Life with SARS2

Mingyu's Y


Time: 2009-12- 24 11:07:56 Words: 9011



During the Spring Festival in 1999, Yiren still spent it at her brother's house.

This year's Spring Festival, Yiren felt an indescribable excitement. Why? Ha, so he was going to leave the country court and work in the city. This was another big change in his life! Every turning point in life, Yiren had to think a lot, although Yiren felt more and more that the past imagination was in vain, just like the leader's big talk. Life was as dull as silent water, where it should flow, where it flows, there was no surprise, and he was too lazy to care about your past imagination. However, imagination had become a habit, just like how the common people prayed every new year. It did not matter whether it was effective or not, but prayer had become a part of the new year. It was indispensable, even though the common people were always worried that " this year will be better than next year, but next year, they will still be wearing a long coat and a short coat."

However, Yiren suspected that it was too early to think about it. After all, the leader hadn't made a clear statement yet. After all...

Thus, Yi Ren lived his days in imagination and worry.

There was probably no need to go to the leader's house. He had already gone too many times before the new year. Couldn't saying goodbye to the new year replace paying a new year visit?

After the eighth day, Yiren didn't know where to go. Should she go to Qiu Long or the county court?

Why would I go to Qiu Long? Didn't I say goodbye to my comrades when I went home for the New Year last year? Li Xixiao was very kind and spent a lot of money to invite guests. However, you, Yiren, also cooperated very well. If you eat his food and say goodbye, you won't be a member of the Qiulong court anymore. If you still want to go to Qiulong, won't people laugh at you? " And Sister Wang, she's been chasing you to express her stance. Although you're not satisfied with the man that Sister Wang introduced, you rejected her with the excuse that you're leaving Qiulong and don't want to date in Qiulong. Back then, you were the one who pestered her to take care of you. After taking care of you, you found an excuse to reject her. Of course, it would be good if you really left Qiulong. If you did…what would Sister Wang think? If you, Yiren, became a liar who didn't keep your word, would you also be called "Niu x"? If you really haven't been transferred away, Sister Wang will ask you again how to deal with it?

Why are you so lacking in confidence? Who was their leader? Like you? Would he go back on his word?

"Most people make do when they're in a relationship. There was no such thing as a perfect love story. It was a drama, an exaggerated life. My wife and I made do with it. At that time, we were both older youths. Although we were high school classmates in the same year, we didn't know each other. We got to know each other after a friend introduced us. At that time, I wasn't very satisfied. I also thought that she wasn't beautiful enough. This is the common trait of men. He thought that my family's background was a little poor, but in the end, we still got along because we had one thing in common: They were all high school graduates, which was very rare in the local area. People who had studied a little also valued this point. What was the reason? Birds of a feather flock together, but I don't care about that anymore. Let me tell you, when choosing a partner, don't just look at one point. You have to consider all factors. You have to consider appearance, family, knowledge, personality, and many other factors.”Mu Jianshe said.

"Why do you treat dating as a project? Why do you need to do a feasibility report?”

"Then how do you decide if it's okay or not?”

"It's just based on feeling!"

"Feelings are illusory. There's always something deeper that governs them. If you don't tell others, perhaps you don't tell yourself either. However, the inner thing does exist. Only when the inner thing is external can you truly start dating. Otherwise, the word 'feeling' may not have any requirements, but it's actually the most demanding requirement. Then, you won't be able to start dating. You must know that your current love has a utility purpose. You are in love for the sake of marriage. You can't be like a middle school student, a college student, or a young man under the age of 20. Do you have the leisure to fall in love? "Let's talk about myself. Perhaps it was a coincidence that led to our marriage. After we dated for a while, we seemed to be a little tired and didn't want to continue. At this time, my grandfather passed away. According to the local rules, after my grandfather passed away, the eldest grandson couldn't go on blind dates or get engaged for six months. If we wanted to get engaged, we had to wait for at least six months. After waiting for six months, I think we had already gone our separate ways. Because of this matter, my parents were naturally very anxious. Actually, we had already talked about the engagement. I had also asked my parents for their opinion, but my grandfather had suddenly passed away and the engagement had to be delayed for six months. My parents were naturally anxious, so they thought of a workaround (the authorities argued that this workaround was in line with the rules):"We got engaged seven days before my grandfather passed away. Our parents proposed this idea. We didn't object clearly, nor did we have any concrete reasons to object, so we got engaged. In the countryside, getting engaged is insurance. If we break off the engagement after getting engaged, we will be scolded. Then, they would definitely get married and have children. How was our relationship? Actually, we rarely thought about our relationship. We only thought about living. After we got married, we quarreled and quarreled. We also asked for divorce many times, but we were still a couple. This was the real rural version of love, marriage, and family.”

