Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
6 The examiner appeared and was expelled on the spot!

White Seve


Two hours later.

The number of people in the training ground gradually increased.

The sergeants gathered together in groups of three to five and chatted about the test that was about to begin.

Because it was a test for a non-commissioned officer, it wasn't a secret.

Around the training ground, nearly 400 navy recruits gathered in groups of seven or eight.

"So many people? The navy seems to be very free!"

Lu Feng tried to fully release his spiritual energy.

He could see almost half of the situation in the training ground through his spiritual power.

After the second upgrade.

His basic perception had also improved a lot.

From a recruit to a sergeant, the more outstanding soldiers needed about one to three years.

It was also a very important experience to know what kind of qualities and strength a sergeant should have in advance.

These recruits also came to join in the fun with the idea of gaining knowledge.

"Which officers do you think will win? I'm guessing that Staff Sergeant Iron Axe Jockley must be the first among the sixty sergeants in this test!”

"Staff Sergeant Jockley is very powerful. I never thought that he could compare to the martial arts sect's John Yi!”

"Staff Sergeant Donatoli with two guns is also a hot favorite.”

"There are also dark horses among the sergeants. Mantis Fruit aptitude user Sergeant Shuichiro, don't look down on his young age, he might be able to topple Senior!”

"Why did you all guess sergeant or sergeant? Were there no dark horses among the Corporals?”

"I can tell that you're new here. In this kind of competition, the Corporals are all running with you. You'll be eliminated in the first round!”

"That's right. If I were these Corporals, I would have forfeited long ago. Hahaha!”


Daski, who was standing in the last row, listened to the laughter behind him and felt very calm.

Such a noisy environment was very common.

In the past two years, she had already gotten used to it.

Speaking of talent.

Daski himself was talented.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have become a sergeant in two years.

However, the path that Dusky chose was different from others.

She was obsessed with swordsmanship, even though she knew that girls were naturally at a disadvantage when it came to becoming swordsmen.

However, he was still stubborn.

If he used his advantage and specialized in jiu-jitsu or fighting.

Perhaps, she was now one of the best among the sergeants.

"Is this girl nervous?"

Lu Feng muttered.

The second upgrade was completed.

The spiritual connection between Lu Feng and Swordmaster Deski seemed to have changed.

If he had to be more specific.

It was as if Dusky's mood would become a mental signal and be transmitted to Lu Feng.

At this moment.

The uneasiness in Dasqi's heart was directly reflected on Lu Feng.

"He's here!"

"This time, the main examiner is actually them!”


The noisy scene suddenly quieted down.

Looking at the entrance of the training ground, two tall figures walked directly towards the sergeant formation.

"It's actually…my luck is that bad?”

Deski lowered his head and said to himself.

The colonel walking diagonally was no stranger.

It was Burnham, who had asked Dusky to take the test again.

If it was just Burnham alone, as long as Dusky could produce a passing score, he would not be able to do so.

Basically, he had already changed his fate of being demoted to Donghai.


A tall man holding a cross-shaped long bone sword was walking in front.

His bony face looked like he was malnourished.

However, when paired with a helmet and a navy coat, it gave off a different aura.

It was the examiner who had given Dusky the lowest score last time. He was also the captain of the navy headquarters…T. Pawn!

As a Swordsman as well, T. Penn's swordsmanship was very shocking.

It was rumored that he had cut the pirate ship from the middle like a steak many times.

Therefore, he had a resounding nickname…Ship Slayer!

"Weng weng weng!"

The moment T Peng En appeared, Lu Feng trembled in excitement.

Not bad!

Judging from his aura and presence, he should be a rather powerful swordsman.

A cross shaped long bone sword was definitely not a low grade one.

He had held back for another ten days without killing or fighting. Today, his chance had finally come!

"Burnham, who is the corporal swordsman you mentioned who killed the pirates with a bounty of 12 million?”

As soon as T. Penn arrived at the scene, he remembered the corporal who made an exception this time.

There was an instinctive sense of competition between swordsmen.

Ever since he became a colonel, T. Penn had not found anyone to spar with for a long time.

The opponents he encountered were either lacking in swordsmanship or were only superficial.

To be able to kill a pirate with a bounty of 12 million in seconds, one could imagine the swordsmanship of this corporal who had been made an exception.

"Haha, do you want to see it now? Why don't we wait until after the assessment?"

Burnham said in a good mood.

However, T. Penn shook his head. You said that I would have a chance, but you must let me get to know him. How can you wait so long?”

"Okay, okay, okay. I'm afraid of you.”

Burnham waved his hand, signaling the sergeants and sergeants in the front row to move aside.

Daski stood where he was and watched the crowd gradually make way for him.

She knew.

T. Penn and Burnham were probably walking towards him.


Daski tightened his grip on his sword.

There was no need to be so nervous.

He was different from before.

This was a rare opportunity. He had to be more confident.

Deski told himself repeatedly in his heart.

"Peng En, this is the swordsman with potential that I was talking about, Dusky!”

"Dusky, this is Colonel T. Pawn.”

Burnham immediately introduced them.

"Hello, Colonel Burnham!"

"Hello, Colonel Penn!"

Deski saluted, his eyes exceptionally firm.

Who knew that when T. Penn saw Deski, he actually showed a disgusted expression.

" I remember you, the swordswoman who used her swordsmanship so dishonorably…"

T. Penn's anticipation was swept away, and his tone was exceptionally fierce.

Burnham felt that the atmosphere was not right and asked,""Peng En, have the two of you met before?”

"Of course I have."

T. Penn replied,"Dusky, step forward!"

"Yes, Colonel Penn!" Dusky didn't understand, but he replied in a clear voice.

"Your assessment has already ended. Leave the training ground now, immediately!”

The fierce reprimand made all the officers present gasp.


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