Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
29 . The ancient corpse was resurrected! The sixth watch! Collection!

Wu Tianzhe


Everyone was rushing along the way. When everyone was resting at night, Yu Qian had already filled two buckets of water.

And this was less than one-tenth of the water in his cup.

"Professor, I see that your bucket is quite heavy. Are you sure you've finished drinking the water?”

"Little Yu Tong, don't joke about this now. Our water supply has already bottomed out since yesterday!”

Professor Cheng's legs were completely dry. He was so dispirited that he couldn't even stand steadily.

"Professor Cheng, what Brother Yu said is true. We still have a lot of water in the bucket!”

The two professors suddenly became spirited. After checking, they found that there was still water. Everyone stopped using the shovels in their hands.

"Sister Xue Li, I need to go to the toilet. Come with me!”Xiao Ye said embarrassedly.


Xue Li greeted Yu Qian, who was currently in charge of leading the team." I'm going to do something with Xiao Ye. I'll be back in a while!"”

"Be careful." Yu Qian glanced at Xiao Ye beside him.

Xiao Ye was a little embarrassed by his stare.

In this era, not many people would stare at a girl so directly.

"Help, someone come quickly!"

A few minutes after he left, he heard Cher's cry for help.

Yu Qian rushed over immediately and saw that Little Ye had fallen into a pit, only revealing the part above her shoulder.

He grabbed Xiao Ye's arm and pulled her out.

However, the awkward thing was that it might have happened too suddenly.

Little Ye accidentally exposed herself.

The situation was a little awkward. There was still a pool of water on the ground that had not completely dried up.

Seeing that Yu Qian had discovered something, Xiao Ye's face turned red.

Yu Qian walked over directly." There seems to be space under this pit!”

He took the shovel and started digging.

When Old Hu and the others arrived, they went back to get shovels and dug up the sand on the surface.

Looking at the traces outside, Yu Qian said,""This place was blown up by explosives!"

"That's right, and it's responsible for exploding.| The one who broke it was an expert. Judging from the traces, it was probably a foreign product!”

Old Hu followed him down. There were still unused bombs on the ground.| Medicine.

"Yu Qian, Old Hu, someone seems to have been here!”

Most of the coffins in the tomb were empty, leaving only a dried corpse that had not been taken away.

"This dried corpse is even more terrifying than an ordinary corpse!”

The female corpse in front of him stretched out her hands from the coffin, and her expression was extremely distorted. If she was in this state, the coffin lid would not be able to be closed.

Fatty was also kind. He broke off the corpse's hand and closed the coffin.

There was a corpse beside a pillar not far away.

"Look." Yu Qian stood in front of the corpse." This corpse was tied to a pillar with iron chains!”

"Aren't you curious why?”Just as Fatty was about to walk over, he was pulled back by Yu Qian.

"Fatty, don't go over yet!"

The tomb was dimly lit. Although it was in the desert, there was a strange shade.

"Do you hear the sound of nails scratching?”

This place was too strange.

According to Yu Qian's understanding, such a strange thing should not have happened in this place.

Bang ~

Only then did a hand reach out from the coffin.

It was a withered hand with dried blood on the fingernails.

"The corpse has changed ~"

Fatty retreated.

"Give me the chains!" Yu Qian closed the coffin lid with force.

In terms of strength, a small zombie could not compare to his Overlord's Power.

"Tie up the coffin!"

Old Hu and Fatty worked together to tie the coffin tightly.

"What do we do now?" Fatty stared at the coffin and heard the sound of nails scratching.



"This sound is too f * cking ear-piercing. Why don't we just use explosives to kill this dumpling?”Fatty picked up a bag of fried food from the ground.| Medicine.

"Where's Professor Cheng? Ask the two professors for their opinions!"

Old Hu ran out to get the two professors.

After Professor Cheng and Professor Wu came over, they stood beside the coffin for a long time without saying a word.

"Teacher, if I hadn't heard from Little Sa and the others, I would have suspected that there was a living person locked up inside!”

"Should I open it and take a look?"

"You can't open it. Once someone is scratched, they will immediately turn into corpses!”

Yu Qian immediately stopped them from opening the coffin.

Speaking of corpse transformation, he looked at the other corpse beside him.

The corpse raised its head. This guy had f * cking gotten up!

"Quick, send the two professors away.”

Fatty pushed the two professors away.

"Xiao Qian, hurry up. I can't hold him down anymore!”Old Hu pressed down on the zombie monster.

Yu Qian walked over with a knife." Old Hu, move aside!”


He raised his hand and slashed down.

Crack! Kaka!

The corpse that had turned into a corpse was directly removed.

"Throw him into the coffin."

Yu Qian had filled the ground with explosives.

"Let's go! Old Hu, she couldn't let this thing remain in this world.”

"You're right. If this thing ran out just now and bit or scratched one of them, it would be troublesome!”


Boom! Boom!

After the two of them left, the tomb behind them was directly blasted into pieces, and the surroundings instantly collapsed.

"Let's go, we'll continue setting off!"

After Yu Qian studied the map, he continued to lead the way.

They were really not far from the Golden Sense Nation ruins.

On the way, no one mentioned the Western Jin Dynasty tomb again.

When it was noon, the old man suddenly stopped and got off the camel.

"I can't go any further. I can't see any traces of the underground river!”

Hearing the old man's words, Yu Qian suddenly perked up." You just said that you couldn't find any traces of the underground river?”

Yu Qian stood on the camel and took out his binoculars.

As expected, he saw two huge black mountains not far away.

"We're here!" Yu Qian revealed a faint smile.

This place was already considered within the territory of the Ancient Gold Sense Kingdom.



This book comes。

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