Wuxia: A salted fish expert in the Six Fan School
13 : Plan

Happy old


"Haha, just so-so…"

"It's not a strategy. I just happened to get some information.”

Hearing Lu Xiaofeng's praise for him, Xu Fengyu pretended to be humble.

There weren't many people in Jianghu who could be praised by Lu Xiaofeng. All of them were famous.

Therefore, when he looked at Lu Xiaofeng, he suddenly felt that he was much more pleasing to the eye.


"Yo, little fox face, you actually know how to be humble?”

"Don't treat me like you, Dopey Lu.”



"Cough cough!"

Zhuge Zhengwo quickly interrupted them when he saw that the two childish ghosts were starting to make trouble again.

They continued to discuss the case.

"Although we have basically locked onto the suspect, the Six Fan School is not a martial arts sect, but a yamen of the imperial court. Any conclusion requires sufficient evidence, so you still have to investigate.”

"Hero Lu, what do you think we should do next?”

Lu Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows and thought for a moment, then cupped his hands and said," Luo Ma and the others obviously got enough money, so they pretended to throw out the Bliss Pavilion. At this time, he definitely didn't expect that I had already found out about Yunjian Temple."”

"Why don't we beat them at their own game and go straight to the enemy's side? We'll beat them up and force them to give themselves away.”

"Oh?" Zhuge Zhengwo asked curiously," How?”

"Split up."

"Along the way, Luo Ma and I will bring people to destroy the Bliss Pavilion. Loma's strength was not bad. He needed a reliable person to keep an eye on him at all times to prevent him from running away in desperation.”

"Second, organize the experts of Six Fan School to surround Yunjian Temple. When we finish dealing with the Bliss Pavilion, we will go straight to the Yellow Dragon.”

Lu Xiaofeng spoke frankly.

His confident appearance was really attractive.

Xu Fengyu obviously couldn't stand seeing him act so pretentious. He pursed his lips and said," I'm afraid this won't force An Shigeng out.”

Lu Xiaofeng ignored him and turned to Zhuge Zhengwo.

Zhuge Zhengwo knew what he was thinking. He said helplessly," An Shigeng is not in a hurry. We can continue to investigate slowly, but stopping the circulation of counterfeit notes cannot be delayed.”

"The capital's business is already in chaos.”


Xu Fengyu pouted his lips unwillingly and finally gave up struggling.

Even though this would delay the system's mission, he was still able to differentiate between the two.

Wu Qing saw that Zhuge Zhengwo was unwilling to give up. Although Wu Qing did not know why, he did not want Zhuge Zhengwo to feel wronged. Wu Qing immediately thought of something and said to Zhuge Zhengwo," Perhaps we can make use of 'her'.”

Xu Fengyu's eyes lit up as he looked at Zhuge Zhengwo.

He could guess who 'she' Wu Qing was referring to.

Ji Yaohua.

An Shigeng's spy.

In the storyline, Ruthless had been going against 'her'.

As for how Zhuge Zhengwo knew?

What a joke. How could the movements of the Six Fan School be hidden from this old fox?

Zhuge Zhengwo pinched his beard and pondered for a moment before saying," This is not a bad idea. However,'she' only has one chance. We must use it carefully.”

The two of them exchanged glances and quickly made up their minds.

Zhuge Zhengwo ordered.

"Men, go and invite the four constables, Coldblood, Iron Hand, Luo Ma, and Ji Yaohua.”

"Yes, sir!"

The bailiffs waiting outside acknowledged the order and left.

After a while.

The four of them hurried over.

"My lord!"

After entering, the four of them cupped their fists and bowed.

" Okay." Zhuge Zhengwo smiled and nodded. He extended his hand and said," Sit down."”

Then, something awkward happened.

There were only six seats in the hall.

Wu Qing sat in a wheelchair. He didn't need it. Xu Fengyu took one, Lu Xiaofeng and Blooming Flowers took two, and there were two left.

Coldblood and Iron Hand were both golden-robed constables, and they sat down boldly.

Ladies first, Ji Yaohua did not stand on ceremony and sat beside Blooming Flowers.

Only Loma was left standing awkwardly at the side.

Lu Xiaofeng and Blooming Flowers were guests, so they naturally didn't need to give up their seats.

Xu Fengyu had the lowest status.

Seeing this scene, he could not pretend to ignore it and could only stand up.

"Constable Luo, please sit here."

Now that he had a way out, Luo Ma naturally did not have to be embarrassed anymore. He gave Xu Fengyu a kind smile and waved his hand." No need, Brother Xu. I'll just stand here."”

"It's okay. You just sit. I can sit here.”

As he spoke, he sat down on the armrest of Heartless's wheelchair under everyone's dumbfounded gazes.

His movements were smooth and natural, as if he was doing something at home.


How dare he?

Cold sweat trickled down his back.

The Coldblood Brothers clenched their fists and prepared to deal with this shameless fellow.

When they looked at Ruthless.

What they saw made their jaws drop.

Ruthless only used her soft hand to lightly hammer Xu Fengyu, throwing a flirtatious rebuke, and then…there was no then.

This scene was very strange.

There was something wrong with the two of them.

However, he wasn't a nosy person. Seeing the person in question like this, he didn't stand on ceremony and walked over to sit down.

Coldblood snorted coldly, but when he saw that Xu Fengyu did not even glance at him, he immediately became furious.

Just as he was about to berate her, a light cough came from above.


Zhuge Zhengwo interrupted the crowd's reverie and directly explained the purpose of summoning them.

"The development of the Copper-Touching Case and the Counterfeit Banknote Case has already caused chaos in the Jingdou market. The Ministry of Justice is already impatient and has ordered us to immediately solve the case. Therefore, I called you here to ask about the progress.”

Then, he turned to Luo Ma and said," Luo Ma, tell me about the 'counterfeit banknote case'.”

"Yes, my lord."

Luo Ma cupped his hands and said," After investigation, I've roughly confirmed that the mastermind behind the 'counterfeit banknote case' is the Blissful Tower, and the identity of the Tower Master is Yue Qing.”

"Well done, thank you for your hard work.”

Zhuge Zhengwo nodded in praise and said," The imperial court is anxiously waiting for a result. Since it's confirmed to be the Blissful Pavilion, we'll take action tonight and bring people to get rid of them, no matter who the owner is."”

"To prevent any accidents, Steel Hand, go and assist Loma."



This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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