Siheyuan: Marrying Ran Qiuye at the Beginning
4 Xu Damao who can’t get a word in edgewise

rich famil


Not to mention rice, noodles, chicken, duck, fish, and meat, he might not even be able to see cornbread in the future.

Oh, right, he had not seen her for two months…

"I say, Widow Qin, we're having a public hearing about He Yuzhu stealing my chickens, not about him being engaged!”

When Xu Damao heard Qin Huairu's scream, he immediately had an idea.

" Everyone in the quad knows that you and He Yuzhu have been flirting with each other all day. Now, he's engaged…"

Xu Damao had always been a bystander, not to mention that as long as he could bring trouble to "Silly Pillar", he was very happy to do it.

"Xu Damao, if you dare to spout nonsense again, I'll tear your mouth apart today!”

He Yuzhu did not expect Xu Damao to dare to say anything. What era was this? It was the time to strictly control the style of work. There were already many disputes in front of widows, not to mention that he had just been engaged. If Xu Damao's words ruined it, he would definitely beat Xu Damao to death today.

"Three masters, look quickly. He Yuzhu doesn't care about you at all. This... How are the three of you going to carry out your work in the future?”

Xu Damao's tiger skin was indeed effective.

The Second Uncle immediately coughed and stood up to wave at He Yuzhu.

"Zhu Zi, Da Mao is right. Our top priority is to find the chicken that he lost. As for the rest, you can deal with it however you want in private.”

Seeing that the topic had once again shifted to the lost chicken, He Yuzhu was no longer in a hurry. First, he turned to look at Qin Huairu, who was standing not far away in a daze. Then, he said,""Xu, you said that your family lost a chicken. Do you have any evidence?”

"Evidence? What evidence? I lost my chicken, what evidence do I need?”

Xu Damao did not expect He Yuzhu to suddenly talk to him about the evidence. He did not know how to answer.

Instead, Lou Xiao'e chimed in,""We know whether we lost our chickens or not. I went to feed the chickens early this morning and found that there was still food left over at noon.”

When the surrounding people heard Lou Xiao'e's words, they all nodded.

He Yuzhu didn't intend to dwell on this.

"Alright, I don't care if your chicken is lost or not, but my chicken came from a clean source. It was bought from the poultry market. There are records there. If you don't believe me, we can call the police to investigate.”

When everyone heard this, they immediately believed He Yuzhu's words.

Because He Yuzhu was right. At that time, meat was still a scarce breed. There had always been control over the sale of meat.

"So…so what…"

No matter how stubborn Xu Damao was, he knew that the chicken in He Yuzhu's pot was indeed not the one he had lost.

"So what?"

He Yuzhu's tone suddenly became serious.

"You brought someone into my house without my permission and maliciously slandered my innocence when you knew that I was engaged. If I call the police now, how many years do you think I'll be sentenced for what I said?”

People in that era valued reputation more than anything else. When He Yuzhu said this, Xu Damao's face turned pale.


I thought for a long time, but Xu Damao didn't say anything.

Seeing this, He Yuzhu walked up to him and patted his shoulder, acting as if the two of them wanted to talk. Then, he said in a low voice,"Think about it carefully. Why would something that was placed at home be lost for no reason? Then who would like to take other people's things?”

After saying that, he listened for a while before saying loudly,"Since you've decided to admit your mistake, we'll do as you say.”


He Yuzhu still did not give Xu Damao any chance to speak. He continued to pursue.

"Alright, I know you feel guilty towards me. Since you've said so, I won't be pretentious. A basket of eggs and two laying hens.”


[PS: Freshly released pink novel, author kneels in a 360-degree spiral, requesting recommendation votes, requesting all support!]


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