Strange Tales Unlucky
1 the first words

Mingyu's Y


Time: 2009-9- 30 10:17:02 Words: 5885

"On May 30, 2009, the national leader XXX was invited by a special plane at 17:00 Beijing time to go to XXX, Saudia Arabia for a four-day official friendly visit. At that time, both sides will…"

"Next, we'll interrupt the program with a piece of news. Our reporter just sent back a report saying that the largest group in the country, which is the first to promote 3G and artificial intelligence, and whose business scope covers the food and beverage, entertainment, and handicraft industries, has recently announced that it will be openly recruiting private assistants with nanny characteristics nationwide. The recruitment requirements were: women aged 18 to 26 with good facial features, must have an indomitable will and invincible patience, once hired, they must work 24/7, with a monthly salary of 150,000 yuan... It was understood that the salary had exceeded the level of the same period in our country's history. The following is a report from the scene: "Are you here for a job interview?" Get out of the way, you're delaying my queue'…'Hello, are you here for this recruitment?'‘Yes, yes, it's not just me. All my relatives who have daughters have sent their children over. My aunt's daughter even wants to change her birth date…'In response, People's Daily published a commentator's article titled' The former nanny was 1,500 yuan, but now the 'assistant' is 150,000 yuan.'"

What was that? It wasn't Japanese yen, Korean won, or Taiwan dollar, but rather…RMB?!

And it's 10...10...10...50,000?!

Sitting in the small house that was less than 20 square meters, but still rented for a lot of MONEY, Lee Shengmin held her chin when she heard the figure of 150,000 yuan. She threw away the cup of noodles in her hand and stood up indignantly, shouting," 150,000, la..." Then, his eyes shone brightly, making people think of Mango TV's usual song," Diamonds, diamonds, sparkling..."

" That's the end of the news broadcast. Please continue to pay attention to our station…"

" Whoosh…" That, TV bro, the sofa from the middle of the 20th century was already empty, alright?!

Now, the only things left in the room that was less than 20 square meters, or to be exact, 18.9 square meters, were the old color TV that was broadcasting the weather forecast and the still steaming XXX brand braised beef noodles…

Li Shengmin? She went to collect the application form…(But, did you forget the most important requirement?)!)

On the way to the Big Group, Sungmin had a plan in her mind: Isn't it just a personal assistant? With my strength (You mean the strength of two dead cats, three chameleons, and a dog?)),With 150,000 yuan a month and his savings, he could buy a similar apartment in three months and bring his parents over.

Amitabha, as long as it's not taking care of a lion or something! Stopping in her tracks, Shengmin put her palms together and looked up at the sky. Then, she shook her head and smiled as if she had thought of something.

Seriously, was he stupid? I've never heard that the Yu family is involved in the wild animal business…

They finally arrived at the gate of Cao Corporation. No, they were now at the square in front of Cao Corporation's building. Looking at the crowd in front of her, the black faced Chengmin was reminded of the scene of queuing up to buy tickets for a concert. No, no, the number of people now was even more than that. There were even a few underage girls mixed in…

What should he do? According to his estimation, it would take him about a year and four months to get his turn if he waited in line obediently…

Hmm…Rubbing her chin, Sungmin started to think.

If the front door didn't work, then the back door!

At the back door of Cao Corporation.

Crazy…crazy? There were also so many people here, but in order to win the favor of the handsome security guard at the door, the women were all coquettishly posing and desperately posing in order to get the security guard to let them pass, so the scene was not as spectacular as the front door...

This time…

Chengmin was in a dilemma. As a man, he couldn't possibly act coquettishly like these women, right? Besides, looking at the security guards who were fully armed and unmoved, this might not be effective. Why? Didn't you see? The black aviators on their faces…

Wait, as a man?

Ah, I got it. As she suddenly thought of a good idea, Li Shengmin quickly distanced herself from the crowd, took out her phone, and broadcasted a set of numbers…

As it turned out, the observant Shengmin remembered the notice board at the front door of the building.

"Urgent employment

Due to the expansion of our business, we are now hiring a male after-sales service staff with a college degree or above.


The Human Resources Department of the Big Group."

Because the salary was ordinary and limited to a professional, many people did not notice the small line on the bulletin board. Hehe, luckily I, Li Shengmin, am smart.

Just as he was reveling in his own thoughts, the call went through.

