Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
2 The first evolution, the appearance transformation!

White Seve



Congratulations to the host for successfully binding the sword master!

Obtained 20 experience points!

[Swordmaster: Dusky]

[Level: Low-level Swordsman]

[Sword Skill: Rapid Slash]

The system had written very clearly about the method to recognize a master.

In the ownerless state, the first blood sample absorbed by the dagger would automatically be identified as the sword owner.

When a Sword Master died, the relationship would be dissolved.

At the same time, all the bonuses he received would disappear, and he would return to his original rusted dagger state.

Looking at Dusky's white-board-like attributes, he could be considered to be in the same boat as him.

All of this could not attract Lu Feng's attention now.

[EXP: 20/10 (Can be upgraded immediately)]

This was what Lu Feng was most concerned about.

Outside the scene.

Peng peng peng…

The soldiers, who had run out of bullets, were completely out of ideas.

A Jin waved his hand, and the iron staff twirled in a circle in his hand, dancing in the wind.

"Foolish navy woman, your sword is broken, and you're just a rusty fruit knife.”

A Jin sneered.

Ah pui!

You're the fruit knife!

Your whole family is a fruit knife!

"Upgrade immediately."

Lu Feng, who did not have time to think, immediately made a command in the system.

If I don't upgrade my treasured saber, do you really think I'm rusty?


Congratulations to the host for successfully leveling up. Your attribute points will automatically increase!

Appearance modification 10 points!

Damage 20!

Endurance 100!

[Sword Master's sword skill, Rapid Slash-Rapid Slash·Shadow, automatically upgraded]

A series of mechanical notifications sounded in Lu Feng's mind.

At the same time, his originally rusted body underwent a drastic change.

The one who felt it the most was still Dusky himself!

Deski would only grab a dagger to defend himself.

He had never expected this!

Right now.

The dagger continued to grow at an extremely fast speed, and the dark yellow rust on its body disappeared at a visible rate.

It was replaced by a brand new sword body, and even the handle had turned into a brand new nanmu wood.

The width was moderate, and the blade was sharp.

Compared to the military saber that Dusky had just used, it seemed to be even better.


Deski's clear eyes twitched uneasily.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was holding onto the sword hilt with both hands, he would have already let go of it in shock.

As Lu Feng evolved, his spiritual perception also increased.

He finally regained the vision of a normal human.

"A familiar fellow…A Jin the Ghost?”

"Oh, I remember now, but he's just a small character.”

Lu Feng muttered in his heart.

As a practice target after the first evolution, Ah Jin, who had a bounty of 12 million Bailey, seemed to be a little weak.

In the wilderness, there was no place to find more powerful players to gain experience.

He made do with it and barely ate it.

"Am I seeing things? Was Captain Deski holding a longsword?”

"I don't think I'm seeing things. I also saw a dagger!”

"A sword that grows on its own? Is there such a sword in the world?"

"Captain Dusky, you must hold on!”


The soldiers were all shocked by the scene before them.

Ah Jin also stopped in his tracks.

"Stupid woman, what are you playing at? Are you trying to fool me?!"

In just a moment, a gust of strong wind swept over.

A Jin suddenly jumped up and aimed the tip of his black staff at Dusky's wrist.

First, he would destroy this woman's strange weapon, then he would kill her completely!

"You're the idiot."

Deski gritted his teeth and barely managed to swing his sword, locking onto the direction of Ah Jin's attack.

The lightness of the sword was beyond his imagination.

It was as if it was placed in his palm and became an extension of his arm.

He thought, Blade Move.

At the eye of his hand, the sword shadow arrived.

With a wave of his hand, the sword left two metallic afterimages.

The upgraded version of Rapid Slash…Rapid Slash·Shadow!

Two minutes ago.

A Jin managed to sneak attack and injure the weak Daichi.

Two minutes later.

Who would have thought that Dusky had mastered such a superb sword skill!

A Jin immediately raised his hand and placed the black staff horizontally to the side.

He barely managed to block the sword attack that was aimed at his neck.



The sturdy black staff was easily cut off like a thin piece of paper.


Successfully destroyed the opponent's weapon. Obtained 20 experience points!

The sharp attack of the sword didn't decrease in the slightest, and it didn't even change its direction. It cut A Jin's throat without any deviation.


Inflicted 25 damage, Critical Hit!

You have successfully killed your opponent. Obtained 50 experience points!

As he made his move, notifications sounded in Lu Feng's mind.

With a single move, he had obtained 70 experience points.

He didn't expect to get experience points so easily!

Destroying weapons and dealing damage to enemies can be obtained.

As expected, as a weapon, the method of leveling up was so violent.

"You woman…this sword…"

A Jin's eyes dimmed. He couldn't believe what had happened even before he died.

How could the woman who was scared by him be able to pierce through his hard iron black staff and hit him so easily?


A Jin was covered in blood and knelt on the spot.

The wilderness was silent.

The few navy soldiers behind him looked at Daichi in a daze.

Was this still the cowardly petty officer who did not dare to speak up?

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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