Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
18 Holy Light Blessing, Blood Rush Blessing!

White Seve



Congratulations on fusing with the power of Holy Light. You have obtained a new skill!

[New skill: Holy Light Blessing!]

[Skill description: In a short period of time, it can greatly increase the basic Sword Master's attack power, defense power, spiritual power, speed, and other basic data!]

A support-type skill!

Moreover, it was directly used on Swordmaster.

Judging from the current situation and the state of Daski's cultivation.

Obtaining such a skill at this stage was definitely the best choice.

"Not bad!"

"Not only is it experience, but it can also directly absorb a skill!”

"Let's see how effective it is…"

Lu Feng was overjoyed and could not wait to give it a try.

Cavendish lowered his sword in disappointment.

After hearing Xia Qi's words, he sent a powerful warship to cause trouble.

He had thought that this was an opponent that he would be wary of.

He didn't expect the disparity in strength to be revealed after just a few exchanges.

Speaking of Dusky's strength.

From Cavendish's judgment, it was indeed not as simple as being a navy second lieutenant.

However, the gap between them was still very obvious.

Such a woman.

If he really killed him, it would be completely inconsistent with Cavendish's pseudo-gentlemanly behavior.

"Huff huff…"

Deski was panting heavily as he steadied himself.

The sharp pain on her shoulder made her feel exceptionally clear-headed.

This was the difference in standards!

While he was unwilling, he also saw Cavendish's genius swordsmanship.

Speed was supreme, and the damage was intense.

His persistence over time had created Cavendish's current power.



The shadow sword trembled slightly as he held the hilt.

The strong battle intent was very obvious to Dusky.


Deski was stunned.

Soon, she muttered to herself,"

"Ying, you can't accept such a failure either, right?”

"Let's fight together…until the end!”

Even if he died in battle!

Never fight and flee!

Lu Feng was slightly touched.

Ordinary girls also had their own stubbornness.

"I've been waiting for this sentence. Let me help you!”

"Holy Light Blessing, activate!"

Lu Feng said.

A pure white and gentle energy appeared in his field of vision.

Deski's pupils constricted.

His consumed stamina was instantly restored…

The wound on his shoulder healed at a speed visible to the naked eye…

He could see everything in the surroundings…

The lightness of his body kept increasing…

She could naturally feel the changes in her body more clearly!

Everything was done in an instant, and there was no time for him to think.

" Ying…Could this be you…"

Such a thing that did not conform to the logic of reality happened before his eyes.

Deski didn't know how to explain.


From the day he obtained the shadow sword, it had never been normal.

Now that he could be used as a support to increase his ability, there did not seem to be anything unusual.

Now was not the time to ponder over this.

Looking at Cavendish's expression, it was also very interesting.

"This, the wound has healed?"

"What's with this white energy?”

"That was a black sword energy just now. It was very difficult to deal with.”

"Has it turned white again?”

" What trump card is it?!"

When encountering something unknown, people would instinctively feel restless.

Especially the strange and unpredictable ability.

That was true anxiety!

Deski calmed his breathing and raised his head again.

"Phew…Cavendish, didn't you just ask me if I could keep up with your speed?”

"So, Ma 'am?" Cavendish readied his sword for another attack.

"Now, I'll answer you."”


Red light flashed.

Wrapped in the white Qi, Daski disappeared from Cavendish's sight.

"What a joke! What kind of speed is this?"

"Where? Where is it?"

Cavendish shouted in shock. He could not understand the scene before him at all.

A moment ago, she was still a woman whose speed was beaten by him.

Why did he change after the white Qi appeared on the sword?

It was strange.

This sword was definitely the source of the strangeness!

"Crap, left!"

The moment Cavendish became nervous, his judgment slowed down by half a beat.

This could be considered as giving Dusky the best opportunity!

"Where are you looking at?"

Daski's voice sounded from the left.

Cavendish's vision and perception were even slower than Dusky's speech by half a beat!

How was this possible?

Why did his speed increase so much?

"Ghost Blade Slash, Holy Light Phantom!"

At the same time, he used his strongest sword skill.

The blood-red mottled sword shadow was mixed with a thick white light.

With the form of a Shadow Sword Aura, it rapidly charged towards Cavendish.

"Beautiful Sword, Green Bird!"

Cavendish, who was in a panic, could only meet the sword.


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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