Tong Lin
2 Looking for Aunt, Not Seeing the Expert, Visiting Mount Longhu, Sneaking Death in Snow

Shan tianf


As Tong Lin walked on the road, he pounded his head and stomped his feet. When he arrived outside the garden, he could no longer see the Tong Manor. Tong Lin was dumbfounded and thought,'I heard that Jiangxi is in the Southern Province. Since it's in the Southern Province, I have to head south.' He identified the direction, followed the main road, and headed south.

Our country has a vast territory and a large population. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, there were more than 400 million people in 13 provinces.

Tong Lin had never left the house, so where could he find Jiangxi Province? How difficult! Along the way, he ate and drank, and lived in the morning and at night. If he couldn't afford to stay in a big shop, he would stay in a small shop that was on fire. He didn't spend money if he could. Sometimes he would sleep in the open air at night. When he was thirsty, he would drink some water in the river. When he was hungry, he would buy a cake to eat because he did not have much money in his pocket. Just like that, he asked around as he walked. After walking for more than two months, he arrived at Nanchang, Jiangxi.

Tong Lin went to ask around, but there was no such person as his aunt. Even though she was her aunt, the two families rarely interacted and rarely exchanged letters. He thought to himself, This is bad! If I can't find my aunt, I won't even have a place to stay. I'm far away from home, and my eyes are dark. I can't meet my relatives or visit my friends. What should I do? Seeing that the weather was getting colder by the day, I was still wearing a single piece of clothing. He touched the money in his pocket and realized that he was almost out of money. This time, Tong Lin was even more dumbfounded. What should he do? I'm a young man in my twenties. Am I going to starve to death in a foreign country? I might as well return it. These two months have passed, and my father's anger has probably subsided. Thinking of this, Tong Lin walked back.

After walking for twenty miles, he stopped and thought, No, he couldn't go back. I made such a big decision and made such a big decision, but in the end, I gave up halfway. What should I say to my father when I go back? I spent the money that my brother gave me. I'm such a big guy, how can my skin be so thick? If I go back after a stroll, my relatives and friends will laugh at me to death! No, no matter what, I have to think of a way to earn some money. That way, I'll have an explanation when I go back. No, I still have to go back. I have to go to Nanchang. As Tong Lin walked, he thought,'If I don't go home and stay here, what should I do when my eyes are dark?' How was he going to live? What should I do? Aiyo, this thought stumped him again. Tong Lin thought about it, but it didn't work. He thought of another path, but it still didn't work.

The book was short. Tong Lin thought of more than a hundred paths, but he felt that none of them could be realized. Sigh, I remember when I was learning martial arts, a teacher said that there was a mountain in Jiangxi called…Oh, I remember now, it was called Longhu Mountain. He said that there were masters in Longhu Mountain. They were all famous martial arts masters, such as chivalrous men and swordsmen. Their martial arts were the best! I heard that they have many disciples under them. Sigh, don't I love martial arts the most? Why don't I just find a teacher to learn martial arts! If he went there, he would work hard for others and train hard. In the future, he would learn martial arts well. Wasn't this also a way out? Poke poles, stand on the ground, teach disciples, isn't this also able to maintain a living? If my father finds out, won't his anger dissipate? That's right! When Tong Lin thought of this, he quickened his pace. As he walked, he inquired about Mount Longhu. Finally, someone told him the way to Mount Longhu. Just like that, Tong Lin headed towards Mount Longhu.

Two in one day, three in two days, Tong Lin finally found Mount Longhu after much difficulty. When he arrived, Tong Lin was dumbfounded again. He thought to himself,"This master doesn't have a note on his head saying that I'm a chivalrous man or a swordsman. Where can I find him?" There was an expert, but where was the expert? Tong Lin took a closer look at Mount Longhu.'My god, this mountain is too big!' The mountains were connected, and the ridges were connected. Strange rocks were everywhere, and the ancient trees were dense. Tong Lin steeled his heart,[I'll go all out!] He used the remaining five old coins in his pocket to buy a few cakes, put them in his arms, and began to climb the mountain.

