Decisive Battle--Establishing the Sea
"Finally, the day of our match against Lihai University is coming.”Tao Cheng couldn't help but let out a sigh. Kikomaru smiled lightly and said," Stop sighing there. Hurry up and pack your equipment. We should set off."”,We and the people from Lihai University walked into the competition venue. The two sides first clapped and then stood face to face. Then the referee sat on the high chair and said," Today is the finals of the East China Competition. The two sides are the members of Qingxue and Lihai University. The first match is the doubles match. Please prepare your respective players to enter the arena.”Peach City and Haitang took off their clothes and sat on the bench to do some simple exercise to warm their bodies. This was also called excitement preparation, and the principle was similar to running.
The opponent sent out two doubles, Marui and Kuwabara, which were comparable to the golden doubles of Qingxue. The referee looked at the watch on his hand and said," The match will begin.”Tao Cheng and Haitang walked up. Tao Cheng said to Marui," We will definitely win today."”Marui didn't say anything. Instead, it was Kuwabara who said," Your fight is not small, but we haven't fought yet. No one knows what the result will be."”,I looked at the time in America and said to myself,"I think the game has started."”"Teacher, are we not going back?" "Of course. Let's go now."
In fact, when I was in the United States, I also found a beautiful woman. This beautiful woman was originally a member of the professional tennis team. Due to the jealousy of her teammates, she eventually retired from the tennis world. However, my appearance broke his perception. Moreover, I don't know why this beautiful woman was willing to follow me. Anyway, I don't care if there is a beautiful woman who doesn't accept her. This beautiful woman's name is, I directly called her Xiaomei after Sarimei. We didn't take the plane back to Japan. I told Xiaomei my identity, so I teleported to Japan. When the three girls saw me coming back, they were very excited and happy. When they saw the beauty behind me, they were even happier. When I saw Nanako, I was a little surprised. I looked at Juxing. Juxing understood my feelings and said," It was Ryuuma who sent Nanako here. You won't be angry, right?"”I chuckled, which looked very evil. I immediately hugged her and kissed her beautiful face." Why would I be angry? I'm so happy. The four of you have to sleep with me tonight."”When they heard that they had to sleep with me, the four women's faces immediately turned red. At this time, Ju Xing said to me," Hubby, the Qing Xue competition has already started. Aren't you going?”
I slapped my forehead and said," I almost forgot if you didn't mention it. I'll go to the arena immediately. You guys should pack up and watch the game."”The four girls nodded slightly, and I left early. Although Tao Cheng and Haitang were trying their best to catch up, Haitang and Tao Cheng were still not Lihai University's match. Tao Cheng and Haitang lost 7 to 5. Next, it was our Golden Doubles match. Unfortunately, the battle was even more tragic than the time when Tao Cheng and the beach lost. The score gap was huge, and our Golden Doubles match was not their match. At this time, Ah Qian came on stage. They all knew each other because they were classmates from elementary school and were the best doubles duo. They had once competed when they were young, but the coach had chased them out of the field when he saw them. In addition, Lian Er had left the school and transferred to another school, so the unfinished match had been left unsettled. Now that the two of them had met again, they could really fight to the end.
Ah Qian didn't know much about Ren Er. Most of the information was from the past. As for whether it was useful or not, even Ah Qian himself didn't know. Speaking of their strength, Ren Er was much stronger than Ah Qian. Ah Qian wasn't as talented as Ryuuma or as skilled as Tezuka, but with his own efforts, his strength had improved a lot. 1:0, 1:1, 2:0, 2:2. The scores of 3 - 2 and 3 - 3 were constantly chasing each other, and no one was in the lead. Qieyuan, who was sitting at the side, said," Is Senior Ren Er going to give in to Qian Zhenzhi again?"”Sanada shook his head and said," That's impossible. Because Lian Er's personality is the kind of person who does what he says. When you were training with Lian Er, did you see him say the opposite of his actions?”"But this time, it's my friend. Is it impossible for friends?”Sanada shook his head and said," That's even more impossible. If you say it's normal, I think it's possible. But this is the finals. Everyone wants to win glory for their school. Plus, they have an agreement. One side will be lenient, and the other side will definitely not forgive him.”
Sanada's words brushed past Lianji's side." 3 to 4, Qingxue is in the lead.”"See, Deputy Minister, what did I say? Senior Lian Er must be giving in to Qian Zhenzi.”"No, just look at Lian Er's expression. His stamina won't last long.”Although Lian Er had worked hard to get the score back, it was difficult for the rest of the game to continue. However, not only Lian Er, but also Ah Qian had encountered such a problem. Moreover, when his information had lost its effect, it was difficult to turn the situation around. However, Ah Qian still won. Ah Qian did not rely on his own information to win. He had to find the opponent's weakness while giving up his information, and that was what Ah Qian did. Lian Er had already reacted when the tennis ball brushed past Lian Er, but he was still one step away. Ah Qian won just like that.
"Ah Qian, that's great. We won this round. It's 2:1 now. Who's next?”Ah Qian looked at the name list and said,"The next player to go on stage is Ah Xu."”Tao Cheng said," No way. Isn't Xu in America now? Why would he come to our competition?"”Ah Qian smiled lightly and said," Oh, this is because Ah Xu called me and said that he would be the number two player in the Singles. He will definitely be back on the day of the match.”"Are you serious? The match has already started.”Li Hai University's player was already on stage. He was the violent player Qie Yuan. Seeing that no one came up, he started to shout at us," What's wrong? Why isn't anyone going up? Oh, I understand. You're not afraid, are you? Hahaha."”
The referee looked at the watch on his hand and said," The people from Qing Xue, please send someone to the stage. If you don't go on stage, announce that the people from Li Hai University have won this round.”Ah Qian walked up and whispered something into the referee's ear. The referee then nodded and said," Due to special reasons, Qingxue requested to wait for ten minutes. After ten minutes, if there are no contestants on stage, they will announce the victory of Lihai University.”Then, the referee jumped down from the chair. Just as they were resting, Duren Burg's sister came. Duren Burg was particularly surprised and asked," Sister, why are you here?”Yumiko smiled and said," I'm here to watch your teammate's game. Why aren't you welcome?”Buer smiled." How is that possible?”,In fact, not only was Buru's sister here, but also Kikomaru's sister. Of course, there was also Hwa Village. Seeing so many beautiful women appear, everyone knew something. Although Buru and Kikomaru did not object to their sister liking me, they were also a little embarrassed. Buru Yumiko and Kikomaru's sister were sitting at the back and talking about me. Hwa Village also sat between the two of them and started chatting. At this time, ten minutes had passed. Just as the referee was about to announce the winner of the match, a familiar voice rang out." Who said they won? We haven't even played yet.”
This book comes。