Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
45 . The legendary elixir of immortality

Wu Tianzhe



A door opened at the side. Xie Lianhuan saw it and immediately went inside.

"Third Brother, I'll go in and take a look first!”

"Hey, wait a moment!" When Wu San Xing saw him enter, he did not have the time to stop him, but he already felt that something was wrong.

In the corner, Yu Qian began to calculate according to the arrangement of the Yin Yang Feng Shui secret technique, the Qimen Dunjia commonly used in tombs.

"No, the order and mechanism of this and that bronze mirror are completely reversed!”

The doors in Qimen Dun Jia referred to rest, life, injury, Du, scene, death, shock, and open.

However, if they entered according to the order of the bronze mirrors, the place that was originally the Gate of Life would become the Gate of Death.

"Someone tampered with this place?" Yu Qian stared at Qi Yu in the dark. He was still so calm.

This matter should be related to him or the people behind him.

Could it be that the robbery was a trap that they had set up in advance?

Wu San Xing did the opposite and chose to enter the Death Door.

Seeing Wu San Xing enter the Door of Death, Qi Yu suddenly turned around and went to the other tombs.

Yu Qian looked at his back and whispered to himself,""Why is he so familiar with this place?"

It could even be said that it was as familiar as his own home.

If he didn't transmigrate to this plane like him, then he already knew about the situation of this underwater tomb in advance.

He didn't know what Qi Yu was going to do in the other tombs, but he was looking for Wang Canghai's elixir.

Wang Canghai had not refined the Elixir of Immortality himself. He had found it somewhere else. He had left it here to help him study the secret of immortality.

The Gate of Life opened!

Yu Qian directly rushed into the Life Gate.

The door was immediately closed. Standing in the passage, he could clearly hear the sound of someone digging.

The person who just came in was Xie Lianhuan. This commotion must be him poaching.

The walls on both sides of the passage began to shrink.

"This is the real Death Gate. There's definitely no path ahead!”

Yu Qian raised his head and looked up." Staying down there is certain death, but that might not be the case. Xie Lianhuan is quite smart. He knows how to run up there!”

Looking at this thief, Yu Qian could not help but admire him. This Xie Lianhuan was really an expert. In such a short period of time, he did not know where he had been dug up.

Yu Qian followed them all the way in.


A drop of water suddenly fell on his shoulder.

"How can there be water here?"

"Yi ~~~"

The weak voice made people's scalps go numb, and their bodies were covered in goosebumps.

The sound of water splashing could be heard from behind him!

Something was wrong. There seemed to be something behind him. Yu Qian turned his head and saw a lock of hair!

Long hair?

Wasn't this a forbidden woman?

It should have been outside the sunken ship just now. Could it be another forbidden woman?

Yu Qian took out his lighter.

The golden talisman suddenly fell out of his collar.

The forbidden granny encountered the golden talisman and suddenly retreated.

"Yes, this is not an ordinary gold talisman!”

To deal with something like the Forbidden Granny, one couldn't just use brute force like the sea monkey.

The Golden Talisman and the fire made the Forbidden Granny hide far away.

Hearing the sound disappear, Yu Qian heaved a sigh of relief. This evil thing was really troublesome!

Squatting on the spot, the sound of digging in front had already stopped.

"Could it be that we've found a place?" Yu Qian guessed.

Passing through the long corridor, Yu Qian saw a line of scribbled words halfway.

He seemed to have mentioned Wu San Xing.

He didn't have time to look. There was a faint light at the end of the tunnel.

"Third brother, are you trying to harm me on purpose?”

Yu Qian stayed in the room and heard Xie Lianhuan's questioning voice outside.

"Why would I deliberately harm you? Just now, you were the one who snatched the first life gate. I felt that something was wrong. You were already gone!”

"You're not lying to me?"

Xie Lianhuan thought about it carefully. It seemed like it was true. Perhaps it was really a misunderstanding.

"Then what is this place?" Xie Lianhuan held the flashlight in his hand and began to observe the things in the tomb.

"Look, there are murals here!" Wu San Xing stared at the murals on the wall.

"This is Changbai Mountain? What was drawn on it?”

"This is the legendary Immortal Palace built by Wang Canghai. However, the clothes of these people don't look like the clothes of the Central Plains people of the Ming Dynasty!”

The two of them stared at the murals on the wall and felt that it was getting stranger and stranger.

Yu Qian had already sneaked up from below and was hiding in a hidden corner.

With his night vision, he could see that the murals were not like them, which required the help of a flashlight.

However, unlike Wu San Xing and Xie Lian Huan, Yu Qian understood the true meaning of the mural at a glance.

The reason why the Immortal Palace was called the Immortal Palace was because the place was like a fairyland. It was surrounded by clouds all year round, so it was called the Immortal Palace.

The minority on it was the people of Dong Xia Country. The founder of Dong Xia Country was Pu Xian Wannu.

According to his calculations, he was from the same period as Wanyan Aguda.

Wang Canghai had helped them build the Immortal Palace because he had been kidnapped.

They would be able to find out about this secret when they found the three bronze fish left behind by Wang Canghai in the next twenty years.

While they were observing and studying the Immortal Palace, Yu Qian went straight to the tomb next door.

A large coral tree appeared in front of him.

"The quality of this coral is ordinary. It's probably not as valuable as any porcelain jar in this tomb!”

On the other hand, the bronze ware on the coral was very unique.

He knocked the bronze bell.

"This is the bronze artifact that can cause hallucinations?”

Yu Qian didn't forget that hallucinations didn't work on him.

However, he found some pills beside him.

"This is the immortal pill that can produce immortality?”Yu Qian looked at this thing and couldn't help but want to eat one.

This book comes。

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