"Hello, this is the Human Resources Department of the Big Group. How may I help you?”A pleasant female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, it's like this. I saw your recruitment advertisement for after-sales service personnel, but I didn't know that your company's popularity was actually higher than I imagined. There are so many girls guarding the door, so I don't know how to get in now.”

"Oh, is that so? Sorry, because the company is also hiring personal assistants, it might be a little busy…How about this, please wait in the security room at the back of the commercial building. A security guard will bring you in later.”Oh? BINGO! Settled!

"May I know your name?" As expected of a big company. They were so polite.

"Li Shengmin."

"Please wait according to the original plan." Hmm, not bad, orderly.

"Oh, okay." He tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart and secretly made a victory gesture, but his voice was still very calm.

Ten minutes later, a man who looked like a fully armed security guard came to the door of the security room to confirm my identity. Then, he opened his arms in the way of protecting the head of state. He used one hand to block the women who were trying to follow us in, and used the other hand to protect me. The journey that originally took a few minutes had taken more than ten minutes. Fortunately, I, Li Shengmin, was finally standing in the lobby of the first floor of the Big Group.

"Sir, the human resources department you are going to is on the fifth floor. The elevator is over there. I still have a mission, so I won't accompany you up.”Tsk, tsk, tsk. Look at this. Even the security guards are so serious and responsible.

Following the direction of the security guard's finger, Chengmin successfully found the elevator and pressed the number 5.

That was amazing. There were five elevators alone, and because she was the only one in the elevator, she could touch everything without any scruples. When she looked up and saw the visual electronic eyes on the top of the elevator…she became obedient.

He actually installed this in the elevator…With that thought in mind, the elevator that was specially used to transport Chengmin stopped at the designated floor.

As soon as he stepped out of the elevator, a woman in uniform was waiting outside.

"You're Mr. Li Shengmin, right? I'm Ni Tang, who answered the phone just now. Because the floor department is complicated, I was worried that you wouldn't be able to find it, so I came to pick you up.”

"Oh? Oh, then I'll have to trouble you…"You actually didn't mind the trouble to pick me up personally?

After a few turns, they arrived at a stand-alone office with floor-to-ceiling glass. The staff member leading the way stopped and said,"This is the human resources department. I suggest you go to table 7 to get the form. That person is more efficient.!”As she spoke, she changed her serious image from before and winked at me mischievously.


After bidding farewell to the woman who seemed like a completely different person, I walked towards Stage 7. Stage 7…I found it. It was here. Speaking of which, why did the human resources department turn into a payment hall?!

Head of the HR Department, Li Te. It was written on the table sign in front of table 7.

"Oh, are you Mr. Li Shengmin, who Miss Ni mentioned about applying for an after-sales service job?”It was a gentle male voice. Were the voices of the people here all so pleasant to hear?!

"Yes, I am." Let's be polite first. He had to pay attention to his image.

"Wow, she's super cute!" The man with black-rimmed glasses, who was talking seriously just now, suddenly jumped up and pinched my face on the stage, pulling it to both sides…

" Ouch…It hurts…" Was it a split personality?

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was too excited.”'It's not my fault that I like pretty things,' thought Ritter as he realized what he had done.

"It's alright." I'll forgive you on account of the two pretty dimples on your face when you smile!

"Thank you, but she is indeed very cute.! Ah, forget it. Sit down and fill out these forms first.!”This time, you're taking photos of her butt. T-T, I'm going to sue you for sexual harassment!

He took the form and looked at the other desks. The desks 1 to 6 and 8 to 10 were busy dealing with the women who had applied for the position of personal assistant. When they saw his " encounter," they all looked as if they were not surprised. Did they all acquiesce to his behavior? Just because he was the leader here?

The man at Channel 6, who wasn't too busy, was thinking: Don't try to win sympathy. The guys here can't wait to be "harassed" by Supervisor Li.


I'd better fill in the form.

[Name: Li Shengmin; gender: Male…]

[Position: Private…]

He quickly crossed it out and changed it to after-sales service. Why did he accidentally write down his true thoughts?!


You're really…desperate for money.

"Oh right, that lady just now said that you're still hiring a personal assistant, right? I have a sister who graduated from university and has a nursing level certificate. I wonder if it's okay?!”He tried his best to pretend that he didn't know and didn't care.

"Oh, as cute as you?”The manager's eyes instantly turned starry again.

