Strange Tales Unlucky
3 Chapter Three

Mingyu's Y


Time: 2009-9- 30 10:43:28 Words: 5448

The next day, Shengmin woke up early in the morning (in fact, after counting 33,789 rabbits, she still couldn't sleep and had to get up). After she finished her 'equipment'…the so-called' equipment', was when she took a shower, she gritted her teeth and used a strong tape to remove the leg hair that had accompanied her for more than 20 years. She put on a wig, blushed and put on what was said to be a limited edition 'bra' from her senior, a relatively neutral pair of denim shorts, and a red V-neck short T-shirt…

Standing in front of the only mirror in the apartment, Shengmin lowered her head to look at her chest. Phew, fortunately, this size wasn't too exaggerated…

After everything was ready, Chengmin put on her white bag and thought for a while (Although her observation skills were very good, she was a little confused when it came to remembering things, and her sense of direction wasn't that good either…) Then she put away the application form that she had filled out yesterday while eating instant noodles, but it had splattered with a few drops of instant noodle soup. When she was filling in the form, she realized that Li Te with the dimples and strange laughter had stamped a stamp on the application form when he wasn't paying attention, and it read "Li Te from the Human Resources Department"…

Read? He wasn't a book…Strange uncle.

Well, in Shengmin's mental state, strange people and males were all categorized as 'uncle'. Just like when she was 10 years old, a boy who looked similar to him but insisted on snatching a lollipop from his mouth and cried to marry him. The boy whose eyes were shining was gloriously listed as' strange uncle 'by the 10-year-old Shengmin…Cough, cough, digress…

After making sure that no one nearby saw him, he closed the door and locked it. Then, with a whoosh, he rushed downstairs. He pulled out his BMW electric car from the pile of " four-wheeled vehicles " and marched in the direction of the backyard address of the " Big Group " on the application form.

35 minutes later, she was pedaling on her BMW that ran out of battery. Her image and her feminine attire were all forgotten by Chengmin. Her sleeves were rolled up and her beautiful, tidied hair was drenched in sweat…

Damn it, it was actually so far away? Would it take a few hours to walk? It's all my fault. I forgot to charge it and feed it after I went to the sanatorium yesterday.

I'm so thirsty. Buy a bottle of water?

Sungmin really wanted to buy a bottle of water to quench her thirst, but what was around here? Not only were there no shops or houses, but there were also Buddhist pines planted on both sides of the road. Moreover, it looked like they had been carefully trimmed. There were red roses under the Buddhist pines...

Wait, what was that?

There seemed to be something hanging on the tree trunk. Sungmin stopped the car and wiped her sweat. When she got closer, she saw that it was a tag in the shape of a leaf mixed with the tree bark.

Please take care of the green space

--Big Group

In other words, the endless wild roses and Buddhist pines belonged to the Big Group? God, how could he be so rich?! He thought,'I'm eating instant noodles at home every day…'

Also, could it be that the end of this road was the headquarters of the Big Group, and there was only the Big Group?!

Just as she was thinking about this, she heard the sound of a car honking in the distance. Chengmin, who had just recovered from her shock and emotion, looked in the direction of the sound. It seemed to be coming from the end of the road. A row of three black cars, the legendary Rolls-Royce, sped past. The one leading the way was actually a police officer in a traffic police uniform?

What a joke!

Not to mention that there was not even a ghost on this road, it was just a door. Did the traffic police have to clear the way?

"Ah, I really want to see who's sitting in the car.”Standing on her tiptoes and covering her forehead with her hand, trying to block the sun, Chengmin said as she looked in the direction where the car disappeared.

Forget it, it was probably from a big corporation. If they didn't have such an ostentatious appearance, would they be able to offer a sky-high salary of 150,000 yuan a month?

Feeling amused, she shook her head and took out a tissue to wipe the sweat off her forehead. Then, she used all her strength, uh, her legs. Once again, they set off for their destination, the headquarters of the Big Group.

About fifteen minutes later, they finally saw some people.

