Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
47 . Nine people, ten silhouettes

Wu Tianzhe


"Everyone, don't get too excited. Old Hu just told me that he has already calculated the location of the underwater tomb!”

Everyone's eyes were focused on Old Hu.

Old Hu said confidently,""The landscape of the mountains and rivers is the work of nature. Since this tomb is buried in water, it means that the owner of the tomb lacks water in the five elements.

Yu Qian and I just saw the underwater structure map here!”

Old Hu looked at Yu Qian beside him.

Yu Qian nodded, took out the archeological team's map, and drew a circle on it.

"If I'm not wrong, it's at this position on the ground!”Yu Qian pointed at the place where he drew the circle." There should have been a trench here. After the tomb owner was buried, it was directly filled up. There is a mountain to the east, and it is surrounded by reefs."

"He actually filled it up? How powerful was the tomb owner when he was alive? He was actually so generous?”

"I think it's very likely that he's Shen Wansan's son!”

"I think so too. Shen Wansan is so rich. It's not strange that his son's tomb is luxurious!”

The archeologists kept guessing.

Wu San Xing stood among the archeological team and looked at the spot that Yu Qian had circled.

He suddenly raised his head and stared at Yu Qian seriously.

The location that Yu Qian pointed to was exactly the same as the place he went to last night.

It was just that everyone's method of finding graves was different, but it had to be said that their method was also quite amazing!

Pa pa ~

Huo Ling listened in a daze for a while, then suddenly clapped her hands subconsciously.

The others also applauded after hearing this.

"Look, there's a person on the reef in front!”

"Could it be Xie Lianhuan?"

Seeing the people on the reef, someone immediately went over to check.

"He's not breathing. He's been dead for a while!”

"What's that in his hand?"

Someone saw the deceased clutching something tightly in his hand.

"It's, it's a bronze fish!" Wen Jin examined the appearance of the bronze fish and felt that it looked very strange.

"Could this be Xie Lianhuan?"

The diving suit he was wearing was exactly the same as the one on the boat. In addition, his face had been smashed. Even his biological mother might not be able to recognize him.

Yu Qian subconsciously glanced at 'Xie Lianhuan' who was behind him. Did Wu San Xing ask him to kill him in the tomb?

"We need to leave someone on the ship to deal with Xie Lianhuan's body!”

"Let me do it!" Qi Yu took the initiative to walk out.

"The rest of us will continue to enter the tomb!" Wen Jin continued to arrange the work.

"Fatty and I will go down and look for the entrance to the sunken ship first. You guys wait here first!”

Old Hu brought his things, and Fatty followed closely behind. The two of them went into the water together.

About half an hour later, Old Hu and Fatty returned to the surface of the sea.

Yu Qian reached out to Old Hu and pulled him up." How is it, Old Hu? Have you found it?"”

"We've found the entrance. This tomb is a shipwreck-style seabed tomb!”

"The sealing soil here is not the soil here, but transported from other places. The area covers an area of more than 8,000 meters! It's really beyond imagination!"

" A sunken ship-type seabed tomb?" The other members of the archeological team looked at Old Hu in confusion.

Other than Yu Qian, who already knew everything in advance and sat quietly at the side drinking, the others were full of curiosity and entered the discussion.

After Old Hu came up, he continued,"This tomb was built on a ship. In other words, the ship was driven to a designated place, and then the ship was directly drilled through and sank to the bottom of the sea.”

"In essence, it's no different from an ordinary tomb!”

The archeological team nodded in understanding.

"Is there a way to enter this underwater tomb?”Wen Jin asked.

"Fatty and I found a pirate cave. We can enter the underwater tomb through the pirate cave!”

"That's great!"

"Wenjin, if that's the case, why don't we all go down together?”

Hearing Old Hu's words, the others immediately revealed excitement.

"There's a burrow underground? Didn't the tomb raiders destroy everything in the tomb?”Wen Jin said worriedly.

She could usually get rid of a lot of local people at home, so she knew very well what kind of people they were.

"Don't worry, this tomb is so big. Ordinary people can't completely destroy this place. Let's go down and take a look first.”

Everyone was about to go down. Wu San Xing finally spoke after listening for so long.

"That's great. Then let's go down together and unveil this mysterious seabed tomb!”Wenjin felt more at ease with his words.

Wen Jin made some notes in her notebook and then put it away, preparing to enter the tomb together.

"We won't encounter anything strange when we go down later, right?”Although Fatty was not afraid of water, he was afraid of ghosts.

"Don't let your imagination run wild. We should believe in science!”Wenjin walked ahead of them.

"In a while, everyone will follow Old Hu, Yu Qian, and the others. Everyone, follow closely and don't fall behind!”

Everyone put on their diving suits and set off together.

In the water, the members of the archaeological team were amazed by the size of the underwater tomb.

The size of this underwater tomb was completely beyond imagination.

Old Hu swam in front while Yu Qian looked around.

In the water, he even felt that he was more agile than on land.

A pitch-black hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

Yu Qian turned around and saw Wenjin's face.

"Why are there ten people in front of us?" she asked, gesturing.”

Yu Qian looked at the figures of the archeologists in front of him. Including Old Hu and Fatty, there should only be nine people.

Yu Qian stared at one of the black voices.

Sea monkey?

There was actually a sea monkey here!


The sea monkey's ghastly face bared its teeth at him.

"Oh, are you fierce to me?"

Yu Qian chased after the sea monkey.

The sea monkey was extremely fast in the water, and Yu Qian did not want to waste time on it.

Seeing the sea monkey disappear, he stopped chasing after it.

Everyone passed through the spring and entered the tomb.

Old Hu lit a lighter and confirmed that the air inside was still breathing. Then, everyone entered the tomb together.

This book comes。

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