Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
41 Phoenix’s fury, new information on Cake Island!

White Seve


Fifteen minutes after Dusky left.

On the broken wooden board of the pirate ship Fossa.

"Hold on! Captain!"

"You must hold on. We have already called for Captain Marko's reinforcements!”

"Everyone, don't worry. The captain's life is not in danger, so stop shaking!”


Many pirates were half-submerged in the water.

He tried his best to drag the board under Fossa.

This way, he could receive better treatment.

After Dusky left, his lackeys searched around.

Only then did he find Fossa among the broken planks and wood.

When the giant sword of ghostly qi finally erupted.

Fossa used his hands to offset part of the impact.

Only then did he save his underlings.

However, his dominant arm was covered in blood. It was obvious that he was completely crippled.

To a swordsman.

This was a fatal blow!

"Green flames?"

"It must be Captain Marko!"

"It's flying towards us, that's right!”


Everyone looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky and became excited.

Following closely.

A man with a golden punk hairstyle.

His body was burning with flames as he landed on the dilapidated pirate ship.

On his chest, there was an obvious tattoo of the White Beard Pirates.


Team Leader Yi!

The second in command of the White Beard Pirates.

He was also a rare magical beast of the animal type, an immortal bird fruit ability user.

While it could fly and dash forward, it also possessed unique abilities and combat strength.

Especially the eye-catching blue flames on his body.

As long as his subordinates saw it, they could basically confirm that it was Marko!

"Captain Marko! You're finally here!"

"Captain Marko! You must avenge Captain Fossa!”

"It's that damned female sword hero from the navy, Scarlet Shadow!”

"That's right, it's her! She was simply an unpardonable female Asura!”


He could do anything, but he was the first to complain.

After seeing the reinforcements Marko arrive.

Everyone immediately began to complain about the various crimes that had been committed by Dusky.

One had to know.

Initially, Dusky had planned to go through this peacefully.

It was their foolish blind confidence that came to block the way.

Marko looked around and observed the situation.

The pirate ship that had been cut in half.

A cigar bottle floating on the surface of the sea.

A pirate crew member who was bandaging his wounds.


The heavily injured and unconscious Fossa!

It had been a long time since the captain of the White Beard Pirates had been attacked like this in the New World.

Regardless of his own strength.

He was still relying on the face of White Beard.

The truth could explain everything.

He didn't expect that today, his reputation would be ruined by a newly promoted female sword hero from the navy!

Judging from the environment of the scene.

Marko knew how terrifying his opponent was.

There was almost no room for resistance.

They were all killed on the spot!

After a quick check on Fossa's condition.

Marko asked the surviving ship doctor to continue bandaging his wounds.

Don't worry, your captain won't die…"

Marko did not continue.

Although he wouldn't die, his arm was indeed gone.

In that case…

It didn't matter what the reason was.

"How long has he been gone?"

"In which direction?"

Marko asked coldly.

"Captain Marko, he left about twenty minutes ago.”

"The direction…the direction is probably southwest!”

"Not the southwest, right? Why do I feel like it's the southeast?"

"Can you guys do it or not? Don't talk nonsense!”


He listened to everyone's discussion.

Marko also roughly understood.

These people were all scared silly at that time and did not notice where the enemy had gone.

If this continued, he could only find a way out himself.


Marko frowned unhappily.

Twenty minutes!

If he had come earlier, perhaps the tragedy would not have happened.

"You guys watch your captain. The fleet will be here soon.”

"After you follow them back to the encampment, remember to report the situation to Father.”

"Whether we can catch up or not, we have to give it a try!”

After Marko finished speaking, his body was once again enveloped in flames.

With a whooshing sound, the flames quickly disappeared on the spot.


New World, Cake Island.

In the huge palace.

A group of brightly-dressed subordinates knelt on the ground, not daring to look up at the scene in front of them.

At this moment.

A cake the size of a small mountain was floating in the air.



With a crunching sound, the mountain cake quickly disappeared.

"You fearless bastard, what did you just say?”

"Repeat it again!"

A large woman's face slowly emerged from the shadows.

His questioning tone made the subordinate who came to pass the message completely lose his soul.

"Reporting to Lord BigMom…According to the news from Lord Charlotte Snagg.”

"Madam Armand's pirate group on Axi Long Island has been completely wiped out.”

"Madam herself is also missing!"


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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