After riding for dozens of kilometers, Shengmin finally heaved a sigh of relief. "Phew…this is it, right?”

But what was this?

Was it the location of the filming for 'Men With Flowers'?

The sky-blue roof and the main body were white. The five-story building that only appeared in fairy tales and television was located halfway up the mountain. The walls on both sides of the building were planted with ivy, adding a lot of mystery to the building.

Setting aside the buildings, there was a huge parking lot filled with all kinds of branded cars, a glass house that might be a greenhouse, workers in work clothes mowing the lawn, and people driving golf carts toward the main building...

Looking at the small square in front of the building, was this really a place for people to live and not Tianamen Square? There was actually a carp fountain in front of a white European-style building?

Most importantly, everything in front of him was at least the size of a football field. And these people, to be exact, did not look like they were here to interview for an " assistant "-a nanny. They were all beautiful women who were busy touching up their makeup. Perhaps the initial interview was very strict, so only a few dozen people came for the interview in the end... and they were all beautiful women.

However, I don't think I participated in the preliminary examination. Is it okay? Sungmin, who was dazzled by the beauty, suddenly thought of something.

Before he could think too much, a conversation came from beside him." What's going on? It's been so long and it's not my turn yet. Ah Fu, go and get these women to move away. I will compensate them!”The woman who spoke was wearing a pink chiffon princess dress and pink three-inch heels. At this moment, she was pointing at the crowd with her hands on her hips. Behind her, a middle-aged man in a suit called Ah Fu held an umbrella with lace edges for her while he stood outside the umbrella. In short, he looked like a typical young lady.

"It can't be, right? A rich family's young lady was also applying for an 'assistant'? "What a bumpy future," the emotional Chengmin muttered.

It turned out that many rich girls saw this opportunity to hire an assistant as a good opportunity to marry into a rich family. They would first sneak in and then use their charm to capture the second son of the Hou family, who had only been heard of for many years. As for whether the "second son" who had never attended any formal banquets or social occasions had never appeared because he was sorry, they were never worried because there was once a nosy paparazzi who sneaked into the media meeting room on the first floor of the Hou residence to attend the press conference of the new product launch of the Hou Group. He sneaked into the master's room on the fifth floor and was lucky enough to take a picture of the side of the second son of the Yu family who was elegantly drinking coffee through the half-closed door... It was uploaded to the Internet and earned a lot of clicks. It was said to be amazing. Of course, this description might be a little exaggerated. After all, he could only see the side of the corner of his eye. However, even if it was only a 45-degree side profile, it was still a hundred times better than many rich men with fat brains and ugly looks.

"Second Miss, it might be better to keep a low profile.”Oh? Ah Fu, whose name was classic enough, spoke in a neither servile nor overbearing manner.

Dissatisfied with Ah Fu's words, the " Second Miss " snorted with disdain." Tsk... If it wasn't for his family being rich enough, who would apply for this job? He even rejected the opportunity to attend the Paris fashion show…"

The pointless self-talk continued, but Chengmin didn't have the time to listen to her complaints. Not only were there so many competitors, but there was also one with such a complicated background. The most important thing now was to submit her application form before they did.

Having made up her mind, Sheng Min parked her bicycle, which had run out of battery, in the pile of BMW Benz. She tidied up her hair and clothes (the sleeves that had been rolled up) in front of the mirror on the handle. Then, she walked valiantly towards the staff who were surrounded by the crowd and couldn't even see their heads.

When he got closer, he heard all kinds of things being said in the crowd.

" Choose me, choose me. My golden chest…" She had never heard of the beauty pageant?

" Everyone, please keep quiet…" the staff member said in a gentle male voice.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way. I have enough milk…" Did the Yi family hire a nanny?

" Well, it might be more efficient to be quiet…" The gentle staff member who was ignored spoke twice.

" What? Me? Choose me. I came back from studying at the University of California…"

" I think it's better for everyone to be quiet..." The man with perseverance, who was slightly unstable, was worthy of admiration.

