Entertainment, my shadow is in the world
15 Zhang Yi was going crazy!

people who


This post was naturally posted by Ye Feng himself. He was originally writing his novel quietly when he suddenly saw a large group of people coming over to his book review section and leaving comments one after another.

The more polite ones would only say that they were passing by, while those with no manners would directly start to curse.

How much money did the author give Fei Teng?

What was the relationship between the author and the Feiteng novel network?

Was the author a smurf account of some great god?

Fake trash.

It could be said that within an hour, both pleasant and unpleasant things exploded in his book review section.

Who was Ye Feng? Revenge must be taken. What kind of gentleman would take revenge? Ten years was not too late. He did not believe this saying. Today's revenge could be avenged today. Why wait until tomorrow?

Therefore, he quietly paid attention to this matter. First, he went to Longkong to observe the situation.

The situation was naturally not clear. Most of the readers did not even look at it and joined the ranks of the trolls.

Ye Feng was very hurt, especially after seeing the leader's previous message. He was even more speechless. This fellow was purely prepared to step on him to get to the top. As long as he fell, he would create another incident. At that time, he would become someone else's stepping stone.

When he saw the editors 'posts, he was even more speechless!! The editor of Feiteng Fictional Network was also poisonous. He still wanted to explain at this time. What was the point of explaining? He should just directly rebuke him!!

He was scolding her right at her doorstep, and she was still being polite to him.

Therefore, Ye Feng created a post himself, and the editor came over to ask. He didn't hesitate at all and admitted that he was the one who posted the thread.

In an instant, everyone's attention was drawn to this place by Ye Feng.

The storm was destined to not stop. Under the last post of Miao Mouthy, everyone was waiting!

They were all waiting for this wonderful mouth to finish reading the book and then start to complain.

Currently, Ye Feng's novel had been updated to chapter 39. According to the time it took to read the novel, it would take at most ten minutes to finish.

Everyone who had read this novel knew. At this time, the main character had already completed the story of breaking off the engagement and met the Drug Lord. With the Drug Lord's help, he had been reborn and had reached level 8. Ye Feng's current chapter was stuck at a cool point.

The good part was that the protagonist had to undergo the coming-of-age ritual again, and everyone in the story was still mocking the protagonist.

A few days ago, he was still a 3-dan Dou Qi trash. So what if he was tested again?

However, the readers knew that the main character had already reached 8 Duan Qi. In other words, the main character was about to be slapped in the face.

If this incident hadn't happened, the comments section of Ye Feng's novel would have been filled with requests for updates.

Now, the building was also slanted. The initial few hundred floors had now collapsed to more than four thousand floors. It had only been a few hours. How many people would know if the matter had been brewing for 24 hours?

No one knew about this, but what they knew was that everyone was waiting for the post from Miao Mouthy.


"F * ck!"

Zhang Yi smoked a cigarette and opened the web page. After glancing at the introduction, he couldn't help but say two words.

If not for the author's post, he would never read this book.

But now that things had come to this, if he didn't read this novel, he would really be labeled as a low-level troll.

One had to know that trolls were also divided into three, six, and nine grades. Those who were good at trolls had a poisonous tongue and vicious eyes. If he didn't spit it out well, he would be a brainless retard. He didn't want to be a retard, so even if he had a million reasons, he still clicked on the first chapter.

"Dou Zhi Qi, Stage 3."

Zhang Yi read novels very quickly. After so many years, he had long reached the ability to read ten lines at a glance.

When he saw the beginning of " Break the Heavens ", his eyes were filled with contempt.

The first chapter was mainly about a fallen genius. The highlight was how the protagonist suddenly became a good-for-nothing.

This was a question, and also the first highlight of the opening chapter.

In less than a minute, Zhang Yi quickly flipped a page and then read the second chapter.

Even he himself did not know that he had already forgotten everything that had happened outside. The reason was very simple. He had been immersed in this novel, but he did not know it.

"Damned b * tch!"

"Good! What a good phrase! As expected of the main character, you have to be so firm and unyielding."

A few minutes later, Zhang Yi had already seen the storm of breaking off the engagement. He began to see the plot of Nalan forcefully breaking off the engagement. He was pissed off and cursed at the slut. Then, the plot took a turn. The protagonist said that the river flows thirty years east, and the river flows thirty years west, directly igniting the biggest climax of the book!!

It could be said that everyone who had read this novel was amazed. Although the story was a little old-fashioned, this sense of oppression and immersion had already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

A cigarette.

Two cigarettes.

Three cigarettes.

After seven or eight cigarettes, Zhang Yi finally saw the last chapter of the novel!

"What the f * ck? There was no retesting! Face smacking! This f * cking author! Can you f * cking hurry up and…"

Anyone who had read novels would know that at the most exciting moment of a novel, once it got stuck, it would be like when one was about to shoot when one's parents suddenly opened the door or someone disturbed them. It was very unpleasant!!

Zhang Yi was the same. When he saw the most exciting part, it suddenly disappeared. He instantly became irritable. However, after he said this, he suddenly remembered that he was here to nitpick. Why would he say such a thing?

A few seconds later, Zhang Yi decided to read it again. Although this novel was really good, he still wanted to find trouble!!

If he didn't find trouble, he would lose all his face. At that time, his reputation as a god of fire would be lost!

For this reason, he quickly opened the novel table of contents and started reading from the first chapter!

Fifteen minutes later, a roar came from Zhang Yi's room!

"F * ck! F * ck! I'm going crazy! Slap your face!"

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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