Grave Robbing: Starting From Ancient Tombs in the Western Regions
50 . The little dumpling was resurrected!

Wu Tianzhe


"There really was someone just now. It was Wu San Xing. The person who looked in the mirror in front of us is probably Wu San Xing too!”

Huo Ling firmly believed that the person just now was Wu San Xing.

"We'll know when we go over and take a look!"

Zhang Qilin walked at the front while Yu Qian stood behind the archeological team without moving.

"Yu Qian, why aren't you leaving?"

Fatty was about to follow, but seeing that Yu Qian was not moving, he did not move forward.

Wen Jin, who had just entered the room, realized that there were no more people around so she turned around and saw Yu Qian standing outside. She asked in confusion,""Why are the three of you still here?”

"Xie Lianhuan has already met with an accident in our team. If something happens to you guys again, I won't be able to explain it to the leader when I go back!”

Pow! Puff! Puff!

Hearing the sound of someone falling to the ground, Yu Qian was even more certain that someone was playing tricks inside.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

He walked in front. As he passed through the passage, he could hear the sound of water dripping.

This familiar feeling, Yu Qian was too familiar.

"Why is there water dripping down?"

Old Hu touched the water on his neck." Did you get wet?”

He turned around and saw the hair behind him.

"Old Hu, be careful!"

The black hair wrapped around Old Hu.

"This thing is afraid of fire. Hurry up and burn her!”

While Fatty was taking out a lighter, Yu Qian cut his hand again.

The blood splattered on the forbidden woman on Old Hu's body.


After a scream, the hair was ready to escape, but in the end, it did not escape Yu Qian's blood.

Old Hu suddenly felt weak.

"Pui ~" She pulled out a bunch of black hair from his pants. It was a disgusting feeling.

"This forbidden woman is too f * cking disgusting. But Yu Qian, what's with your blood?”

Seeing Yu Qian use his own blood to kill the forbidden woman, the others stared at Yu Qian curiously.

"My blood has the effect of exorcism!" Yu Qian looked at the new wound on his hand.

"Let's go and see how the rest of the team is doing!”

When Yu Qian heard that there was no movement in front of him, he felt that something had happened.

They walked along the passage and did not see anyone along the way. It was the same when they entered the other tombs.

"Where is he? It had only been a short while, and all those people had disappeared?”

Fatty felt as if he had seen a ghost. A few living people had disappeared without a trace.

"Just now, when the others went in, why didn't you, Yu Qian?”

Wen Jin recalled the entire process and it seemed like Yu Qian already knew that something was wrong.

Fatty and Old Hu also stared at him.

"Xiao Cheng is right. While you were standing outside, the others all disappeared!”

Seeing that they were all staring at him, he definitely couldn't tell them the truth.

Perhaps the person Huo Ling saw just now was really Wu San Xing.

He thought for a moment and said," When I was outside just now, I smelled a very strong bone fragrance. It means that there is a forbidden woman inside and it is very close to us!"”

The forbidden granny had indeed appeared just now, and Old Hu had even been fed a mouthful of hair. Thinking of this, he could not help but feel disgusted for a while.

Yu Qian's explanation was basically reasonable, and the three of them basically believed what he said.

They walked back the way they came from. The original tomb had already moved, and Wu San Xing, who was sleeping, had also disappeared.

"This is great. There are only the four of us left in the entire archaeological team!”Fatty clapped his hands helplessly.

People disappeared one after another, and things became more and more strange.

Just as they stood there and studied, Fatty stared at a small coffin inside.

"This coffin is made of red sandalwood, right?”

"Such a small coffin, could it be the child of the tomb owner?"”

"This is the Burial Boy!" Yu Qian explained," The one in the coffin is indeed a child, but he has no blood relationship with the tomb owner. He was just buried with the tomb owner!”

"This is too unprofessional!"

Yu Qian squatted down and looked at the small footprints on the ground.

"What is this?" Wen Jin asked curiously as she stared at the small footprints on the ground.

The footprints were looking in another direction from the coffin. One could easily associate it with the child walking out of the coffin.

"This dumpling is alive?"

"Zongzi is a slang for fighting in reverse. Are you guys fighting in reverse?”Wen Jin immediately became suspicious when she heard Fatty's words.

"That Wu San Xing and Xie Lianhuan, quite a few people in our archeological team have fought against them, so how could it be just the three of us?”

Along the way, Old Hu had been observing the other members of the archeological team, especially Wu Sanxing and Xie Lianhuan.

Master Tufu had been fighting for a long time, and the smell that came from underground could not be concealed.

"That's right. You guys were recommended by Professor Cheng, so there shouldn't be any problems. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have suspected you!”Cheng Wenjin immediately apologized to them.

Yu Qian noticed the small footprints on the ground.

"These footprints are sticky. What is it?”Fatty stared at that thing and wanted to touch it with his hand.

"Fatty, don't move. Those are corpse wax. If you don't find it disgusting, go ahead and touch them!”

Hearing Yu Qian's reminder, Fatty immediately retracted his hand.

"Why didn't we see this baby coffin when we came?”Fatty looked around curiously.

"The decorations next to it are also different. The pregnant woman from before| The murals are gone!"

Everything around them was completely different from before. They could basically confirm that this was not the same place as the one they had come to before.

"Did you see a child at the door?”Fatty stared at the door, feeling that there was a little thing staring at him.

"Do you guys think that child is a zombie or a ghost?”Fatty stared at the door and did not dare to go over.

"Normally, it's impossible to resurrect a waxed corpse. Could there really be a ghost?”

This book comes。

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