The War of Resistance: This Li Yunlong is too steady
12 The steady Li Yunlong

Wind 83


Hearing this sentence.

Zhang Dabiao finally understood what Li Yunlong wanted to do.

"Regiment Commander, are you planning to have our people disguise as devils and attack the stronghold?”

After Li Yunlong heard it, he nodded and said,""You're not stupid. You can tell?”

Zhang Dabiao nodded.

Li Yunlong pointed at the clothes on the ground and said,""I deliberately let those two puppet soldiers go just for this!”

"Those two puppet soldiers will definitely not be our spies. You have to know that we are a group of bandits in their eyes.”

"A group of bandits attacking the stronghold of the small village? Isn't it like hitting a rock with an egg?"

"These two will definitely go back and report this to the Japanese.”

"How do you think the Japanese will react?”

"Increase vigilance?" Zhang Dabiao thought for a moment.”

" Yes," said Li Yunlong with a smile." We'll increase our vigilance and then ask for backup."”

"Think about it. The Japanese think that their stronghold is indestructible, but if a group of bandits dares to attack, there must be a lot of them. To be safe, the Japanese will definitely report it to the higher-ups.”

"It doesn't matter if the Japanese send reinforcements or not. We just have to pretend to be their reinforcements and sneak into the stronghold. When the time comes, the other troops will ambush outside the stronghold and cooperate from the inside!”

Zhang Dabiao nodded immediately.

"Guild Leader, why didn't I think of that?”

"If you think about it, why don't you become the Guild Leader?”

"Go, let the various battalions select their people. Tomorrow, we will uproot the small village stronghold!”

"Yes, Guild Leader!"

On the second day.

In the small Banzhuang Stronghold.

The interpreter was fanning the Japanese.

"Matriarch, the enemy is going to ambush us. Don't we need to make arrangements in advance?”

After saying that, he saw that the water in Ohara's teacup was gone.

He picked up the kettle and quickly filled it with water, very attentive.

Hearing the interpreter's words, Kohara Rinjiro smiled and said,""I've already spoken to Tanaka Sake. He will send reinforcements to support us. Don't worry, that Black Cloud Stronghold is just a group of motley crew. There's nothing to worry about. Come, come, everyone continue playing cards!”

The interpreter said this to all the puppet officers present.

When this group of people heard this, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

He immediately beamed with joy." That's right. A bunch of bandits. If they dare to come, I'll kill them all!"”

"Yes, Taijun, don't worry. There's no need for reinforcements. The guys in our brothers 'hands are not to be trifled with!”

One by one, they began to express their loyalty.

After hearing this, Kohara immediately laughed.

At this moment.

A group of puppet soldiers and more than ten Japanese soldiers were rushing towards the stronghold of the small village.

Zhang Dabiao followed behind Li Yunlong, wearing the Japanese military uniform uncomfortably.

"Regiment Commander, we are wearing this Japanese military uniform. We don't know how to speak Japanese, what's the use?”

Li Yunlong sat at the front, wearing a major's military uniform.

It didn't fit him well. After all, he was short.

However, he made some slight changes overnight.

Without careful observation, one really couldn't tell the difference.

"Don't you know how to speak Japanese when you're dealing with them? If you meet someone with a lower official position than you, you'll just say 'Baka!' and if you meet someone with a higher official position than you, you'll just say 'Haha'!”

Zhang Dabiao's eyes widened.

How did the regiment commander know? Why didn't he know?

"Has the 3rd Battalion set up an ambush?"

" Yes." Zhang Dabiao nodded." We've already set up an ambush, but is there a need for that, Leader?"”

Zhang Dabiao didn't quite understand why Li Yunlong would set up an ambush outside the two Japanese strongholds closest to the small Banzhuang stronghold.

"Zhang Dabiao, you have to remember that when we fight, we must take all kinds of factors into consideration. As the saying goes, a wise man will always make a mistake, and a fool will always make a gain."

"We have to plan ahead and consider all possibilities.”

"What if our surprise attack fails and the Japanese call for help?”

"As a general, one should consider victory and defeat first, so one can fight a hundred battles without being defeated.”

Li Yunlong said.

Zhang Dabiao felt a little dizzy.

He knew every word Li Yunlong said.

But why couldn't he understand them when they were put together?

"Guild Leader, where did you learn all this?"”

"I read it in a book. I told you to read more books. You only know how to drink every day!”

After Li Yunlong finished speaking, he didn't say anything else.

Not only Zhang Dabiao.

Some of the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army were also stunned by Li Yunlong's words. They did not understand what Li Yunlong was talking about.

"What is our Guild Leader talking about? Why didn't I understand a single word?”

"I don't know, but what our Guild Leader said must be right.”

"When did our Guild Leader read books? Didn't you say that our Guild Leader…"

Li Yunlong heard all these words.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

What he had to do now was to let them feel the subtle changes in him.

This book comes。

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