" Uh…" What do you want me to say?

" Mmm, brother is so cute, sister must be pretty good too. Here's the form for her to fill in later. You can mail it or log on to our website to reply. Hurry up and give her the form. Hurry up, hurry up. We'll give you an answer within three working days if you have any questions about the elevator..." After listening to a bunch of things, Chengmin was shocked. This, this brother actually didn't use any punctuations?!

At this time, Chengmin was already holding two personal assistant application forms in her hands (one of which was prepared by Lee Te in case of emergency) and was pushed into the corridor. Was it that urgent?

Back home, it was the 18.9 square meter house.”After letting out such a sigh, Chengmin cleaned up the cup of noodles on the table, turned off the TV, and lay on the bed with her arms crossed. After resting for a while, she got up and started to study the application form.

Younger sister? Hehe, unless his mother had another child. He, Li Shengmin, had been an only child since he was young.

He looked at the form again.

An indomitable will? In order to save enough money for the Chengdu concert tickets of the idol group, Super Junior, she had not eaten breakfast for a month and had queued for two days and one night at the ticket office. Finally, she had a runny nose and persevered through the concert with her body that had become heavy because of a fever.

Indomitable patience? I once squatted at the edge of a small forest and watched a snail cross the road until I couldn't find my parents and called the police…Does this count?

As for the last requirement, she had to be a female at least 18 years old. Once hired, she had to work 24/7.

Female…female…hmm, female…wow…why did you give birth to a male?! (Sungmin's mom, who was eating sugar cane at home, sneezed…"Eh, who's talking about me?"”)


Can I write on the application form that I look like a man but have a woman's heart? Back then, I was the favorite of all the girls in school, even though I couldn't get a girlfriend because of this…

Moreover, he would go to the market from time to time to buy some special items from the supermarket. He would help an uncle who was squatting on the ground and could not get up, even though he was looking for coins on the ground…


" Women who are 18 to 26 years old and have good facial features must have an indomitable will and indestructible patience…" At the age of 18, women…sigh, it seems that this is not possible…

A monthly salary of 150,000 yuan. She had worked so hard to squeeze in and was even " ravaged " by that strange dimpled man…


Scratching his hair in frustration, Shengmin held the wrinkled application form in his hand and collapsed on the only decent bed in the 18.9 square meter apartment…

Speaking of bed? Hmm, let me see!

First was the single bed.

Next, khaki-striped sheets, neatly arranged desks, clothes racks,

Also, um, the bedsheets smelled nice…Uh, this was what Sung-Min said when she fell onto the bed in a sprawl and turned from facing up to lying on her stomach with her head buried in the pillow.

What should I do? What should I do? As expected, he still had to give up?

"Sorrysorrysorryrysorrynaeganaeganameonjeo…"(Um, it's a song from the group that Shengmin likes, it's ringing now…)

Who was it, picking a time when she was upset to call…

Pulling out the vibrating phone from her pocket, Chengmin didn't even bother to look at the number and directly pressed the call button.

"Hello!" Lalala ~ I'm a polite child…

"Mr. Li Shengmin? Hello! "This is the Fourth Sanatorium. The fees for the patient you sent over have been used up. You may need to come to the hospital to renew the fees..." The male voice on the other end of the phone was neither servile nor overbearing, but it was magnetic.

"You mean, you mean that guy who fell asleep?!”Damn it, how could I forget about him!?He had been saving for the past few months and eating all the instant noodles because of him…

Speaking of which, it was a sunny, uh, no, cloudy evening. Comrade Shengmin, who had just finished a day of teaching at the martial arts school and was rushing home, picked up a man with no obvious scars, no clothes, uh, no, and a "mistress" who could not be woken up no matter how hard she tried…

Who was so wicked? Such a good child was thrown away like trash? Upon seeing this scene, the righteous student Lee Shengmin exploded with rage. Following the family's teachings that it would be bad luck if she did not help someone in death, even she herself could not bear to carry the skinny and unresponsive naked man (let's call him that for now) back to her apartment. Of course, we could ignore the fact that she was regarded as a pervert by the auntie who was washing vegetables downstairs…

The first thing she did when she entered the house was to find her own clothes and put them on the seemingly skinny but actually dead heavy guy. Then, she gave up her fragrant bed and slept on the sofa for the night. The next day, after applying for leave from her workplace, she picked up the naked man and took a taxi to the hospital.

