Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
24 . Desert refuge, a strange mission!

Wu Tianzhe


Seeing this, Fatty ran over and untied the camel's reins.

"Hey, old man, your camel wanted to come with us!”

Fatty untied all the camels.

All the camels walked out in an orderly manner and lined up in front of Yu Qian.

"What did you do to my camel? How did my camel become like this?”

The old man looked at the camel's appearance and pulled the camel's reins with heartache.

Yu Qian put down the bone flute." Old Master, we don't have any ill intentions. If you agree, someone will give you a generous reward!"”

After saying that, he reached out and pulled Shirley in front of him.

Xue Li felt uncomfortable being grabbed and immediately shook off her hand. However, she still smiled at the old man and said,"He's right. As long as you can lead us to the Golden Desert in this windy season, the reward won't be a problem!”

"Old Master, did you hear that?"

"Did you hear that? If we have money, we're friends. We'll set off immediately after my camel is full!”

The old master finally agreed under the threat and temptation.

"Thank you!"

Before Xue Li could hear him clearly, she had already turned around and walked away.

At the hotel, Yu Qian called Old Hu and Fatty over.

"Did you bring the small bottle?" Yu Qian asked.

"Why are we bringing that thing? Is this thing in your bottle poisonous?”

Fatty stared at the dark green water in the bottle and was shocked.

"You guys just don't know what's good for you. This is a good thing that I got with great difficulty!”

"Is the Jinjue Nation really as evil as you say?”Old Hu didn't believe it.

After all, they had received modern education, especially in their era. They didn't believe in those things.

Yu Qian briefly explained the curse of the Golden Sense Nation and the Abyss to them.

"Wait, you're saying that Cher and her mother are cursed so they won't live past forty?

You mean, if we go, we'll be cursed too?”

Fatty took a deep breath.

"Old Hu, why don't we not go?”

"What are you afraid of? Didn't Xiao Qian say that the thing in his hand could prevent that curse!”

Old Hu had absolute trust in Yu Qian. After all, in his memory, they were brothers who had gone through life and death for so many years.

Moreover, they were cousins.

"Let me finish first. There's actually a key thing missing here, which is the black snake's gallbladder that I mentioned before!”

"Alright, we'll remember what you said. Our lives depend on you!”

Old Hu and Fatty each patted Yu Qian's shoulder.


The old man didn't go back on his word. After the camels had eaten and drunk their fill, he set off with his men.

Because he knew that even if he didn't set off, Yu Qian would bring his camel along.

On the first day of the journey, everyone was in high spirits.

"This desert doesn't look that dangerous!”

"That's right. Look, this desert is simply too beautiful!”

"That's right. I feel like we're going on a vacation ~"


Hearing the reckless discussion of the archeological team, Yu Qian pursed his lips.

During the first break, Xiao Ye washed her hands with water. Yu Qian saw all of this.

They were probably the only ones who could think of the luxury of washing their hands in the desert.

Three days passed peacefully.

But on the morning of the fourth day.

The old man had just woken up and was staring at the sky. His face did not look too good.

"Old Master, it's not a good sign to see such a red morning glow, right?”

Yu Qian looked at the blood-red morning glow on the horizon and thought of an old saying.

"The morning glow doesn't go out, but the evening glow travels thousands of miles!”

The old man picked up the blanket and knelt down to pray devoutly.

Staring at the dark sky, Yu Qian reminded,""Old Master, the weather has changed. Hurry up and leave!”

"The black storm is coming. If we don't run now, we'll lose our lives!”The old man climbed onto the camel and ran.

"What's going on so early in the morning?”Fatty rode his camel and caught up.

"Fatty, you and Old Hu go and ask the others to follow. The black sandstorm is coming!”

The surroundings were silent, but this old man was very afraid of death. He would not joke about this matter.

"Everyone, leave quickly! The black sandstorm is coming!"

Everyone hastened their journey, and the sandstorm became fiercer and fiercer.

Just as the old man had said, the black sandstorm was coming.

During the escape, the archeological team's stamina could not keep up, and they even took a few minutes to rest.

At the critical moment, the camel suddenly stopped.

"Old man, why is the camel not moving?”Old Hu, who was beside him, was puzzled.

Yu Qian looked at the quiet appearance of these camels and then looked at the sandstorm that was about to blow over.

"The camels are afraid. They think that running is useless, so they might as well stay where they are. At least they can retain some strength!”

"Are we really going to wait for death here?”Fatty looked unwillingly at the camel who was unwilling to walk anymore.

Yu Qian took out his binoculars and looked around.

Not far away, he saw a wall.

"Everyone, follow me. I found a place to hide from the storm!”

After saying that, he pulled the camel and walked over.

He walked all the way to the back of the wall and finally blocked most of the storm.

"There's a house up ahead where we can hide!”Yu Qian found a suitable shelter.

Suddenly, a clear notification sounded in his ear.

Mission 6 released!

A client wants Old Hu and all the members of the archeological team's autographs. Adventurers, please collect them as soon as possible!


Yesterday, she was in a bad state and was afraid that she would write worse, so she didn't write much.

If the flowers exceed 700 today, I'll add one more. Thank you for your support!

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