Tong Lin climbed over the mountains and asked around and questioned everyone he met. When they reached the mountains, they still didn't see a shadow of an expert, and they had all finished eating. Tong Lin was still walking towards the mountains. He had not eaten anything for two days and two nights. This time, Tong Lin was even more dumbfounded. Hehe! Tong Lin's tears fell as he faced Kongshan and had nowhere else to go. He thought to himself, Looks like I'll have to freeze to death! The more Tong Lin thought about it, the more upset he felt. His heart felt worse than a knife stabbing it. He thought again,'As long as I'm still breathing, I can't be discouraged!' If I don't find this expert, I'd rather die of cold and hunger. Even if I have to crawl, I have to crawl in! How determined was this young man? Just like that, Tong Lin persisted in walking for another day and night. Later on, he really couldn't walk anymore. He suddenly felt light-headed and golden light swirled in front of his eyes. As the saying went,"Man is iron, rice is steel. If you don't eat, you'll be hungry." A person was someone who had great ability and great ability. If you didn't eat, you wouldn't be able to play. At this moment, Tong Lin felt that his legs were bulging and his limbs were weak. He looked at the sky. Oh no, the sky was overcast. What should he do? He couldn't go up to the village or down to the shop. In this deep mountain range, there were only trees and grass. What if it snowed? He still had a single piece of clothing on him. In the end, he could only stagger forward for another mile or so.

The little north wind whistled and snowflakes fell. Tong Lin really could not move anymore. He looked at the open space in front of him, found a tree by the road, leaned against it, and sat down under the roots. At this moment, Tong Lin felt hungry, tired, and cold. He hugged his arms and legs and curled up into a ball. The snow was getting heavier. After a while, Tong Lin could not move even if he wanted to. When the sky was half-bright, the snow had already buried the mountain. As for Tong Lin, he was also buried in the snow. Only his nose, eyes, and mouth were exposed. Tong Lin had already lost consciousness. If no one saved him, his life would be over. At this moment, two old Daoists walked over from the distant hillside.

Looking at these two Daoists, they were dressed differently. One was a red face, and the other was a white face. This red-faced man wore a warm hat on his head, a gray Taoist robe draped over his body, a silk sash tied around his waist, and a Buddhist dust in his hand. His five strands of beard fluttered in front of his chest. He looked kind and his eyes sparkled. He looked to be around sixty years old. The white-faced man was slightly shorter than the red-faced man. He had thin eyebrows and bright eyes, a three-tuft beard, a warm hat on his head, a green robe, a silk sash around his waist, and a horsetail whisk in his hand.

The two old Daoists chatted and laughed as they climbed up the hill. The red-faced man said,"The Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate! Junior Brother, this snow is so good! Look, the whole mountain is white! The air was so fresh and spotless!”"Isn't that so?" the white-faced man replied. The air in the morning was especially fresh.”"Hey, brother, how about we practice martial arts?" the red-faced man suggested.”"Sure!" he asked with a pale face. What do you think we should practice?" The red-faced one replied,"Let's practice Traceless Treading on Snow."”"Alright! You walk in front, I'll follow behind you.”The red-faced one agreed,"Alright, let's talk and practice!"”He saw the two old Taoist priests lift up their long Taoist robes and tuck them into the silk sash. They rolled up their sleeves and stuck the horsetail whisk into their waists, tidying up neatly. The red-faced one was in front, while the white-faced one was behind. The two of them bent down and practiced.

What did he mean by leaving no traces on the snow? Did you see that these two old Taoist priests walked in the snow, almost leaving no footprints? Their bodies seemed to be flying. From afar, they looked like two flying geese.

Not long after, the two of them stopped. The place where the two of them were standing happened to be next to the tree where Tong Lin fainted from the cold. The two Taoists stopped and looked back at the snow. There were no footprints. The two of them were amused. " Hahaha! Junior Brother, it seems that our martial arts are not bad!”"Isn't that so? Us brothers are called old kings selling melons and boasting.”The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Suddenly, the red-faced Daoist turned around.""Yes!" "What's this?" he asked, noticing a lump of snow under the tree. Why was there a black hole on the snow bag? Was it an animal? That was not right. I have to go over and take a look." As the red-faced man spoke, he ran over. He pulled out a horsetail whisk from his waist and brushed it against the snow bag. Tong Lin's face was revealed from the snow. "Yo, the Boundless Heavenly Venerate! Wasn't this a human? Where did he come from? Why did you freeze to death here?" As he spoke, this Dao Master stretched out his hand and touched Tong Lin's nose. He reached his hand into Tong Lin's embrace and touched it. His heart was still beating slightly. It was all thanks to Tong Lin's good constitution that an ordinary person would have long died. The two Taoist masters saw that saving people was like putting out a fire, so they might as well stop cultivating. The red-faced old daoist let the white-faced old daoist carry Tong Lin on his back while he protected him from behind. Then, he turned around and rushed back to the temple.

