Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
26 . The auspicious star was shining, there must be a great tomb here!

Wu Tianzhe


"Hu ~"

"Hu ~"

"I'm too tired. We've run so far. Everyone, take a rest first!”

After carefully checking the things, Yu Qian realized that they had left a lot of things behind when they were running away.

Water was especially important. Losing it would definitely kill one in the desert.

Old Hu and the old man observed the surroundings from the front.

Looking at the old man's confused expression, he was afraid that even he could not tell the direction.

"We might have gone in the opposite direction!”The old man stared at the sand around him and his mind went blank.

Everyone took out a map and gathered together to study the direction.

Yu Qian took out his compass.

"Everyone, stop discussing. We were running along the south side just now.”

"Little Yu Tong, how can you be so sure that it's the south?”

Yu Qian raised the compass in his hand." When you were running just now, I paid attention to the compass a few times along the way!”

He walked to the map, took out a pencil, and drew a simple route on the map.

He pointed to the start of the line| He nodded.| Just like you said, we hid here from the sandstorm, and then the army ants appeared and started running south.”

Recalling the direction and logical reasoning, Yu Qian quickly found the exact location of everyone.

Yu Qian walked to the old man's side and said,"Old Master, there should be a water source nearby, right?”

"On the way to escape just now, they lost more than half of their water. We need to replenish it before we can continue!”

"Where are we going to find water at this time? Our rations are almost finished. If we're really hungry, we'll kill a camel."

"Shut up, Little Sa. The camel belongs to the old man. Besides, if we kill the camel, none of us will be able to walk out of the desert!”Yu Qian scolded angrily.

"Don't mention this again. I'll solve the problem of water and dry food!”

Yu Qian gently shook his backpack. Along the way, he had only eaten the dry food and water of the archaeological team, and he had not touched the things he brought.

"Old Master, the location I mentioned is the result of repeated deliberation. It shouldn't be wrong. Do you still remember where the water source is?”

Hearing that Yu Qian was trying to protect his camel, the old man's attitude towards him improved a little.

However, he didn't like the archeological team.

The old man raised his hand and pointed in a direction." As for us, we just have to keep walking forward and we'll be able to find that water source!”

"How long will it take to get there from this direction?”

"We should be able to find water in about three days!”With an accurate location, the old man's tone was very certain.

"Alright, everyone, let's set off immediately." Yu Qian rode the camel and followed behind the old man.

"Old Hu, Fatty, go take care of Professor Cheng and Little Ye from the archaeological team. Everyone, hold on a little longer!”

Yu Qian held a compass in his hand. The old man was heading northwest.


"Is this the place?" Yu Qian looked ahead.

There was a cave entrance not far away. There should be a well inside.

Most importantly, there was an ancient tomb under the well.

"It's here, but I'm not sure if there's still water in this well. After all, it's been more than twenty years!”

Old Hu and Fatty went in to investigate first. After confirming that there was water, everyone began to rest on the spot.

The sky gradually darkened.

After everyone boiled the water, Yu Qian took out the vegetables from his bag.

In this era, processed vegetables were rare, but in his world, they could be bought for a few yuan.

"I have some vegetables here. There are carrots, vegetables, and cabbages. You can cook whatever you like!”

Seeing Yu Qian take out his empty vegetables, Shirley silently put away her bag.

"Yu Qian, why do you have such a good thing?”Fatty stared at the slowly boiling vegetables in the pot and asked curiously.

Yu Qian began to explain the origin of his dish. Of course, most of it was made up.

He conveniently took out a few compressed biscuits from his bag. He had been eating large pieces of dried beef from the team along the way and was about to finish them.


"This is a compressed biscuit. As long as you eat a small portion and drink some water, you will be full!”Yu Qian explained simply.

"This is too precious. I didn't expect Little Yu to bring such a precious thing.”

To them, this kind of food was extremely rare.

"I remember that this kind of biscuit is a military biscuit, a food developed by the government, but their craftsmanship has not reached this level!”

Professor Wu took a bite and studied the biscuit." Teacher is right. This biscuit is very rich in ingredients. It should contain all kinds of nutrients that the human body needs!”

"Little Yu Tong, thank you so much. Not only did you let us eat vegetable soup at this time, but you also let us eat such precious biscuits. You're amazing!”

Everyone in the archaeological team looked at Yu Qian with admiration.

Even Fatty and Old Hu were curious.

"Yu Qian, how do you know these things?”Fatty was a little amazed by these magical foods.

Yu Qian patted his shoulder." Read more books and newspapers, eat less snacks and sleep more!”

"Old Hu, come here for a moment!"

After calling Old Hu to the side, Yu Qian took out the compass and pointed around.

"Old Hu, look around. Do you see anything?”

Old Hu looked around carefully. There was nothing but sand and dusk.

Yu Qian sighed." Look at the compass. If I'm not wrong, when the sky is completely dark, the Giant Door Star, the Left Assistant Star, and the Right Pilate Star in the sky will resonate with this well at the same time!"

In the middle, there was the Sun Star and the Moon Star!”

Old Hu took out his compass and stared at the stars in the sky.

"You're right, the dried armor is in the water vein.”

He took a deep breath." There's a tomb here!”



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