Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
34 Obey the order, the peach rabbit is in danger!

White Seve



The bearded man jumped up in fright.

When he saw the shadow sword in front of him.

The bearded man sat on the ground in fear.

"I'm not an officer…don't kill me…"

The bearded man waved his hand.

"You're the last one. Fortunately, you arrived in time.”

Deski heaved a sigh of relief.

If he had come a little later, the news might have spread.

Charlotte Smudge!

Charlotte Katakuli!

He didn't expect that the Four Generals of Desserts would directly involve two people in this operation!

Dusky walked up to the bearded man and asked,"

"Where are Smuggy and Katakuli?”

"What else do you know? I'll give you two minutes to consider. Tell me everything.”

He had just witnessed the woman in front of him defeat Madam Ghost.

The bearded man couldn't calm down at all.

" Phew…I can't say…I can't reveal…"

Even though he was so nervous.

Under such circumstances, the bearded man still kept his mouth shut.

He had leaked information and betrayed the Charlotte Family.

There were too many ways for the clan to find out about this.

The bearded man had seen how miserable the ending was.

Therefore, in comparison.

The bearded man would rather face Dusky.

"So you're giving up your chance to live?”

"You only have one chance to choose. You have 30 seconds left.”

Deski repeated, increasing his mental pressure.

" My soul will be taken away…It's worse than death…"

"Absolutely not!"

It was as if he had thought of something terrifying that he did not dare to face.

The bearded man suddenly perked up and took out a pistol from his waist.

He aimed at Dusky's head.

Peng, peng, peng!

Three consecutive shots were fired.

Daski didn't move a single step, but quickly turned his head.

He dodged the dangerous attack.

Following closely.

The red ghostly qi engulfed the bearded man's eyes.

He didn't even have time to scream.

The next moment, the bearded man fell to the ground.

Seeing such a situation, Lu Feng also looked at the aunty pirates in a new light.

If he didn't go through any special training on a daily basis.

It was impossible to threaten his life at a critical moment and not dare to tell the truth.

This was the last pirate to escape.

The first few did not say anything either.

If they simply surrendered, they would either fight to the death.

"The situation doesn't seem right."

"We must quickly inform Lieutenant General Tao Tu of the situation!”

Dusky muttered and took out the phone bug he carried with him.



"Dusky? Is that you?"

After the phone bug rang for a while, Tao Tu's voice came out.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu! Where are you now?"

"The previous intelligence was wrong. Pirates had already landed on Axi Long Island.”

"According to the information I just received from them, it seems that the two dessert generals are both out on a mission.”

"Charlotte Katakuli and Charlotte Smudge!”

"It's still unclear who the Kaido Hundred Beast Pirates sent.”

Daski quickly reported the situation and told him the truth.


The sound of distance rang out from the phone bug.

From the sound.

It sounded like the sound of naval cannons.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu?"

asked Dusky suspiciously.

According to the location of the peach rabbit's target and the time it had spent sailing, it was impossible for the rabbit to escape.

They shouldn't have reached Shusia Island yet.

Why was there the sound of warship cannons?

"Dusky, well done."

"It's been hard on you this time. There's indeed a problem with the information.”

"Take the team back to the G5 branch immediately. Don't take any action without my orders.”

"Do you understand?"

The peach rabbit's tone was very serious.


The peach rabbit had always regarded Dusky as her younger sister.

He had been following her for a few months.

He even personally became Dusky's sparring partner.

He would formulate a suitable training plan for her and arrange suitable tasks for her.

He took great care of Dusky.

It was rare for him to speak in such a serious manner.

"Lieutenant General Tao Tu, where are you now?”

"I can return to the G5 branch, but please report your location.”

"I will seek reinforcements to help you!”

Dusky had already realized that something was wrong.

If they hadn't encountered a powerful enemy at sea.

There was no other possibility.

"Dusky, don't forget your identity.”

"Obeying orders is what you should do.”

"I repeat, return to the G5 branch immediately!”

"Beep, beep, beep…"

After saying that.

Before Dusky could reply, the call was cut off.

After the peach rabbit put down the phone bug, it looked at the sky full of heavenly fire.

The expression on his face seemed to have relaxed a lot.

If he didn't receive a call from Dusky.

He was afraid that he would be distracted by her during the battle.

In this way, he could be considered to have settled a matter on his mind.

After all, his opponent was an extremely rare ancient species in the animal series!


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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