After crossing a small mountain, a temple appeared on the flat ground of the mountain. If Tong Lin had not been so cold and hungry, he would have been able to see this temple if he had walked a little further. Following the previous book, the name of this temple was called "Two Immortals Temple". Although the temple wasn't big, it wasn't small either. The two Taoist masters came to the entrance of the temple and pushed open the corner door. As soon as they entered the courtyard, they saw a few young Taoist masters cleaning up the snow. The little old Daoist raised his head and saw that his master had returned. Hmm, why was he carrying someone? A young Taoist priest hurriedly put down the broom and wooden shovel in his hand. Master, what's going on?" "Oh, we were training outside and met this person. Open the door!" "Ai, ai." The little old Daoist opened the door.

The white-faced old Daoist carried Tong Lin into the house. It turned out that when a person was frozen to this extent, he couldn't be placed on a hot brick bed, nor could he be asked to warm himself up in a fire stove. It was like a frozen pear. He had to take it to cool down and slowly pull out all the ice. This way, the pear would be soft and edible. This person was the same. If he were to be placed on a heated brick bed, he would be crippled if he was frozen to this extent. Therefore, the little old Daoist first brought a stool from the outer room and placed Tong Lin on the stool. Then, he stripped off his clothes, shoes, and socks. The red-faced old Daoist let the little old Daoist pick up some snow with a dustpan, then used this snow to wipe Tong Lin's body. They rubbed against each other until the skin on Tong Lin's body turned red. The old Daoist touched it and felt that his breathing volume was greater than before. Only then did he relax. He let the little old Daoist carry Tong Lin to the bed and covered him with two sets of blankets. The old Daoist took Tong Lin's pulse. Seeing that this person did not have any other illness, but his body was too weak, he told the little old Daoist to quickly make some millet porridge for him. If there were eggs, she would give him two more. The little old Daoist nodded and left.

Tong Lin had been lying on the wooden bed for nearly six hours before he finally understood. He opened his eyes and looked around. What was this place? Am I dreaming? Why did she feel warm on her body? It seemed like someone was venting her anger beside her? At the thought of this, he turned his eyes and looked carefully. There were two chairs by the bed, and the two old priests sitting on the chairs were staring at him. There were a few young old priests beside them. Tong Lin closed his eyes again and said in his heart," Was he dreaming? No, could it be that someone really saved me?

Just as he was letting his imagination run wild, two young Taoist priests came over. One hugged his neck and helped him up, while the other fed him porridge. Aiyo, Tong Lin felt that it smelled good! At this moment, he did not have the strength to speak, so he wolfed down the food. After Tong Lin finished the eggs and millet porridge, he finally felt confident. The red-faced old Daoist asked the little old Daoist to bring Tong Lin a big bowl of porridge, and Tong Lin ate it again. After finishing two bowls of porridge, Tong Lin's nose was already drenched in sweat. The little old Daoist came over and helped Tong Lin lie down, covering him with the blanket. Tong Lin rested for a while and slowly recovered. This was true. This monk was too merciful! I can't live without her! At the thought of this, he lifted the blanket and got off the bed. He knelt down in front of the two Taoist masters and said,"Immortal Elder, the grace of saving my life is really better than my reborn parents! Tong Lin, I'll kowtow to the two of you!" "Hey, get up! You're still very weak. Lie down, lie down.”"No, no, I don't need to lie down. I can stand.”"No, then you have to sit down and talk.”the red-faced monk advised. The room was quite warm. Tong Lin fiddled with his tattered clothes and looked here and there. He said,"Immortal Elder, did you save me?" "Yes, yes, we saved you. What did you say your name was?" "My name is Tong Lin, also known as Hai Chuan." "Where are you from?" "From the Tong Family Village of the capital's Nanba Prefecture." "Oh, that's far! Then why are you here?" "Sigh, Immortal Elders, it's hard for me to explain in a few words! I'm here to learn martial arts from an expert." "Who introduced you?" "No one introduced me. That's what I think." The two old Daoists looked at each other and were amused."Then did you manage to visit this expert?" "Where can we find one? It is said that Jiangxi's Longhu Mountain is full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons, but after climbing for several days, I didn't even see a shadow.”"Oh…Hahaha…Young man, you're too childish! You probably fell for it, right? Listen to their nonsense and cause you to be like this. Sigh, let's do it this way. "As for you, have a good rest first. After you finish eating tomorrow, you can leave here and do whatever you need to do!”Tong Lin pondered for a moment. Tomorrow, he would chase me away! If I leave this place, who will care about my food?

Whether Tong Lin left or not, let's see the next chapter.

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