Wuxia: A salted fish expert in the Six Fan School
42 The Temptation of the Devil

Happy old



Xu Fengyu took it cleanly.

It's already been a year, how could he refuse?

Sometimes, he really couldn't understand this system. It was silent and didn't have a name other than the system.

You call it the 'Divine Constable System,' right? Then what does this mission have to do with constables?

You can call it the 'Super Justice System,' and it often issues arrest missions.

You could say that it was a cold program, but it was very human.

Especially the punishments, each one more ridiculous than the last, each more bizarre than the last.

However, even if there was no punishment this time and no greedy reward, he did not intend to refuse.

He was such a person, just as willful as the system.


After accepting the mission, Xu Fengyu looked at the group of crying women and then at the tattered straw mat on the ground. He could not help but feel pity for them.

Everyone said," b * stards are heartless, actors are unjust." They felt that this was an old saying and felt that it was very easy to say, so they thought it was very reasonable. However, few people reflected on why they were heartless and unjust.

These pitiful people in front of him were different from those in his previous life.

Those people lived with people in front and behind them, living a glorious life, living to be above everyone else.

These people were all forced to do this dirty business.

Who wouldn't have a hard life in this brothel?

As long as there was a way to survive, who would be willing to be a b * stard that everyone despised?

If they were said to be heartless, who would have feelings for them?

Xu Fengyu sighed with emotion. He stared at the mat and thought of the cause of her death. He couldn't help but feel a little angry. He muttered," It's all those damn beggars 'fault. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't have lost your beauty and died early…"

Just as he finished muttering, someone suddenly asked him," Little brother, from what you said, could it be that you have some misunderstanding with the beggar?”

Anyone would be unhappy to be interrupted.

Xu Fengyu turned around and saw a middle-aged couple. The man looked dignified and honest, while the woman was beautiful and charming.

Initially, he had a good impression of her. However, when he saw the short green jade staff in the woman's hand, his face suddenly turned cold and he said," I don't have any misunderstandings about beggars, but I deeply hate those strong and strong people who are obviously martial arts, but are idle and lazy.”

After saying that, he turned around and left without waiting for the two of them to react.

He had only taken two steps when he suddenly turned his head back, pointed at the straw mat on the ground, and said," Why did Yun Zhonghe come to Gusu? If I were you, I would buy her a good coffin.”


For a moment, the husband and wife were speechless.


It was late at night.

In the alley.

"Stop hiding, come out."

The person who spoke was a rather beautiful woman. Unfortunately, her beauty was ruined by the obvious scars on her cheeks. Coupled with her slightly distorted expression, she looked very ferocious.

Her name was Ye Erniang. People in Jianghu called her " evil " and she was ranked second among the " Four Evils ". She liked to steal other people's children to play with. When she was tired of playing with them, she would give them to unrelated people's families for adoption.

Ye Erniang was lonely tonight, so she came out to steal again.

As soon as he entered a small alley, he felt that he was locked by a few auras, so he shouted.

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a few figures walk out from the end of the alley and slowly surround her.

The leader was an exceptionally handsome young master. Ye Erniang did not let her guard down just because he was young. Seeing him walking straight towards her, she secretly clenched her fists and carefully guarded against him.

The young man walked until he was seven or eight steps away from her before stopping. He smiled at her and asked," Ye Erniang?”

The smile was very beautiful, but Ye Erniang was a little scared.

Since she couldn't sense this person's cultivation, there were only two possibilities.

One was that this person didn't know martial arts at all.

The other possibility was that this person's cultivation far exceeded his.

Ye Erniang was not stupid enough to think that it was the first type. She knew his bad reputation and still dared to get close to him. How could she not know martial arts?

She nodded and said warily," That's right, I'm Ye Erniang. Who are you?”

The young man smiled at her and took out a silver medal from his pocket. He shook it and said," I'm Xu Fengyu, a silver-robed constable of the Six Fan School.”

The person who came was Xu Fengyu. Ever since he was reminded by Lu Xiaofeng the night before, he had Shangguan Haitang order the secret agents from Dragon Mountain Villa to move out. Soon, they found traces of the people from Western Xia Class One Hall in the city.?

When he found out that Ye Erniang went out alone, he suddenly had an idea and rushed over with his men.

A silver-robed constable of the Six Fan School? Ye Erniang was slightly startled. Then, her expression turned ugly and she asked," So, you're here to capture me?”

Xu Fengyu shook his head and said calmly," No, I'm here to make a deal with you.”

"Hehe ~"

Ye Erniang sneered and said," I'm the villain, and you're the constable. What kind of deal can there be between a wolf and a dog?”

After saying that, she thought Xu Fengyu would fly into a rage out of humiliation, so she secretly circulated her internal energy and prepared to attack at any time.

Unexpectedly, Xu Fengyu suddenly laughed.

His next words were like the temptation of the devil, making Ye Erniang almost go crazy.

"Do you want to know where your son is?”


(F * ck, why did I, Old Carven, sit there in a daze for the entire afternoon before I could only write one chapter?))

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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