Wuxia: A salted fish expert in the Six Fan School
5 New Mission: Capture Tian Boguang

Happy old



The sun had yet to rise.

On the official road.

The Jianghu people carrying swords and sabers hurried back and forth.

Thud, thud…

The sound of hurried horse hooves could be heard.

Following that.


A few riders rode side by side, and a carriage quickly sped past, stirring up dust along the way.


The burly man spat.

He cursed in his heart, The imperial court's lackey on G-Day.”

He licked blood from his blade all day long, so he naturally knew the six on the chest of the constable of Six Fan School.

Of course, he only dared to curse in his heart. Offending a small sect was something he could avoid, but offending the Imperial Court was something he couldn't avoid.

In the end, the imperial court was the biggest sect in the martial world.

The sun rose from the east, and the earth warmed up.


Xu Fengyu, who was a little tired, pulled the reins.

She said to the inner room," Sister Yayu, we're not far from Mount Heng. Let's rest for a while before we continue our journey."”

"Okay, you decide."

Along the way, Wu Qing was already used to seeing this thick-skinned Sister Yayu.

He didn't listen, so she let him be.

Xu Fengyu drove the carriage into the woods.

The bailiffs removed the horse harness, lowered the shaft of the carriage, and mercilessly controlled her multi-functional wheelchair to smoothly row down.

Xu Fengyu pushed her under a shady tree and took out a pastry water bag to share with her.

As a rich young master who pursued a high-quality life, Xu Fengyu's pastries were definitely different from the dry rations of the bailiffs.

It's a good osmanthus cake.

It tasted very sweet.

Xu Fengnian had always been a fast eater.

Ruthless had only taken a few bites. While he was still chewing, he had already picked up the grass root to pick his teeth.

Women were always the most beautiful scenery.

Especially a fairy.

Xu Fengyu leaned against a tree to rest, while secretly glancing at Wu Qing with appreciation.

Sheng Yayu was very beautiful, even more beautiful than the fairy sister in his previous life.

Unfortunately, the heavens were not fair. When his gaze landed on Sheng Yayu's legs, he sighed and asked curiously," Sister Yayu, is your leg disease congenital or acquired?”

Don't hit people in the face, and don't expose people when scolding people.

His physical disability had created a ruthless and unsociable personality.

The last thing she wanted and feared to be mentioned was her legs.

Therefore, he immediately stopped chewing and stared coldly at Xu Fengyu.


I'll let you have a cheap mouth!

At this moment, Xu Fengyu wished he could slap himself.

He looked away awkwardly, lowered his head, kicked the soil, and stuttered," I…I didn't mean that. It's just…If it's the day after tomorrow, I know a strange medicine that might be able to cure it.”

Seeing that his handsome face was flushed red and did not seem to be faking it, Wu Qing's heart warmed slightly.

He lowered his head and continued to chew slowly.

The atmosphere was awkward.

After a long time.

Just as Xu Fengyu was still trembling in fear, Wu Qing suddenly whispered," What's the name of the strange medicine you mentioned?"”

Her voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, but Xu Fengyu caught it. He hurriedly replied," Black Jade Intermittence Ointment.”

"Black Jade Intermittence Ointment?"

Wu Qing frowned. She had been ill for a long time and had become a doctor. Coupled with her constant desire to walk, she was familiar with all the strange medicines and precious pills in the martial world, but she had never heard of this name.

Xu Fengyu knew that she had never heard of it before, so he explained," This is a miraculous medicine from the Western Regions. Almost no one in the Central Plains knows about it.”

"The Western Regions…"

The hope that had just ignited in Wu Qing's eyes instantly dimmed.

The Western Region was not the Central Plains. Neither she nor the Six Fan School could get involved there.

Seeing her like this, Xu Fengyu suddenly felt his heart ache.

He squatted down beside the wheelchair and patted her soft hand." I'll definitely help you find it, definitely!"”


A wave of hot air instantly rose to his head.

As she lowered her head, Ruthless 'ears and neck turned red.

Her chest thumped wildly, and her heart almost jumped out of her mouth.

The air was instantly filled with charm.

At this moment.



"Yilin, where are you…"

"Little Junior Sister…"

A series of anxious cries came from the forest.


Xu Fengyu snapped back to reality.

Had he triggered the plot again?

As expected.


Annoying voices came one after another.

" System Quest: Capture the rapist Tian Boguang and bring him to justice.”

"Mission reward: Dragon Sparrow (treasured saber).”

"Mission failure (or rejection): No penalty.”


No punishment?

Did the system change its personality?

This was the first time the system had given him a non-mandatory mission, but Xu Fengyu accepted it without hesitation.

A pervert was the most hateful thing in the world.

Although the Jin Dynasty's Great General Tian Boguang's drawing was somewhat cute, Xu Fengyu was not a Buddha. He did not fall for its 'put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha' trick.

A pervert was a pervert. If his crime could not be forgiven, then he would not be forgiven!

The cheers were getting closer.

Soon, a few female nuns entered everyone's field of vision.

The sudden appearance of a group of people made the nuns hold their sword hilts warily. When they saw the uniforms of the constables, they gasped and relaxed a little.

After hesitating for a moment, the leading nun took a few steps forward.

She put her palms together and said," This poor nun is Heng Mountain Sect's disciple Yi He. Greetings, sirs. Have you seen anyone grab a female nun and pass by here?”

The constables didn't say anything and looked at Xu Fengyu in unison.


Xu Fengyu asked, knowing the answer," Who is the person who captured the nun?”

"Tian Boguang, the Solitary Wanderer."

"Tian Boguang?"

Wu Qing, who had been indifferent all this while, slammed his wheelchair and gritted his teeth." This damned pervert. Are you sure he entered this forest?”

As a woman, which one didn't hate perverts the most?

With everyone surrounding him, Yi He could naturally tell that Wu Qing was extraordinary. He bowed respectfully and said," Yes, Your Excellency. This poor nun chased all the way into the dense forest and lost track of this thief.”

"Very good!"

Wu Qing's gaze was cold as he skipped over Xu Fengyu and gave the order.

"Everyone, form groups of two and immediately enter the forest to search for this pervert.”

"Yes, sir!"

(The results are not good. Please add it to your collection!)

This book comes from:m.funovel.com。

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