In the park, there was a large man-made lake. There were many boats docked by the lake. They paid the rent and asked for two small boats. Cai Tianchen, his sister, and Xiaoli were on one boat.
Luo Zhiqiang, Old Mu, and the two girls were in a boat. The sun shone on the lake, and the light breeze blew. The two boats were moving side by side. Old Mu sat in the back cabin and stepped on the wheel with his feet. Tian Chen used his hands to support the other boat and let Big Mu drive his own boat.
Old Mu felt that this was quite unfair. There were seven people playing and he was the only one doing the work. He might as well not step on it and just sit there leisurely.
Cai Tianchen let go of his hand and stepped on the boat for a while.
Luo Zhiqiang stood at the bow of the ship with his hands clasped behind his back. He faced the wind and raised his head slightly.
Cai Yu took out a sketchbook and started to sketch. Xiao Li also took out a pen and drew Luo Zhiqiang's standing posture. She imagined him and drew him into a moving action. Xiao Ling and Xiao Mei sat in front of the cabin, laughing and laughing. Xiao Li put away her sketch and then went behind Cai Yu to snatch the sketchbook from her hand.
She scrutinized the image." Why do I feel like I've never seen this scene before?!"?”
Cai Yu explained,"Looking at this masterpiece, you will think of: 'Descendant of Emperor Gaoyang, Emperor Zheng is called Boyong. In Mengzou, only Gengyin and Wu surrendered.'
Xiao Li shouted,"Not good, someone is going to jump into the river!"”
"This isn't Mi Luojiang, but he really looks like a lost person who is walking on the edge of life.”
Luo Zhiqiang looked at them." What did you say? You said I wanted to jump into the river?"
Xiao Li quickly shook her head. She nodded and bowed, looking very funny.
"Alright, the two of you speak ill of others behind their backs. Only women and villains are difficult to raise!”。
Luo Zhiqiang sighed with emotion. If he had a long beard, he would be at a higher realm while stroking his beard.
Cai Yu retorted,"Only the villain and Luo Zhiqiang are difficult to raise!"”
Xiao Li scribbled on her sketchbook and then shouted,""Come here, I have something good to show you.”
Luo Zhiqiang ran to the rear cabin, increased the horsepower, and approached their ship.
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