Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
23 Obtaining the color of the weapon, the battle was called to a halt!

White Seve


He listened to the system notification.

Lu Feng's heart was burning.

The color of the equipment was domineering!

He had actually absorbed it so easily!

There was a huge difference between not using it and using it.

In terms of combat power, they were on completely different levels.

To be able to share it with the Sword Head, it would also increase the level of the battle.

This was a good thing for Dusky.

The appearance of Nether King Riley.

It was both unexpected and within expectations.

Previously, when he sensed the presence of an expert.

Lu Feng had a few suitable candidates in mind.

Amongst them.

Nether King Riley was one of the main reasons.

However, what Lu Feng did not expect was…

Riley actually chose to attack at this time!

"So strong! He actually managed to nullify the swordswoman and my attacks with one strike?”

"How did you do it? Who is it?"

Cavendish was stunned.

Not knowing if he was friend or foe, Dusky pulled away.

He looked at Riley in surprise, and his Bloodthirsty Berserk Attack was also removed.

"Who are you? He only used one sword…"

Deski's heart was also in turmoil.

When facing Cavendish, no matter how powerful the other party was.

Even Deski felt that he still had a chance.

However, facing such an old man.

In fact, he couldn't even imagine himself being an enemy.

As soon as the old man appeared, Zhan Taowan immediately rushed over to Daski's side.

"Let's stop for now. I didn't expect that even this old man would be lured out!”

Zhan Taowan reminded him nervously.

"Do you know his identity?" asked Dusky with a frown.”

Zhan Momaru answered honestly,"You must know Roger, who was known as the Pirate King many years ago, right?"”

"This old man was his right-hand man back then, the vice-captain of the pirates.”


As soon as he said that.

Dusky and Cavendish were both shocked.

Whether it was a qualified navy or a qualified pirate, everyone had definitely heard of the name of Underworld King Raley.

Not only was he able to meet them here, but he had also participated in the battle between them.

The two of them were completely frightened!

"This man with the doll's head has good eyesight, he actually recognized this old man.”

"This is a naturally formed port. It would be a pity if it was destroyed in a moment of anger.”

"Little girl, young man, why don't you stop?”

Every word of Nether King Riley's was said lightly.

However, his tone was one of absolute refusal.

It was as if he was telling the two of them.

If he chose to continue fighting.

He would be his opponent.

The two of them were shocked.

Lu Feng's attention was not on any threatening words.

Instead, he used his spiritual power to observe the longsword in the hand of the Nether King.

That's right.

He would not be wrong about his perception!

After the black color of the armor faded, the longsword returned to its original state.

It was just an ordinary sword.

After several evolutions.

The current Lu Feng's toughness far surpassed that of an ordinary swift saber.

Even if a famous knife was in front of him.

If the texture was not pure and long enough.

Lu Feng was confident that he could cut it off with his strongest killing move.

He didn't expect that King of Hell Riley would be able to use his armor and ordinary longsword.

It blocked Lu Feng's strongest attack from his current position!

Fortunately, Lu Feng had finally absorbed the color of the weapon.

It wouldn't take long for his power to reach a higher level.

This time, he finally understood the huge gap between him and the strong.

" Nether King Riley…"

"Rumor has it that you're in Chambord Islands, but no one has seen you before.”

"I didn't expect the rumors to be true!"

Cavendish looked at Riley with reverence.

The vice-captain of the pirates who once dominated this sea was right in front of him.

There were very few pirate groups that did not yearn for it.

"Young man, your swordsmanship and skills are not bad.”

"There should be a lot of navy soldiers rushing here.”

"If you still want to go to the new world, leave immediately.”

Riley reminded.

What a good seedling.

If they were in the Chambord Islands, they would have stopped their adventures on the sea.

Even Riley felt that it was a pity.

It wasn't much help, but at most a kind reminder.

Cavendish could not find a suitable reason to stop.

Now that Riley had said so, stopping was a way to give face to the senior.

"Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Riley!”

"Female second lieutenant, I will definitely take revenge the next time we meet!”

The killing intent in Cavendish's eyes flashed, but he still felt a lingering fear.

The final strike.

If only Underworld King Riley hadn't made a move.

Could he withstand it without getting injured?

This was the first time Cavendish had such a feeling.

It was as if someone had stepped on him and told him that his strength was not enough.

He watched as Cavendish quickly left with his injured underling.

Daski and Zhan Momaru stood where they were and didn't give chase.

After removing the Bloodthirsty Berserk status, Holy Light Blessing had also reached a critical point.

Now, Dusky was already in a very tired state.

If it wasn't for the unknown pirate in front of her, her mental strength would have been unable to withstand it.

Lei Li glanced at Deschi and his gaze stopped on Lu Feng.

He had seen many demon blades during his years at sea.

It wasn't as if Yao Dao didn't have such combat power.

However, it was the first time that Riley had seen a demon blade that could continuously evolve and assist the sword master!

While watching the battle from afar.

Raley clearly felt the drastic change in the sword.

At the same time, he also understood that it was all thanks to the sword that he could bring a high-level swordsman to the level of a Sword Grandmaster.

"What a good saber!"

Riley said thoughtfully.

Lu Feng's heart tightened as he muttered,"This old man, Riley, wouldn't snatch it directly, would he?"”


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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