Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
42 . The Activated Water Qilin

Wu Tianzhe


"I'm afraid this storm will continue for a few more days. Everyone, go and rest!”

Rest naturally referred to sleep, but the waves on the sea kept rolling, and the ship was shaking violently at all times.

How could he rest in this situation?

One of the people in charge of driving the boat got off." Even if you encounter such a situation, you have to rest well to maintain your strength. Otherwise, even if the storm stops, you'll be exhausted!”

He demonstrated to the others and tied himself up firmly." Here, just like me, you can sleep after you fix yourself in place. You're all university students from the capital, so you might not be used to it, but it's okay. You just have to get used to it!”

After the crew members finished their introductions, they returned to their seats.

The ship needed someone to steer it at all times. The archeologists were better at fighting in reverse, but they probably didn't have the energy and stamina to be responsible for steering the ship at all times.

"Everyone, follow what he said just now and go rest. Even if we want to find the sunken ship, we have to wait for the storm to stop before we can find it.”

Everyone agreed with her.

"Let's go, Old Hu. Let's experience this special resting method!”

Fatty was also very curious about their unique way of resting on the ship.

After making arrangements for the rest of the team, Wenjin went to rest.

"Wenjin, you should go rest too!”Wu San Xing reminded.

"Have you seen Yu Qian? I really don't think I saw him come over just now!”

Wen Jin thought about it carefully and realized that Yu Qian did not go to rest with her. She turned around and wanted to call Yu Qian back.

"Wenjin, you should go rest first! That kid is older than us. He definitely knows to conserve his strength!”

Seeing that Wenjin was about to leave, Wu San Xing immediately stood up again.

At this moment, Yu Qian walked out from inside." You're looking for me?”

"Yes, everyone went to rest. Captain found that you weren't there and was about to look for you!”

Seeing Yu Qian appear, Wu San Xing rolled his eyes.

Wen Jin took Yu Qian to the other side and showed him how to rest before she went to rest.

As he watched Wenjin leave, Yu Qian looked at the place where the sea monkey was kept.

Since everyone was resting, shouldn't it be time for the Sea Monkey to submit his quest?

Even if the others found out that the sea monkey was gone, he could say that it had run away on its own.

"System, I want to hand in the mission!"

Mission completed. Please select your reward!

[Reward 1: Obtained the ability to dive in the deep sea, lung capacity increased by ten times!]

[Reward 2: Grants special power to the water qilin tattoo. Adventurers can increase their speed and strength in the water, but their lung capacity can only be increased by five times!]

To make this choice, Yu Qian first had to confirm one thing. How long could he hold his breath?

If he had known how to swim before he met the system, his lung capacity would have been able to support him for about two minutes.

"We'll know after we try!"

He found a basin and threw a bucket tied to a rope beside the boat to get water.

Plop ~

Yu Qian directly soaked half of his head in the basin.

time passed slowly

Hua ~

When he really couldn't hold it in anymore, he raised his head.

"Ten minutes? That long? Can a normal person hold their breath for so long?"

In his plane, only a few people who challenged the limits could do it. Some could even do it for twenty minutes.

But that was just another case.

"10 minutes, five times stronger, that means 50 minutes?”This time, he could apply for a world record.

He had already decided.

"System, I choose reward 2. Help me activate the water qilin tattoo!”

When he first saw this tattoo, he thought it might be a water qilin. It was originally just a self-deprecating sentence, but he didn't expect it to come true!

Wen Jin had already gone to rest, but she vaguely heard Yu Qian's voice.

He was a little worried and decided to go take a look.

However, when she walked to the resting spot that she had arranged for Yu Qian, she saw a naked man rising up.

Not only that, she also saw fierce muscles and obvious abdominal muscles.

She was a little shy when she saw this, but her attention was still on the tattoo.

It was the first time she had seen such a tattoo.

In this special era, even men could not be topless.

"Wenjin? Why are you here?" Yu Qian looked up and saw Wen Jin standing not far away.

She had seen the process of activating his tattoo just now.

His mind kept thinking about how to explain this problem. After all, his body was still glowing just now, so it was not easy to explain.

"I heard your voice just now, so I was worried and came over to take a look. I didn't expect you to be naked."

This time, her attention returned to Yu Qian. Her face was really red!

"Just now, the sea monkey ran away. I chased him outside and took the clothes.”

"I see!" Wenjin nodded. If that was the case, then it was completely understandable.

Yu Qian also explained to her for a long time about the glowing tattoo.

However, seeing Wenjin's expression when she left, it was obvious that she didn't believe it. However, she couldn't think of a better explanation so she could only believe it.

"This ship is so bumpy. I can't sleep well at all!”

After confirming that there was no one around, he said in his mind,"System, send me back first!"

After returning home, Yu Qian finally realized the happiness of sleeping on land.

This book comes。

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