Proud Demon Monarch
2 Falling Meteor



In the blink of an eye, he had been in this city for more than a month. It was not easy for him to walk through the streets and alleys of the entire city and find a security job in a factory that was neither large nor small. After experiencing all kinds of setbacks, Feng AoTian's lofty aspirations from when he came out of school had almost been wiped out. The easier jobs required a college or bachelor's degree or above, and those with low academic requirements were basically dirty manual labor that he was unwilling to do.

Who asked Feng AoTian to be born in this materialistic and cruel modern society? In this society, it was almost impossible for people without background or education to find a good job. The vast majority of companies only looked at academic qualifications and not ability! In today's society, those who could find a good job relied on their connections or their own academic qualifications. For someone like Feng AoTian, who had nothing to do with anything, to be able to find a security job, it could be considered that God had treated him well.

Today, because Feng AoTian was chatting with a girl at work, he was caught by the boss and scolded. In particular, a few words from the boss kept appearing in Feng AoTian's mind: "Hmph, kid, I took you in because I pitied you. You were an orphan wandering around. Not only did you not appreciate my hard work, but you even chatted with girls at work. What are you talking about? If this happens again, you don't have to come to work anymore.”。

Therefore, he was in a very bad mood.

"So what if she's an orphan? Aren't orphans human? Hmph, aren't you just better than me in reincarnation? What's so great about it? You even said that you took me in because you pity me. Am I just taking your money for free? I've been your dog at work every day, and I've been ordered around by you all. Those with money and power are not f * cking humans. They look down on others. If they dare to offend me, then I won't do it. With my brains and skills, it's a good way out for me to join the underworld. Weren't there many rich people who came from the underworld? One day, when I stand out, I will definitely make those who look down on me suffer.”

Feng AoTian grumbled in his heart for a while. As he thought about it, the expression on his face became uglier and uglier, and his heart became even sadder.

So he saw a supermarket in front of him and walked in. He bought a big bag of snacks, two bottles of white wine (small bottles), and two bottles of beer (pull cans). After leaving the supermarket, he walked to a nearby park.

The park was quite spacious, and the ground was covered with grass. As it was summer night, there were many people in the park, enjoying the shade or chatting. Feng Aotian found a place far away from the others and sat down. He placed the things he had bought in the supermarket on the ground and opened them. He ate snacks and drank wine. From time to time, he would take out the cigarettes he had brought with him and light one up. He started smoking.

Her heart was in a mess, and she had been letting her imagination run wild.

The people not far away were all in groups of two or three. Some brought their wives and children, some brought their lovers, and some brought their brothers and friends to chat. They were so happy.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Feng AoTian could not help but think of his own situation. He also thought of his days in school. He had been happy and miserable in school, but now that he thought about it, it was really much better in school than outside. At that time, he could just muddle along and did not have to worry about money. Now that he thought about it, he really should not have.

"I wonder how the two brothers in school are doing now. They should be much better than me, right? Sister Fang! How are you doing over there? Did you miss me? I'm sorry! It's not that I don't want to be by your side, but I'm a man, and every man wants to stand out, right? I didn't want you to see my incompetence, and I didn't want you to suffer with me. That's why I left you and came here. I also hope that now that you've grown up, you can stand on your own. When I earn money, I'll definitely look for you. Sister Fang, forgive me! If I really can't survive here, then I can only take that path.”

There were many young men in the underworld who were forced out by life!!! (However, Feng AoTian would not take that path for the time being.)

Every time he thought of her, Feng AoTian would feel an indescribable sadness and guilt. He wanted so much to stay by her side and give her happiness! They were both orphans, but they had a bitter reputation. They had relied on each other since they were young and were inseparable. The feelings that they had developed since they were young without the protection of other emotions were not something that others could understand.

However, did Feng AoTian have the ability to give her happiness now? He could get anything he wanted!

As Feng AoTian thought about this, two streams of tears flowed out of his eyes and fell from his haggard face.

Who said that a man would not shed tears easily? It was just that it had not reached the point of sadness.

It was already late at night. The figures that were in groups of two or three earlier had long disappeared. The surroundings were quiet. Other than Ni Hong's street lamps that illuminated the AD as if it was daytime, there were only some insect cries. However, it also went along with Feng AoTian's wishes. He, who originally liked peace and quiet, did not want to be disturbed at this moment. He wanted to calm down alone.

Looking up at the sky, there were stars and a bright moon in the sky. The air pollution in this city did not seem to be too serious. The clear night sky did not have any clouds. The bright moonlight spread down, adding a bit of tranquility and peace to the entire land. At this moment, the earth was like a baby sleeping soundly under the care of its mother.


In the starry night sky, there seemed to be a very dazzling planet flying. Its light seemed to have covered all the other stars. It was shining brightly and dragging a long tail across the silent sky. It was a meteor!

"No way! I'm so lucky to be able to see a shooting star in such a sad situation. I heard that making a wish on a shooting star is quite effective.”This was Feng AoTian's first thought.

Therefore, he put his palms together and made a wish to the meteor."May the heavens bless me and allow me to make a name for myself as soon as possible. I also hope that my two brothers and Sister Fang will be able to do well and reunite with their parents as soon as possible.”。

However, when Feng AoTian opened his eyes, he realized that something was wrong. The meteor that was originally far away in the sky was actually flying towards him. It was getting closer and closer to him, and the speed was indescribable. Feng AoTian was anxious. In his subconscious mind, even if the meteor did not hit him, the city would be finished if it hit the nearby area. Meteorites from outer space smashed into the earth and created a huge crater, causing earthquakes or tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Feng AoTian had seen many of these things on television and in books. None of them were fun.

"No! I don't want to die. I still have a lot of things to do! If they died like this, what would happen to Tianxing and Fangmei? They are my only family in this world!”Feng AoTian roared in his heart, letting out waves of grief and unwillingness.

He was not willing to die quietly like this. He had been an orphan since he was young and did not receive any love from his father or mother. He only had the feelings of relying on each other with Yun Yanfang, Chu Tianxing and Zhao Hongfei. His real life had just begun and he was about to be chosen. No one would be willing to believe it.

Even a meteor flying towards Feng AoTian at high speed would be better than him! Although the life of a meteor was short, at least it had once been glorious and brilliant. It used its last bit of energy to burn and cover the light of all the other planets to prove that it had once existed.

Wasn't life supposed to be like this?

However, things did not go as he wished. No matter how unwilling Feng AoTian was, he could not stop the speed of the meteor's flight. It ran straight towards Feng AoTian's location.

Boom! A ball of dazzling light tore through the air because of its speed.

"Buzz!" Feng AoTian was coincidentally hit by the meteor. He felt a buzzing sound in his mind and lost consciousness.

Bang! Feng Ao's body fell to the ground, but strangely, his body was not smashed into pieces by the meteor. There were no large pits or earthquakes around him, but he fell on the lawn unharmed.

Some of the residents who were still awake had also seen the shooting star. It ran towards their city and landed in the park. However, they also felt strange. Why was there no explosion like they had imagined? Why was there no cave or mountain shaking?

This book comes。

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