Her boyfriend ran away. What should she do?
  • Her boyfriend ran away. What should she do?

  • I’m a jerk
  • 50Chs|10Score

On this day, the Yang Cheng police station received many reports from goddesses.

"I want to report a case. Can you help me find someone? His name is Xu Mo. Can’t I? I was cheated of 100 million yuan. Money is a small matter. I want his people. Don’t arrest him after you find him.”A goddess with an imposing aura walked into the police station to report the case.

Not long after, two more goddesses came in and said in unison,"I want to report a missing boyfriend. His name is Xu Mo.”

Just as the police officer was having a headache, another beautiful celebrity came in." I want to report a missing boyfriend."”

"Don’t tell me your boyfriend is also called Xu Mo?”

"Yeah, how did you know?"
