yu had the strength of nine bulls in one hand. He was a rare expert. If his bloodline power was fused with the adventurer's body, it would evolve into an even more powerful bloodline!

Everyone often said,'The king is but Xiang, the general is but Li.' The king referred to the Overlord of West Chu.

Yu Qian nodded in satisfaction.

However, the process of upgrading his bloodline was not that pleasant.

At least, Yu Qian's distorted facial features immediately explained the problem.

"It hurts!"


When Yu Qian woke up again, it was already 48 hours later.

He glanced at his phone. When he was taking selfies in the Monster Tower, his phone's battery was almost used up.

After connecting the data cable, the phone was turned on.

He casually posted a selfie of himself in the Kunlun Mountains on his WeChat Moments.

Yu Qian went to the nearby park early in the morning to familiarize himself with his strength.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he raised the fake mountain in the park with one hand.

"It seems to be really easy to lift it up!”Looking at the strength in his hands, Yu Qian felt that it was very easy for him to kill a wild beast.

As for his endurance, it was even more amazing. He didn't even sweat a drop after running ten laps in the park.

One lap in the park was 500 meters, and ten laps were five kilometers. If it was in the past, he would have died on the track after running one lap.


[You have a delivery at the supermarket. The number is 5133. Please go ahead.]

Adventurer's additional reward has been delivered through the current world. Please check it and enter the adventure as soon as possible!

It was the additional reward that the system had mentioned earlier!

When he ran to the supermarket to take the express delivery, Yu Qian accidentally tore the package.

"F * ck, I forgot that I'm a little strong now."

Fortunately, the things inside shouldn't be affected.

It was a cloth bag with a very special color. Yu Qian took out the things inside.

"Golden Talisman?"

"This should be the real Golden Talisman, right?

[Additional reward: A specially made golden talisman that can ward off evil spirits and prevent hallucinations!]

Yu Qian lifted the rope above." This bag is also good stuff, right?”

The bag can strengthen the effect of the Golden Talisman, and the effect will be halved when it is taken out!

"I knew it!"

He put the things back obediently.

Yu Qian put on the gold amulet and smoked a cigarette in the bathroom before setting off on his journey again.

"System, I'm going to the desert this time. Can I apply to come back in the middle?”

There were many good things in the modern world that could be brought to the desert. It would be best if they could come back in the middle!

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