Mu Jianshe's words left Yi Ren in a daze. However, he also felt that these words shone with the light of truth.

Quickly finish writing the article. I only hope that after I throw away the burden, I can start to pretend and curry favor with the leader to find a little success in the secular world!


The three fires that Director Jia had set after taking office began to burn.

Although it was said that a new official would do things quickly, Director Jia had already been in office for more than a year. What was he doing…

Director Jia said," After a year of careful investigation and research, I know the court like the back of my hand. There are achievements and gaps here. There are encouraging phenomena and worrying bad habits. Therefore, I have decided to reform the court from now on."

Changing it again?

Yi Ren suddenly remembered the low-key appointment method that she had mentioned before. How could it be used by Director Jia? However, it seemed that Director Jia had not done any detailed research this year. Instead, he had been frequently visiting the county government. Was he adjusting his research or stabilizing his foundation? The so-called understanding of the background of everyone meant that they could avoid hitting the rocks in the reform! Did the so-called 'adapting to court work' mean that the net of power had been set up and he could work without worry? Yi Ren's original favorite low-key appointment method could also be interpreted like this. Yiren regretted arguing with Director Feng. What was there to argue about? No matter how ideal the method was, it could not escape the taint of the secular world. No matter how brilliant the method was, it could only be brilliant in theory. Once it was implemented, it could become very far from the original intention.

Just as Yiren had expected, the office building had been repainted, and the flowers and bonsai had been moved into the office building. The ten rules and ten rules were framed on the wall. The police mirrors were erected, the slogans were drawn up, and the police officers were all ready. Grasping political studies and setting off a new climax; Grasp the team building and reappear the new atmosphere; Grabbing material equipment to reach a new level; Pay attention to the quality of trials and create new achievements. The personnel reform was also carried out…

Yi Ren felt that Director Jia's method was not like a low-key method, but a slow " slogan method ". The subsequent actions were exactly the same as the county's reform.

The first step of the personnel reform was a two-way choice, that is, middle-level officials would choose staff, and staff would choose middle-level officials. Those who had no candidates would be laid off, and those (middle-level officials) who could not get full marks for the number of positions would be dismissed on the spot. This was considered a big deal. It had always been officials choosing soldiers. How could soldiers choose officials? At this time, the middle-level officials were even more anxious. The soldiers were not bright in the east and bright in the west. There would always be a family to choose. However, if I was an official and chose someone else, wouldn't I lose my official position if they didn't come?

After half a day, very few units were filled.

Should we get rid of the heads of those units that haven't been filled up?

This was something that Principal Jia and the others did not expect!

However, the hospital director was the hospital director after all. He said that the reform was allowed to be tried and deleted the middle-level cadre exemption.

Where would Yiren choose?

Dean Wu called Yiren to the side and told him that he must choose Qiu Long Court.

Why did he choose the Hill Court? Didn't you promise me to enter the city?

Dean Wu said," You should choose the Qiu Long Court first. If you are chosen, you will be a member of the court. After you are on duty, you can make adjustments."

Is that so?

Yi Ren had no choice but to choose the Qiu Long Court.

Because the final result had not been decided yet, there were still people who came to persuade Yi Ren to go to his place.

Yiren received a secret call from Ke Kang, telling him not to hand in the vote for the time being. He had something to say.

What do you have to say?

Didn't you just announce that you're the person in charge of a certain people's court? So what if you're promoted? What does it have to do with me? You want me to go to your place? I'm not going! They said how you were put in an important position and how much money you gave…Why should I feed meat to the tiger's mouth?

After making a two-way choice, Yi Ren was told by Dean Wu that she had to go to the Qiu Long Law class first.

Isn't Dean Wu lying to me step by step?

But Dean Wu had said that he would think of a way after a period of time!

How long was a period of time? Think of a way?

It was better to believe that there was something.

On the day the results were announced, Dean Wu announced the decision of the 26 people to go to Qiu Long with him the next day to conduct a population survey.

Some people said that these twenty-six people were all Dean Wu's men.

Why am I also Dean Wu's subordinate? I just went to his house on my own accord. Moreover, I had no choice every time. I also hated this bad habit of giving gifts. At first, I had no choice, but in the end, I couldn't turn back. Every time, I swore that as long as I did this well, I would never do such shameful things again. He also despised Dean Wu from the bottom of his heart. Besides, I haven't gotten any benefits yet.

