Wuxia: A salted fish expert in the Six Fan School
23 : Thieves on a rainy night

Happy old


Night fell.

The timid Tong Xiangyu closed the shop early.

The crowd even went all out and gathered around Mo Xiaobei, swearing to protect her. They squeezed into the small house in the backyard where she lived. It seemed like they were going to live in groups.

Only Old White was left downstairs to keep watch by candlelight. In Tongfu Inn, this kind of dangerous work was always his.

As for Xu Fengyu, the only guest, he had probably been completely forgotten by them.

When there was no more noise below, Xu Fengyu walked downstairs, intending to find Lao Bai to inquire about the situation.


The sound of people coming downstairs startled Lao Bai. He turned around and saw that it was Xu Fengyu. He said hurriedly," Young Master Xu, why did you come down? You heard what Old Xing said, right? Qixia Town might not be peaceful these few nights."”

"Yes, I heard it."

Xu Fengyu nodded and patted the hilt at his waist. He smiled and said," I've practiced a few moves, so I'm not afraid of these.”


You're not afraid, but I'm afraid.

Lao Bai's lips twitched.

He had already tried to sense Xu Fengyu, but he didn't sense any internal energy fluctuations from him. Hearing what he said now, he thought that Xu Fengyu was a showy young master from a rich family who didn't know the immensity of heaven and earth after practicing a few moves.

However, he didn't try to persuade her.

He knew that he couldn't persuade this inexperienced young master. If he persuaded him too much, he might give him a bad look. Why bother? At most, he would secretly protect him when something happened.

In the pugilistic world, Xiantian experts were rare.

Lao Bai had become a Grandmaster in his thirties. He was somewhat confident, so he was not in a hurry.

However, he did not know that Xu Fengyu was practicing the supreme Taoist cultivation technique, the Art of Longevity. This cultivation technique had many benefits. One of them was that it could allow one to hide their aura, integrate with all things, and return to nature.

As a silver-robed constable, Xu Fengyu was more or less good at observing details.

He naturally noticed the movement of Lao Bai's mouth and guessed his thoughts, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

There was no need to explain this kind of thing. He would naturally know when the time came.

Thus, they sat down and chatted with a few bottles of wine and a plate of peanuts.

After chatting for a while, Xu Fengyu took the opportunity to bring up the topic of the 'Child Theft Case' and asked," Old Bai, I just heard from Constable Xing that there was a demon who stole children. What's going on?”


Lao Bai saw that his voice was a little loud and hurriedly gestured for him to lower his voice.

Then, he leaned on the table and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear," A few days ago, a few children went missing nearby. At first, the yamen thought that they had gone missing, so they sent people to look for them everywhere. Unexpectedly, before they could find them, two more children went missing in Qixia Town. Only then did the yamen realize that something was wrong.”

" Yesterday, there was an arrest warrant. It said that a child thief had come to the town. That's why everyone said that."

After listening to Lao Bai's explanation, Xu Fengyu finally understood the cause and effect.

Then, she asked with some doubt," Usually, children who steal are three to five years old. Your child is already eleven or twelve years old, right? Why are you so worried?”

"Isn't that so? However, this time, the thief had taken the wrong medicine. He actually targeted children in their teens and did not lose any children who were three to five years old. It was really strange.”

Lao Bai shook his head as he spoke, looking puzzled.

On the contrary, Xu Fengyu's eyes suddenly lit up as if he had thought of something.

Old White couldn't understand, so he changed the topic.


It was late at night.

Lao Bai was holding a wine glass and talking happily.



A series of thunderclaps came from outside, giving him a fright.

After a while.

The wind started to blow.

Creak! Creak! Creak!

The wooden door of the inn swayed.

Patter patter patter--

Raindrops fell on the roof tiles, crisp and clear.

Soon, the dense voices joined together and knocked on the ground outside.


Lao Bai suddenly fell silent for a moment, then quickly got up and stretched his body. He said," It's getting late, and it's raining heavily outside. I don't think the thief will make any more movements tonight. Let's rest early."”


Xu Fengyu smiled and stood up.




Xu Fengyu went upstairs, entered the house, and closed the door.

Lao Bai heard the commotion and picked up a lamp. He blew out the rest and went upstairs while humming a tune.

The hall fell into darkness.

After a long time.

Accompanied by the rain, a soft creak suddenly came from the hall.

Then, in the darkness, the door bolt moved slowly and strangely. After reaching the bottom, the door was gently pushed open a crack, and some raindrops flew in.

Slowly, the door opened wider, and a black shadow crept in. Then, he turned his hand and gently locked the door.

The person thought that he was very careful, but he did not expect that at this moment, two pairs of eyes were watching his every move through the window on the second floor.

Following that, the black shadow seemed to have lost its way. It took two steps east and two steps west, as if it was hesitating whether to go upstairs or to the backyard.


What was this guy doing?

Xu Fengyu was dumbfounded.

He quickly reacted. The person who came was obviously a greenhorn. He didn't even step on the spot completely before making a move.

However, the black shadow's confused actions made Xu Fengyu hesitate for a moment. He was a little unsure if this guy was the thief who stole the child.

After thinking about it, he finally decided to make a move. What if he was the one?

At this moment.


A bolt of lightning streaked across the night sky, and the sudden brightness completely exposed the black shadow's position.

A copper coin suddenly flew out of the second floor and went straight for the black shadow's right knee.


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