Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
4 He was demoted to Donghai after making contributions?

White Seve


Deski looked at the sword in his hand in shock.

To outsiders, perhaps it was because Daski had never shown his strength.

However, he knew that he was able to kill Ah Jin with one strike because of the sword in his hand.

What was the origin of this sword?

Wasn't it just a rusty dagger?

Could it be that it could constantly change?

A series of questions swirled in his mind.

Even so.

It still couldn't eliminate the joy in her heart.

As a swordsman, there was nothing luckier than having a famous sword in his hand!

"How is it, little sister Deski?”

"You must be shocked by my potential!"

Lu Feng's spirit moved, and the sword shone brightly.

It was as if it was responding to Dusky's excitement, making her unable to put it down even more.

Lu Feng opened his attribute list again.

[Host: Lu Feng]

[Level: Tough Medium Longsword (D-rank)]

[Damage: 25]

[Tenacity: 120]

[EXP: 80/100]


[Swordmaster: Dusky]

[Level: Intermediate Swordsman]

[Sword Skill: Rapid Slash-Shadow]

After completing the first master recognition, a large amount of detailed information was transmitted over again.

There was a principle of complementing each other in cultivation between Swordmaster and Lu Feng.

Simply put, Lu Feng had improved through the system.

A portion of it would be converted into a reasonable increase in strength, and it would be used on Dusky.

At the same time, a portion of his cultivation would be converted into experience points and returned to Lu Feng.

In this way, the effect could be said to have doubled.

Especially since Dusky's Swordsman level score was relatively low.

Even if it was just a single comprehension of a sword skill, it would change a lot if it leveled up bit by bit.

Seeing that he was only 20 points away from leveling up again, Lu Feng was extremely anxious.

If only there was something that he could chop off.

"Dusky, what's the situation here?”

While he was thinking, a burly man wearing a navy's Justice coat appeared in the wilderness.


"Colonel Burnham!"

"Colonel Burnham!"

"Colonel Burnham!"

When the burly man arrived with a team of dozens of people.

The navy soldiers, including Daichi, saluted.

The person who led the team to pursue the Klick Pirates was Colonel Burnham.

The trusted aide of the navy general Qing Zhi!

When they arrived at the Fire Island, Burnham ordered them to split up and search for the whereabouts of the Klick Pirates.

He had just received the report that there was no trace of them when he heard gunshots.

Burnham came to Ah Jin's body and bent down to turn the body around.

"Ghost A Jin!"

As the leader of the team, Burnham naturally remembered the faces of the other party's officers.

As the number one combatant of the Krieg Pirates, Ah Jin's strength naturally went without saying.

Burnham even felt that Akin was better than Klick.

Although the reward was not high and was not enough for him, it was still too much for an ordinary corporal.

Burnham asked everyone to disperse because he had an order to report back immediately.

He didn't expect the team leaders to have any significant performance.

However, the Dusky in front of him had given him a huge surprise!

"Was A Jin injured when he appeared?”

Burnham asked the crowd.

The heads of the navy soldiers shook like rattles.

Deski followed suit.

"Colonel, Ah Jin appeared too suddenly and directly to our opponent. We didn't have time to report it.”

Military orders were like mountains.

It was against the rules in the navy for him to carry out an operation that went against orders.

Dusky understood this very well. He also understood his identity as a corporal and how he should act.

"So the ghost man attacked first and put you in danger, and then you killed him?”

Burnham refused to give up and continued to ask.

Judging from the wound on A Jin's neck, he should have died from a single sword strike.

An ordinary corporal.

He actually possessed such strength?

There weren't many low-level officers who used swords in the navy headquarters, so Burnham still had an impression of Dusky.

He also knew that she was one of the officers who would be transferred to Donghai next month.

What he meant was…

Daski had already been eliminated by the headquarters and was not strong enough to stay.

However, to be able to kill a pirate with a bounty of 12 million Bailey so casually, even an ordinary sergeant would not be able to do it.

"Yes, Colonel, you're right.”

Dusky replied loudly.

He had obtained a precious and special sword, but Daski did not report it to him.

As a swordsman, she loved swords as much as her life.

It was even more unbearable to hand over a good worker than to banish her.

Lu Feng heard the conversation between the two of them clearly.

As the initiator of this incident, Lu Feng naturally understood Burnham's feelings.

It was right to be surprised!

There were even more shocking things to come in the future!

Lu Feng was not satisfied at all after killing a piece of trash worth 12 million.

He wished he could control Dusky and hit Burnham's fat belly twice.

After experiencing the benefits of leveling up, it was basically impossible to stop easily.

"Alright, you guys carry the corpse back.”

"Klick has already escaped from this island. Ah Jin is the only thing we have.”


Burnham gave his orders and looked at Dusky.

"Do you want to go to the Eastern Sea?”

Burnham asked.


The corner of Dusky's eyes twitched, and his emotions were very complicated.

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