Descent of the Fire Shadow
21 Choshiro




Chu Ni followed Uanye Kaori and came to a training ground in the Uanye family's residence. He saw a boy who was slightly older than Chu Ni. He was practicing his saber techniques on the training ground. The two tachi danced in the boy's hands like dragons and phoenixes. One look and one could tell that the power was not weak!

"So this is the young Jaoshiro!”Looking at the gray-blue boy with eye sockets who was practicing his sword technique on the field, Chu Ni couldn't help but secretly say to himself, Who would have known that this Choshiro who was desperately practicing his sword technique on the training field would have to avoid him in close combat a few years later!

"Changshilang!" After stopping at the side of the training field, Ueno Kaori shouted at Chojiro!

Chi! After hearing Uano Kaori's words, Cho Juro's dancing figure immediately stopped. Then, he looked in Uano Kaori's direction! When he saw Ueno Kaori again! He immediately shouted happily!


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