Before they made their choice, they also announced a decision: President Nian was transferred back to the county, and Yin Liangcheng was transferred to the Qiu Long Court.

Of course, President Nian was extremely unhappy. He had originally decided to work in the Qiulong Court for another five years, but he did not expect to be transferred back to the county. It was a good thing to enter the city, but once he entered the city, he could no longer be the president of the court. At most, he could only be a vice president. Therefore, President Nian, who was used to being a chicken head, was naturally unwilling.

Yi Ren was not familiar with Yin Liangcheng. She only knew that he was a judge in another court. In her memory, he seemed to have been named and criticized once because he changed the ruling issued by the president (the president issued the order to seal up 2 tons of copper sand, but he changed it to 20 tons). There was also another time when she heard this name at President Wu's house. President Wu said,"Yin Liangcheng also requested to enter the city, but I rejected him!”But how did she become the person in charge unknowingly?

The next day, the twenty-six of them (in fact, President Wu and President Nian were also included. President Nian said that he wanted to go to the Qiu Long Court to get something) went to the Qiu Long Town together. They got off the car and went to the Qiu Long Court first. President Wu said that the first day was just to divide them into groups and receive missions. There was nothing specific.

What these 26 people needed to do was to review the population censuses of the three villages in Qiulong Town. Director Wu had repeatedly stressed that he had to be responsible for them. He had signed a military pledge with the county party committee. After the review, the city would send someone to conduct a spot check. If there were any problems during the spot check, Director Wu would be vetoed.

It was only eleven o'clock in the afternoon after they were divided into groups. Everyone agreed to go to Qiu Long Street to play. However, President Nian started to prepare a banquet. He said that Qiu Long's friend had heard that he was going to be transferred away and had come to the court to bid him farewell. Therefore, he had to prepare a few tables of banquets.

How did Qiu Long's men know that President Nian was leaving?

Li Xixiao and Mu Dawang said that President Nian had instructed them to inform each and every one of them.

It turned out that the so-called spontaneous send-off was actually called by someone!

How many other grand occasions are there that are just one-sided? How much truth is covered up by superficial excitement! How much do we really know?

Why didn't President Nian call me Yiren?

Perhaps they were in the middle of a meeting to split into groups!

Most of the people present seemed to have told Yiren that they hated President Nian and that they wanted to find a way to bring him down. But why were they here to send President Nian off?

This population review was really not serious. The group that Yiren was in charge of only had more than 100 people, but they had concealed more than 30 people. It was also Yiren's fault for being vicious. Yiren and the others first went to each family to verify, and the population they reported was exactly the same as the original survey form. Even the order was not wrong. Yiren suspected that there was something wrong with it and had unified the statement. Yiren changed her method. She went to the school to find the children of each family and asked them how many people there were in their family. Children would not lie.

It turned out that a village had concealed at least three to four hundred people (the entire village only had two to three thousand people). If this continued, it was really shocking. Wouldn't the population of China increase by more than 100 million?

Later on, he figured out the rules. Old men over the age of 70 were not allowed to report. Those with two daughters were only allowed to report one. Destitute families were not allowed to report. Disabled people were not allowed to report. If any family did not report any of their targets, they would allow one person in their sixties to " die "…

Why did the village conceal so many people? Because many of the reports were based on the number of people, one less person was one less report. City people retired at the age of 60, but rural people had to pay at the age of 100. Therefore, they invented the method of making the elderly over 70 "fake their deaths". They concealed girls to give birth to boys, and they concealed the special hardship families. The disabled also did so to pay less, so they had a reason for it. Some of their reasons were very reasonable.

Later on, the county party committee made a policy that the population found this time would not be used as a basis for submission.

This was of course beneficial for finding out the real number, but if they didn't hand it over, what would the people in the other villages think? Wouldn't people think that it was reasonable to conceal it?

They found many "newcomers", but the town didn't allow them to report it. If they really reported it like this, they would probably be held accountable. Later, Director Wu and the town government compromised with each other. Only a quarter of the people who were found out were reported, but the original information (that is, the information of the "new people" found by the comrades during the review) was kept by Director Wu. If the higher-ups really blamed him, Director Wu could have something to say.

Later on, Yi Ren wrote a crosstalk skit about the general survey. Many people had read it and thought it was okay, but Yi Ren no longer had the courage to submit another manuscript (the manuscripts he had submitted before were all mud cows entering the sea).

