Global famine, my farm can upgrade infinitely
  • Global famine, my farm can upgrade infinitely

  • Dragon's Blue
  • 100Chs|10Score

The apocalypse descended, the sky was torn apart, the earth collapsed, and the sun was covered in dust.

All the crops on the surface have mutated, and the fruits they grow are all poisonous.

In an instant, the entire world fell into an era of famine.

The price of ordinary rice, which was originally only 2 yuan per catty, instantly soared to 100 yuan.

The fruit, which was originally only 5 yuan per catty, instantly became a luxury item that had no market.

Meat, which was already relatively expensive, had become a legendary top-grade existence.

However, one day, a little girl accidentally posted a video on the Internet.

In the video, there was a roasted lamb on her dining table.

What was even more ridiculous was that she tore off a roasted lamb leg and threw it to a…farm dog beside her!

At this moment, the entire country was shocked!
