Pirate: Evolving from Dagger
8 Peach Rabbit’s attention, evolved ghost energy!

White Seve


"Lieutenant General Gion, what's wrong?"

A female second lieutenant assistant looked at her superior in confusion.

At this moment, the woman who was looking into the distance outside the training ground.

It was the Vice Admiral of the Navy, Gion.

Her nickname was Peach Rabbit!

To be able to hold the position of lieutenant general at such a young age, Peach Rabbit had a high prestige in the navy headquarters.

At the same time, she had another identity…

Great Sword Hero!

The moment he walked across the wide road, the famous sword on Peach Rabbit's waist, Golden Vidra, started to move.

Famous sabers often had some danger awareness and innate fighting spirit.

In the past, when he was on a mission.

If he encountered a famous sword or a powerful sword master, he would do the same.

Could it be that at this moment on the training ground.

An opponent that even Jin Biluo feared?

"What is going on in the training ground?”

Tao Tu walked to the edge of the wire fence and asked the female second lieutenant beside her.

The female second lieutenant quickly flipped through today's military discipline manual.

"Lieutenant General Gion, the training ground in this area is…Found it! We're conducting the sergeant test!"

the female second lieutenant reported.

The peach rabbit frowned and muttered,""Officer test? Who's in charge?"

The female second lieutenant lowered her head to take a look.

"The main examiner is Colonel T. Pawn, and the deputy examiner is Colonel Burnham!”

Both of them were well-known colonels in the headquarters, so Tao Tu was no stranger to them.

The aura just now, could it be that T. Penn had a new understanding of swordsmanship?

T. Penn's unyielding swordsmanship left a deep impression on Peach Bunny.

If it was him, it was reasonable.

Such a person would eventually become a general-level soldier.

However, when the rabbit saw through the barbed wire, it saw Dusky holding a longsword with red patterns.

He was instantly stunned!

The peach rabbit instantly understood what was going on.

The feeling just now came from Dusky!

No…to be precise, it was this strange longsword!

At the training ground.

The moment T Penn saw Lu Feng's true appearance, he could not help but be shocked.

Where did this sword come from?

How could there be such an unsettling aura?

"You're scared just like that? Sorry, the good show was yet to come.”

Lu Feng was very satisfied with this appearance.

However, his vision was far beyond that.

Since he was with a female navy officer.

Then, he would set a small goal of destroying the navy headquarters first!

Seeing Lu Feng's transformation, Daichi's heart was also in turmoil.

When did this eye-catching and domineering red pattern appear?

If he hadn't experienced it himself, the process of the shadow sword evolving from a dagger would have been much easier.

Now, Dusky would definitely be the first to be shocked.

Now was not the time to delve into these reasons.

At least.

The only thing Daski knew was that the sword in his hand had become sharper than before!

He held his sword horizontally and stepped forward.

The opening stance before the swordsmen duel was very presentable.

Originally, T. Penn was angry and disdainful.

The unranked swordsman that he hated had challenged him with such blind confidence.

If it were anyone else, they would feel the same way.

But now.

After seeing the Shadow Sword unsheathed, T. Penn perked up slightly.

"Heh, I was wondering where my confidence came from. So it's because of this strange sword.”

"Within three strikes, I will fulfill your foolishness.”

T. Penn said arrogantly, not putting Daski's awareness in his eyes at all.

Lu Feng could not help but sneer in his heart when he heard T. Penn's sarcasm.

"If it's three swords…"

"I should be able to cut through this long bone sword that isn't considered a good blade.”

"Today, I'll teach the old colonel a lesson!”

As the two of them fought, Dastridge dashed forward, his body slanted to the side.

She gripped the hilt of her sword tightly with both hands and swung it with all her might at T.

In front of the T, Penn, who was far stronger than him, any disguise or feint was meaningless.

Since he would be seen through.

He might as well choose the most convenient way to fight.

Even the most basic sword movement.

It also included the 38,000 times of persistence that Dusky had repeated in 10 days.

There was such a type of genius in this world.

They were ordinary people.

However, he was unwilling to accept his fate and tried his best to repeat the trivial things that others thought were insignificant.

He attacked very quickly!

T. Payne instantly realized this.

At the same time, he could feel it.

The blade was sharp, but it did not release any sword qi.

He attacked quickly, but his strength was not on the same level as his.

Too weak…

The T, Peng En, swung his long bone sword and met Dusky's sword head-on.

"Idiot, I restrained my sharpness and waited for you to make a move!”

Lu Feng saw the actions of the tank, Penn. Just as he was about to fight the long bone sword head-on, he suddenly activated his fixed attribute skill.

" Red Mark, Corrosion…Release!"

In between breaths.

The red patterns on Lu Feng's body seemed to have a life of their own.

The scattered red patterns quickly hit the side, and the position was more inclined to the point where the confrontation was about to occur.


T. Penn's eyes widened, and his heart skipped a beat.

The moment he made his move, uneasiness exploded in T. Penn's heart.

It was almost impossible to stop.

Even if he had to injure Dusky, T. Payne would never lose face in front of everyone.

Immediately after, as they clashed, dark yellow sword Qi was released from the long bone sword without reservation.

"To deal with a corporal, he even used his sword aura!”

"Peng En, you are simply messing around!”

Burnham realized that something was wrong, but it was too late to stop it.

"Sword Qi…good! Let's try it head-on!"

Lu Feng steeled his heart and completely unleashed the attribute red lines.


A frightening scene appeared…

In that split second, the first thing that burst forth was not the dark yellow sword Qi of the bone sword.

Instead, it was the light of the sword that was surrounded by a brownish-red glow!

The smoke and dust dispersed.

The powerful impact of the Sword Qi was absorbed by Lu Feng.

Daski stood still, but he felt a grip on his wrist.

On the other hand, the T, Peng En, who had been shocked by the explosion of the red stripes, took three steps back in order to stabilize the sword's decline!


Congratulations to the host for successfully absorbing the mid-level sword aura!

Obtained 50 experience points!

Absorb the attributes and fuse them together. The attributes will automatically evolve!

[Attribute Evolution: Red Lines, Corrosion-Red Lines, Ghost Qi!]

Hearing the system notification, Lu Feng was ecstatic.

"This stinking bone is really hard. It actually didn't break in one go?”

"I have to thank you this time. You helped me complete the evolution of the Red Mark!”


This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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