Xia Song said that it was human nature to be opportunistic. His son, who was only eight years old, knew how to buy candy through speculation. He was told to buy a catty of salt, but he only bought nine taels of salt. He used the extra money to buy sugar, so it was difficult to find a difference of one tael of salt. He told him to charge the lighter, but he only charged it to 90% so that he could save money to buy candy. Later, when he found out that he was cutting corners, he wanted to give him a hard time. He only gave him five cents to buy soy sauce. Let's see how he could save money? One candy was sold for five cents. You couldn't just buy candy without paying for it! However, the child still bought soy sauce and candy. He first said that he wanted to get a pound of soy sauce, and when the soy sauce was full, he said that he didn't have any money. The other party poured out the soy sauce, but it was impossible to pour it out so cleanly. There would always be soy sauce worth a few cents in the bottle, and five cents would directly buy sugar. In that case, wasn't Comrade Xia being dishonest and praising his son's speculation? What was flexibility? What were the different ways of expressing speculation? Putting an end to all flexibility was the most sincere!(?)

Life was a process of constantly moving from close-up to long shots. In close-up, you were the whole world. Slowly, as one's understanding deepened, one's position in the world became smaller and smaller. Some people would be fixed in a certain picture, while more people would only move in and stretch the shot until they became a speck of dust that could not be seen in the picture!

What was the use of personal comprehension? If you have figured it out, but your superiors and the people in power haven't figured it out, what will you do? Was it you, your superior, or the country?

Of course, reform was good, but some people used the banner of reform to regress, while others used the banner of reform to indulge in whimsical ideas. Therefore, what was reform needed to be determined by Fiery Eyes and Golden Clear. Many of the results of the reform were only a formality and did not play the original role. For example, the high school general examination system was originally intended to use the general examination to distinguish between learning knowledge and entering a higher school. Passing the general examination meant that the knowledge had been accepted, but it did not mean that one could enter a higher school. If one wanted to enter a higher school, one had to take the competitive entrance examination (college entrance examination). However, slowly, the general examination was only a formality. Another example was the professional title system. It was to encourage the staff to work hard and study hard. However, it was not only aimed at improving the administrative position. It could be aimed at improving the professional title level. This was originally a good system that diluted the idea of being an official, but it had no substance. If the administrative position could not be promoted, your professional title could not be promoted either. If the administrative position was promoted, your professional title could be guaranteed to follow. Generally, it was difficult to have a high position with a low professional title. The professional title became an accessory to the position. Another example was the reform of the appointed accounting system in Qiulong County. The finance department of Qiulong County appointed an accountant to every large recipient of extra-budget funds (including the court). The accountant was a member of the Finance Bureau. The Finance Bureau paid the salary and was responsible for the financial work of the unit. This way, the Finance Bureau was actually in charge of the finances of each unit. Of course, it could guarantee that all financial disciplinary actions would be eliminated. However, after a month, the nature of the appointed accountant immediately changed. The supervised unit would treat the appointed accountant as an employee of the unit and give him a salary. He would also enjoy the benefits that the employees of the unit could enjoy, and even have special privileges. The appointed accountant would no longer remember which unit he was from, let alone his responsibility as a supervisor! Could reform be that simple?

Where did people's correct thinking come from? The correct ideas of a person could only come from the government, not from books, nor from practice. Was an idea that was inconsistent with the government's thinking still correct? Didn't they have to maintain a high degree of unity with the government? Then why did Leader Mao raise such a question back then? Wasn't there a simple answer? In fact, the question should be," Where do the correct ideas of leaders come from?”,The leader represented the government, and the government guided the people. This was the way to go!

After staying in the court for two days, President Yin told him one thing. He went back to the original court, and Li Xixiao and Yi Ren drove to pick him up. Mu Dawang was responsible for sending invitations to his brother's unit and picking up the leaders of each unit to accompany the new president to the court for dinner.

Yi Ren and Li Xixiao followed President Yin's arrangements and drove to President Yin's residence. The court had also prepared a farewell ceremony.

It was said that President Yin did not have a good relationship with his previous president, but why was this president holding such a grand farewell ceremony today?

At the farewell banquet, there were too many praises for President Yin. His original president also personally raised his glass to toast President Yin, saying that President Yin's departure was a loss for X Land and that it was X Land's honor to be promoted. He represented X Land's people to thank President Yin for his contributions. I wish President Yin a higher level of success in his new position…

What kind of person was President Yin? Didn't many people warn me to be wary of him? What was there to guard against? Wasn't he quite kind?