"We have to figure out why this guy isn't waking up, right?”That was what Shengmin thought. However, in the hospital, the conclusion that the specialists came up with after consultation was: "According to the results of our hospital's consultation: He's asleep."

"S-asleep?" Of course, Chengmin didn't believe it. How could he be asleep when he couldn't wake up even after torturing her? Even if he was in a deep sleep, it had been more than 20 hours since she found him at the hospital for registration and consultation. Was there anyone who slept like this?

"Um, doctor, but he hasn't woken up since yesterday?”Sungmin, who was unwilling to give up, asked the doctor who was also staring blankly at the naked man.

" Yeah, I know. When I was checking his body just now, I accidentally knocked his head on the machine, but he didn't react. I also found it strange, but his vital signs are normal, which means he's really asleep..." The man in his fifties scratched his head, looking helpless and confused.

"Maybe it's deep sleep? Just like animals hibernating!" With an exaggerated snap of his fingers, the doctor announced this conclusion to Shengmin as if he had just been enlightened.

"Then what should we do? Can I sleep without eating?" Sungmin thought of her experience of getting up in the middle of the night to eat supper because she was hungry.

"Of course not! I suggest that you send him to a nursing home. There are specialized nurses there who can give him nutritional injections…"

He couldn't just throw her back after picking her up, right?! Therefore, Shengmin really followed the doctor's advice and sent the " naked man " to the Fourth Sanatorium. As a result, that night, Li Shengmin ate Master Kang spicy beef…instant noodles.

He had paid a large sum of money. She had visited him a few times during this period, and he was still sleeping soundly like before. She had been busy with work for the past month and had forgotten about him. But today, she was actually being urged to pay for this stranger who even named himself "His Highness" on the admission procedures…

After ending her memories, Sungmin said with a sobbing tone,"Big brother, please do me a favor! I really don't know him. I swear, I didn't pick him up on purpose. The last time I helped him pay more than 10,000 yuan out of kindness, I've been eating Master Kang and Jinye's for months…I've had it easy, who did I offend…"(Ahem…I mentioned before that Student Chengmin's observation skills are especially strong, so he didn't pay attention to it on purpose, but he still saw the naked man on the trash bag.)

" But Mr. Li, our hospital has a rule. You've already filled in your name as your family member in the admission procedure. The remaining fees are only enough for a week. If you don't renew the fees, we can only stop the service and sue you..."

" I haven't even sued you guys for not helping me with the exorbitant medical fees. I've only been here for a few months." She counted with her fingers." But it's only been three months and 29 days. You guys only charged me 17,000 yuan and gave me some glucose every day. Is there a need to do that?"”

" Our fees are based on evidence, and the country's Weisheng Department has also reviewed it. If you are not satisfied, you can complain to the higher authorities. As for the fees, what do you think…" In the end, he still wanted money from me?!

"Forget it, I'll pay the money. I want to show you what the glory of humanity is!”"Pa!" She hung up the phone first and took out the passbook hidden in her pillow. Tears flashed in her eyes as she touched it left and right.

"Dear Qian, I'm sorry, but I'm not wrong to be a good person, right? I'll get you back when I'm rich in the future!”Gritting her teeth and stomping her feet, Shengmin rushed out of the door with the memorial and went straight to the bank. Then, he rode his "Mercedes-Benz"(a pink motorcycle) straight to the picturesque Fourth Sanatorium in the suburbs. He paid the fee and signed the contract in one go. He was afraid that his heart would soften and he would be reluctant.

Another 10,000 yuan.

She dragged her exhausted body back to the apartment and collapsed on the bed. Finally, Chengmin couldn't help but feel wronged. Her nose felt sour and tears were about to fall from her eyes, but Chengmin just blinked and refused to give in…What's wrong with doing a good deed? She went to work at the computer company at 30, and after work at 17, she had to go to the martial arts school to teach the children martial arts. He hadn't even had the chance to enjoy the money he had earned so hard, yet he had spent it on someone else…

When is that guy going to wake up?

It had been less than a month since she went to the sanatorium to visit him. After sleeping for so long, her face had become rosy. That was why money was really a good thing. When would she get rid of some nutrition or something?

Cough cough. Also, I heard from the nurse that although the kid was only sleeping quietly, there were still nurses who took the time to check on him.

This book comes。

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