Live broadcast: Discovered spy satellite in the sand
4 Maybe I can help you find the murderer.

A Cloud Pi


The captain of the marine police immediately ordered!

"Xiao Liu, go to the police station and investigate the files. Prepare the latest ones immediately!”

"Little Zhang, go and set up a cordon around here!”

"Yes, captain!"

A younger officer immediately set up a cordon nearby.

At the same time, he drove Uncle Hai away to watch the show.

When the viewers in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they were also shocked.

F * ck, this is for real!

The cordon has been pulled, so are we considered the people closest to the scene?

Indeed, it's fortunate that the host brought us into the venue.

The small stool was ready. Let's begin!

The streamer looked very calm. Wasn't she flustered when she saw the body bag and the coast guard?

In any case, something big was going to happen later!

As he said this, there were still people who continuously tipped him.

Captain of the Sea Cucumber of Huazu: Reward the Skyscraper X10

[Show me your face, little baby: Reward Rocket X10]


However, Qi Mo did not have the time to look at the gifts.

This was because the captain was also asking Qi Mo some questions.

"Mr. Qi, how long have you been aware of the situation here?”

"I saw it as soon as I arrived here. Then, I called the police immediately.”

"The live broadcast camera on my body can prove what I said.”

The captain nodded when he saw the live broadcast camera on Qi Mo's shoulder.

Qi Mo asked.

"Comrade Coast Guard, should I turn off this camera?”

"No need. This matter will have to be reported sooner or later. It's good to let people know the process!”

As he said that, the captain began to flip through the files in his hand.

After checking, the captain of the coast guard said.

"Mr. Qi, thank you for your accidental discovery.”

"According to our guess, the body in this body bag is very likely to be related to a missing person case a few days ago.”

"Because this missing case is very likely to be handled by an acquaintance of the victim, we have been unable to find out the victim's situation during this period of time.”

"Mr. Qi's report today has also helped us a lot!”

"Thank you, Mr. Qi, for helping us solve the case.”

The captain saluted Qi Mo.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also very excited when they saw this.

Wow, the coast guard uncle is so handsome and polite!

However, assisting the police in solving the case, what did the streamer encounter?

I dare say that even the coast guard didn't expect that they would be caught by a streamer who was rushing to the sea!

The streamer's luck is considered good!

The audience in the live broadcast room was excited.

The captain of the coast guard continued.

"As for the evidence, it's this glove.”

"According to our investigation, this glove is the only thing left on the victim's body.”

"The only thing left?"

After Qi Mo heard this, he could not help but be curious.

After all, what the captain of the coast guard said was basically an explanation.

The corpse in the body bag was a naked corpse!

What kind of relationship did the victim have with the criminal for the other party to kill and dump the body while stripping the other party of all his clothes?

Such a person was most likely a psychopath.

Qi Mo asked curiously.

"Then, have you found the criminal?”

The captain sighed and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, it's not used yet."

"Because it's currently speculated that it's because an acquaintance is working on the case, it's already very late when someone reports the missing person's case.”

"But don't worry. Now that we have found the victim's body, I believe that the truth will be revealed soon!”

The captain seemed to be worried that this would cause some panic, so he spoke confidently.

At the same time, the viewers in the live broadcast room were also looking forward to it.

That's right, such a psychopath must be caught as soon as possible!

Murder, dump the body, and even take off the clothes of the other party. This kind of person must be arrested as soon as possible!

Fortunately, the streamer found this body bag today. Otherwise, there might be more problems in this missing person case.

I'm the one who questioned the streamer's decision to call the police. I apologize to the streamer now.

Me too. I'm giving you a gift now. Please don't mind it.

Then, Qi Mo's stream was flooded with gifts.

Most people also liked Qi Mo's decisiveness.

However, Qi Mo did not have the time to pay attention to what was happening in the live broadcast room.

Qi Mo asked as he looked at the body bag.

"Since it's speculated that it's an acquaintance, why don't you ask the victim's acquaintance first?”

The captain shook his head.

"No, the victim is the owner of a seaside shop. She has a lot of contacts.”

"We can't ask them one by one. This will cause panic among the citizens.”

The captain sighed.

As he said that, he planned to call someone over to take the corpse in the body bag away and go back for further research. Perhaps he could find some clues.

At this moment, Qi Mo spoke.

"Comrade Coast Guard, perhaps I can help you find the murderer.”

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