Who cares? Perhaps once I bring President Yin to the Qiu Long Court, I will have to leave the Qiu Long Court.

On the morning of the second day of the welcome banquet, President Yin organized a court meeting. He said it very simply. He requested everyone to work hard to make the Qiulong Court a good place. First, he wanted to change the situation of the Qiulong Court being shut down for three months (the Qiulong Court had been without electricity, parking, and phone for more than three months due to arrears). He wanted to make a comeback within a year. As long as everyone did their job well, they would not owe everyone their salaries.

Of course, it would be good to have a president who didn't delay his salary!

After the meeting ended, President Yin asked Yiren to stay behind alone. He said that Yiren had the title of a judge, so he had to take on the responsibility and be the main character to help him do his job well." I will definitely give you enough face, and you must help me," President Yin said.

But this was the current situation in the Mound Court: Almost no one believed in the court! Reality wouldn't recognize that President Yin was a new president and treat you with special treatment. The few of them sat in the court every day with nothing to do. Every time someone came to court, President Yin would excitedly give a speech about the current situation and the reasons for the helplessness of the Qiulong Court. He would also talk about how swift and decisive he was in his work and express his determination to change the current situation. He would make the parties concerned come back sincerely so that the authority of the court could be re-established.

However, it was very difficult for them to have any real effect.

President Yin had gone to the county town. For some reason, all the court presidents spent more time in the county than in the court, even though President Yin's home was not in the county.

President Yin called from the county town and asked the whole court to go to the county town to watch a performance. It was Chi Zhiqiang's concert.

Why was the leader so interested in such a person's concert?

When they arrived at the county town, President Yin gave Yi Ren another task. Send two tickets to Dean Wu's house.

Yiren sent it over, but Dean Wu said he wasn't interested. His wife said that if they could meet two people, they would go together.

After watching the performance, President Yin specially instructed Yiren not to leave the county town. He might have to invite the county party leader for a visit in the next few days!

Why would he invite a guest from the county leader?

While waiting for the treat, Yiren went on another blind date. It was introduced by Yiren's brother-in-law's sister. The girl was a music teacher, and the person who introduced her said that she was very beautiful.

After Yiren met the girl, she was disappointed at first sight. Her skin was a little dark, how could she be called beautiful? However, Yiren still insisted on talking nonsense until eleven o'clock (evening). The girl looked very excited and said everything, but Yiren only responded with a few words.

Yi Ren reflected on whether she was being too harsh. Why do you always think that she's not beautiful when others think she's beautiful?

Many people said that one didn't have to choose a beautiful wife, but Yiren's standards had never been lowered. He dreamed of meeting a beautiful woman. It's not that he has too high a demand for beauty. There are many beautiful girls on the street. It's just that we don't have the chance to meet each other. But why are the girls he introduced to me all so unsatisfactory?

Her sister said that if Yiren valued beauty too much, she could only find a girl without a job because there were very few girls with jobs. The prettier ones were all chosen by rich and powerful families. How could it be her turn?

Maybe, Yiren thought!

However, Yi Ren fantasized that the person he loved must be a beautiful woman and must be hiding mysteriously somewhere.

Everyone else said that one should not pursue a girl's beauty too much. Wasn't that against their conscience? Who wouldn't want to find a beautiful girl? If the standard was lowered, it was just that the conditions did not allow it. It was just a comfort.

Then would Yiren's conditions allow it?

Yiren once thought that his conditions were allowed, but that was the first two years of work. Later, she slowly realized that the conditions did not allow Yiren to be so careful! However, all conditions could be lowered, but beauty could not be given up. The pursuit of beauty could be said to be a desire that had never stopped since childhood...

