Man in Otto: A Gomora at the Beginning
9 Ling Hao: Not good, the experience snatcher is here.

Marvel God


Intermediary Hui propped her hands on the desk and looked at the scene projected by the satellite.

To be honest, she was very hesitant.

Skarugamora and Yakuma were both monsters, so they should be the enemies of humans.

However, the problem now was that Yerui had compared the data and believed that the Skarugamora that appeared at the Nine Good Island mine was the same unit as the Gomora that appeared near the pyramid five days ago.

The Gomora that appeared five days ago seemed to have no ill intentions towards the victorious team.

Now, should the victorious team attack this Gomora that had appeared at the Nine Good Island mine?

The situation at the front line was critical, and Mediocre Hui could not think for too long.

After weighing the pros and cons for a moment, Intermediary Hui clenched her fists and ordered coldly,""Let's wait and see. If that Gomora doesn't have any ill intentions, we won't attack.”

This wasn't because he was kind-hearted.

She just felt that it was better to have one more friend than one more enemy.

There might be some kind people among the monsters.

Perhaps this Gomora was one of them.

Secondly, Gomora's strength was too strong. For now, the TPC winning team did not have the ability to deal with this guy.

It would be troublesome.



In the sky above the mine of Nine Good Island.

In the cockpit of Feiyan No. 2.

Captain Hui's order had already been delivered here.

"Listen to the captain, don't attack. Let's observe the situation first.”Commander Zong Fang said.

Then, he changed the direction and drove the Flying Swallow No. 2 elsewhere.

Dagu piloted the No. 1 helicopter, flying while observing the situation in the direction of the mine.

On the other side, Skarugamora was huge. When he stood up, he looked like a tall mountain.

"This guy seems to have become much stronger.”Dagu muttered to himself.

Yakuma Alpha, who was confronting Skarugamora, also verified this conjecture of Dagugu.

This guy was crawling on the ground, shivering. He was actually afraid of Scarugamora.

The fear in his eyes was very obvious.

Ouch, ouch...

Yakuma Alpha let out a strange cry.

The ground of the mine shook again.

At the place where Yakuma Alpha had appeared, another mountain-like figure appeared.

This time, it was still Yakuma, but the horns on his head had become two.

This was…Gakuma Beta.

The onlookers in the distance were stunned.

Everyone on Victory Swallow No. 2 was also extremely dumbfounded.

"Oh my god, another Yakuma?"

"No wonder the miners couldn't explain it clearly. It turns out that there were two of Yakuma from the very beginning.”

"Then let's go help that Gomora. Attack!”

Everyone reached a consensus and obtained the approval of Captain Hui, the middleman in the command center.

Victory Swallow No. 1 and Victory Swallow No. 2 began to attack.

Of course, his target was the two Yakumas.

The appearance of Yakuma Beta bolstered the courage of Yakuma Alpha.

Moreover, this guy was more belligerent than Yakuma Alpha.

The two brothers in distress howled crazily and then started to destroy the surroundings.

As for Skalugomora, Ling Hao, who was stored in its body, looked outside through Skalugomora's vision.

"They all appeared? Then let's fight!"

After saying that, Ling Hao gave the order to attack.

Skalugomola moved his short legs and rushed towards Yakuma Alpha.

The latter was shocked.

Hey, hey, hey, big brother, we're the same kind. What are you doing?

Then, Skarugamora opened its huge mouth and spat out flames that spewed toward Yakuma Alpha.

Seeing his little brother being attacked, Yakuma was furious.

The two horns on its head turned around.

Immediately after, a golden light shot out and hit Scarugamora's butt.

It was a Petrification Ray.

In the next moment, Skarugamora's body was petrified bit by bit, starting from its tail.

On the Victory Swallow No. 2, Lina was a little worried when she saw this scene.

"Gomora has been petrified…Let's help it quickly."

As he spoke, he and Shuho piloted Mecha No. 2 toward Yakuma Beta.

It was the same for Dagu on the first plane.

The newly installed weapons of the two fighter jets were fired, and the sound of whooshing could be heard.

The beam bullet hit Yakuma Beta.

This made it even more furious.

He immediately released a Petrifying Ray and streaked across the sky.

Flying Swallow No. 1 and Flying Swallow No. 2 could not dodge in time, and the wings of both sides collided.

Plane No. 1 was small and light, so it immediately changed course.

The left wing was emitting thick smoke as it fell straight to the back of the mine.

"Team member Da Gu!"

"Dagu, please answer if you hear me."

Everyone called out to the Great Ancient, but there was no response.

Furious, Flying Swallow No. 2 launched an even more intense attack.

Skarugamora, who was in the arena, stopped petrifying from behind.

Immediately after, the stone shell that had petrified one-third of his body instantly shattered.

"You want to use this little trick against me?”Ling Hao sneered.

With that, he prepared to launch a fierce attack.

At the same time, Dagu, who was flying the Flying Swallow No. 1 to the back of the mine, crawled out of the driver's seat in a daze.

"Gomora, let me help you."

After saying that, Dagu took out his Divine Light Staff. Under the strong light, he turned into Ultraman Diga.

He strode towards the mine.

Everyone on Flying Swallow No. 2 was overjoyed when they saw this.

"It's Ultraman Diga. Gomora has help.”

"Now, the strength of both sides is balanced."

"Ultraman Diga, go help Gomora!”

Ling Hao, who was fighting, also saw Di Jia's appearance.

The corner of his lips twitched." Not good. The experience snatcher is here. Let's end this quickly. Skaru Vibrowave."”

Skalugoma put down his playful thoughts.

The two huge claws lifted Yakuma Alpha and threw it together with Yakuma Beta.

Then, he moved his short legs and charged forward.

The red horn on its head emitted a scarlet flame.


A red light instantly pierced through the overlapping bodies of Yakuma Alpha and Yakuma Beta.


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