Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
36 . A foreign world in the abyss

Wu Tianzhe


Was it an illusion?

Yu Qian turned around and looked at the coffin behind him.

The eyes were indeed open. This pair of eyes that was rumored to be able to control another dimension.


The image of an eye appeared in the air.

A group of soldiers wearing strange clothes walked out of the void.

He was wearing broken armor and holding a spear in his hand. There was no blood on his face, but a hollow skull.

"The legends of the Abyss are true? This is their alternate dimension?"

These seemingly unconscious ghost soldiers were the people of the Ancient Gold Sense Nation who had been resurrected in the abyss!

Yu Qian was directly surrounded by a group of tall ghost soldiers with terrifying eyes and knives in their hands.

At this moment, the three of them, who had just walked out, suddenly returned.

"Brother Hu, the Professor and the others should still be inside!”

Little Sa and Cui Jian pulled Little Ye back to the edge of the abyss.

Old Hu looked at the abyss." Why do I feel like a gust of wind is blowing?”

"Why do I hear the sound of an army?”

Fatty was afraid of heights and did not dare to go too close.

"There's a door up ahead. The Professor and the others might have gone inside!”Little Sa rushed into the abyss like a madman.

"Then let's go find the professor together!”

"Let's go and take a look!"

The three of them rushed into the abyss in front of Old Hu and Fatty.

Before Old Hu could stop him, he had already disappeared.

"Did the three of them just disappear?”

"Old Hu, hurry up and find where Yu Qian is. Let's leave this place as soon as possible. This place is too f * cking strange!”

Yu Qian, who was standing next to the coffin, slashed a ghost soldier to pieces, and then another one immediately came to replace it.

"There's no way to kill them all!"

The ghost soldiers here were just like the long-faced ghost soldiers behind the bronze gate of the Changbai Mountains. They were endless.

He looked at the Golden Sense Queen behind him. Although her eyes were open, she was still dead.

"It's so troublesome even though he's already dead!" Yu Qian frowned, pulled out his knife and changed direction to cut the coffin.

pfff ~

This cut the flower in half.


The other blade struck the divine wood, cutting a large crack in the coffin.

The wind suddenly stopped!

The Golden Sense Queen closed her eyes again.

The ghost soldiers also disappeared. Yu Qian looked around, and the movements in the abyss returned to silence.

"Are you scared?" He looked at the crack on the coffin.

If he destroyed the coffin, the Golden Sense Queen's corpse would probably begin to rot in the blink of an eye and slowly turn into a dried corpse.

"Yu Qian, so you're here?"

Standing far away, Fatty looked at Yu Qian, who was standing beside the coffin." The one beside you is the coffin of the Golden Sense Queen?"”

"Is this the corpse of the Golden Sense Queen? What about Professor Cheng and the others?"

When Old Hu realized that there was only one person here, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Then Xue Li must be fine. If anything happens, who will we get the money from?”

Fatty suddenly began to worry about the compensation for the three of them.

"They ran into the passage over there. You should be able to find them if you go over now!”

Yu Qian pointed in a direction to Fatty and Old Hu.

"What are they doing there?" Old Hu couldn't understand. There was nothing there." I'll go take a look. Wait for me here!"”

Yu Qian and Fatty followed him inside.

On the way back, they bumped into the two professors and Shirley.

Ever since the Corpse Fragrant Kojac was cut into two by Yu Qian, everything around him had become much more normal.

"Little Yu, where are Little Sa and the others?" Professor Cheng and the others had just come out and asked worriedly.

"Professor Cheng, let's leave this place first!”

Old Hu suddenly didn't know how to explain this to the two professors.

"Where did Yu Qian go?"

Xue Li realized that Yu Qian's figure seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

Fatty was puzzled." He was just beside us a moment ago, but he disappeared in the blink of an eye. Could it be that he also ran into that door?"”

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense. Little Qian should have gone inside!”

As if confirming Old Hu's words, Yu Qian walked out with a notebook in his hand.

"Why is there a notebook inside?”Professor Wu couldn't believe it when he saw the notebook.

"Let's leave this place first!"

Everyone returned the way they came.

As for Little Ye and the other two, they had completely disappeared, leaving no traces behind.


The old man was very trustworthy. He had been waiting outside the ancient city and had not taken a step closer to it.

"Where did Little Sa and the others go? Can you tell me the truth now?”

Professor Cheng realized that there was no trace of the three students at all and had already guessed something.

Old Hu and Fatty recounted the scene when they saw the three of them rush towards the Otherworld's door.

Professor Cheng's face turned pale and he could not stand steadily.

"If it's an imaginary space, then it's the real imaginary space. I guessed wrong. That abyss isn't the Foreignland, but the entrance to the Foreignland!!”

"Then, did Little Sa and the others go to another unknown world?”

Professor Cheng nodded, his face full of sadness.

Professor Wu remained silent most of the time.

The swollen wound that Yu Qian had left on his face before was not suitable for him to say too much.

"Yu Qian, what's that notebook in your hand?”

Everyone's eyes were focused on the notebook in his hand.

Yu Qian put down the notebook." The content recorded in this notebook is about the truth of the Taklama race being cursed!”


Yu Qian nodded." Everyone who has come into contact with the Otherworld will have an eye pattern on their back. These people will suffer from a disease that can cause the rapid loss of iron elements in the blood. They usually won't live past forty years old!”

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