When she was very young, the adults praised the little girl for her beauty. At that time, Yiren hated herself for not being a girl and not being praised by the adults. When she went to school, the places with words were also filled with words like "beautiful girl" and "wonderful girl" that made Yiren fantasize. Slowly, Yiren realized that pursuing women's beauty seemed to be sinful, lascivious, and indecent, so she had to hide her desire for beauty. However, she found that famous people were also very lascivious. Some people compared spring to a little girl, and some said that the hillside was like a woman's skin. Why did these respectable famous artists not forget the beauty of women? Yi Ren had once asked herself, since being pretty could easily attract the attention of bad people, why didn't a girl make herself not pretty? If she insisted on making herself pretty, wouldn't she be seducing bad people? Later, he read in the book that denying a woman's beauty was against the objective law. Some people said that beauty was beauty and there was no trace of evil. Therefore, Yiren's point of view changed, but she could not grasp what was true beauty. Why did some people look beautiful in the morning but look ugly in the afternoon? When she spoke, her expression was very ugly. Some people thought she was beautiful, but Yiren didn't think so. Some people thought she was beautiful, but others didn't think so. It turned out that beauty was so complicated... What touched Yiren's heart the most was the description of women's beauty in the novel. The novel couldn't see people, so no matter how the author used gorgeous words, it wouldn't be too much. At that time, Yiren really wanted to see the protagonist of the novel, but when the novel was made into a movie... However, she realized that the so-called peerless beauty was just so ordinary, which disappointed Yiren a lot... How did she realize that in order to pursue beauty, the only trick women used was to reveal their breasts? It was half-hidden and half-exposed, which made people wonder. How was this beauty? It was purely a sensory stimulation. However, revealing their breasts gradually became a trend. The chest of the TV host was getting lower and lower, and the girls walking on the street were more used to revealing their cleavage. The so-called leading fashion models only had to show their breasts to compete for the top spot. Even Ni Ping wore low-cut clothes when she hosted the show... Yiren felt that the beauty of this woman was developing in an unsatisfactory direction. It was said that a warlord once interfered with women's clothing, causing a lot of criticism. It did not leave a good name in history. It seemed that interference was not possible. Fortunately, a new term came out, called "sexy". Once this term came out, it clarified many of the phenomena that Yi Ren did not understand. People only pursued "sexy", what was wrong with that? A lot of things would be justified as long as there was a status... But in any case, Yiren was still unwilling to give up or lower the pursuit of female beauty. He thought, the high position that he had pursued was hopeless. He couldn't even climb up the lowest step, so how could he talk about being a high position? The success and fame that he had once pursued were hopeless. He was still unknown today, and there were no signs of him becoming famous overnight. The money that he had once thought of was nowhere to be seen, so he gave up. He gave up everything. So what if he didn't give up? If he didn't give up, it would only increase his sadness. However, he couldn't give up the pursuit of beautiful love and the pursuit of writing an article about his life experience. How could there be beautiful love without beautiful girls? The beautiful love stories in novels and movies were all about beautiful women as the female lead. Without beautiful love, what was the point of writing about life experiences? That would be a boring record! No matter what others said, Yiren always believed that love could not be given up, and writing could not be given up. Writing was to record a life with love, and love was to enrich writing... All the time in the past was a foreshadowing for the outbreak of love. All the experiences in the past were rehearsals for the life experience of writing. Under the drive of love, enjoying love in the pleasure of writing, how wonderful was that? But where is my love? Where is my writing? Buried love for decades (Isn't it? When she was in middle school, when her classmates asked her why she was studying, Yiren actually said that she was studying for love. She was ridiculed by others, but Yiren still firmly believed that there was nothing wrong with studying for love. Love was synonymous with a good life, and pursuing love was pursuing a good life. There was nothing wrong with pursuing a good life!)When would he be able to explode? When would he be able to start writing after more than ten years of planning? Writing was for love, to let love nourish in the excitement of writing success. Love was for writing, to let writing create miracles in the progress of love…

President Yin called and said that he had already made an appointment with the county party committee's cadre.

Yiren went to the restaurant that President Yin had appointed.

It seemed that President Yin was very familiar with the restaurant owner. They had a meal in the restaurant at noon. The female boss toasted President Yin and said," Thank you for helping me sell ten tickets for the performance. You have the connections. I have high hopes for you."”

Who was she?

She was the younger sister of the wife of the county party committee official that President Yin wanted to hire. She was also the older sister of one of President Yin's classmates.

During dinner, President Yin invited President Wu over. However, the county party committee leader was very busy and could only take some time to sit down before leaving. However, they managed to invite the county party committee leader.

President Yin said," He's a member of the county committee. I call him brother-in-law. Secretary Zhang has agreed to allocate tens of thousands of yuan to the Qiulong court!"”

Of course, the deputy secretary of the county party committee was able to fork out tens of thousands of yuan in office expenses.

President Yin continued," I've contacted a large unit. There are cases worth a few million dollars. We don't have to worry about this year."”

It seemed that he really had to change the president. Only with a change of president would he be energetic.

Yiren felt that all of this had nothing to do with him. He had to leave eventually.

Later, President Yin also said something that made Yi Ren even more convinced that he would leave. "President Wu told me that our personnel has not been decided yet. There might be changes.”

It means that I want to be transferred away! Yiren thought.

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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