"Only I am worthy of this job…"

Uh…these women, has the world gone mad?

"I'm sorry. In that case, I'm afraid today's interview will have to be canceled!”This time, the man's tone was calm and his voice was still gentle.


It was quiet for about a minute.

"What are you talking about? Was he crazy? I've been queuing since morning…"

" Morning is nothing. I've been queuing here since four in the morning…"

"I've been here since yesterday…"

"What right do you have? What right do you have?"


That's right, that's right. I even rode the bike for so long. Sungmin, who was hiding at the edge of the crowd, secretly agreed.

Look, now, the blame was all on the staff again.

" Uh, please wait a moment." The staff member who had been silent since the beginning suddenly flipped through the resumes in his hand." Miss Li Xin, Miss Ni Dan, Miss Liu Zhen, Miss Wang Ning, Miss Li Yanshi, Miss Su Li, and Miss Bai..." After a pause, the young staff member with good quality looked up at the woman who said " why?" and said," Your qualifications have been revoked! This is your resume, please take it with you!”

Someone in the crowd gasped at the same time. Miss Bai, who was the last to be called out, was the first to recover and question,"What? Who are you? How can you have such authority?"

"I'm the third generation butler of the Lao Group. I'm in charge of all the internal affairs of the Lao Group. I have the right to make decisions and dispose of them.”

Not bad, it was a reply with a strong sense of suppression, and it was indeed very effective. The women who were clamoring just now instantly fell silent. The few women who were called could only hang their heads and pick up the documents on the table and leave resentfully. Those women who had been under the sun for a few hours and were originally dispirited suddenly exploded...

"Li Enhe, the one in the top ten of the list of men with gold and diamonds? He's actually so young?"

"That's right, that's right. He's so handsome and cute. Look at his hair curtain…"

"It can't be, right? I heard that the butlers of the family owned 10% of the company's shares. It must be hundreds of millions, right?”

" US dollars…" Lee Enhe, who was sitting at the table, elegantly brushed his hair and corrected him.

As expected, there was another exclamation from the crowd. Even Shengmin was stunned.

But, was I wrong?

Standing at the edge of the crowd, Sung-Min wasn't sure if she had really seen the black-bellied smile that flashed across the mouth of the handsome staff member surnamed Lee, who claimed that he was the butler with a straight face and a hairstyle.



He raised his hand to block the sunlight above his head. Seriously, what am I thinking about? Isn't it more important to squeeze in and put in the form now?! I have to think about it…

"Ah, I got it!"

Sungmin, who was blocked by the crowd and couldn't squeeze in no matter how hard she tried, thought about it and really came up with a solution that wasn't a solution. At this moment, while everyone's attention was still immersed in the infinite fantasy of " hundreds of millions of dollars ", he had already lowered his body and was ready to sprint. However, he did not dare to forget the gender issue, so he lowered his voice and shouted at the group of women with starry eyes," Make way... Make way, it's dangerous to leak oil..."

What a joke, 150,000 yuan didn't wait for anyone!

This move was indeed effective. After Sung-Min's shout, the " crowd " did not suspect him and really made way for him. Think about it, everyone's goal was not purely to hope for a " Jin-Gui son-in-law ". Now, in addition to " Jin-Gui ", there was another choice-Lee Eun-Hyok, whose conditions were quite good... It would not be worth it if her good image in his heart was affected by the oil!

Seeing that the " crowd " was starting to turn their attention towards him, Sungmin knew that this was the time to seize the opportunity. Hence, in a flash, in a matter of seconds, he had successfully arrived at Lee Eunhee's work desk.

"Hu…Hello…I, I'm Li Shengmin. This is…this is my application form.”He bent his body 90 degrees and before he could catch his breath, Sungmin stretched out his arms and handed over his resume. Enhe was stunned, but he quickly understood what was going on, so he took the form from the " girl " who was bowing with her head lowered.

"Well, you're very smart."

欸?He…he…was he complimenting me or? She could not help but straighten her body and look up at him. Who knew that he was also squinting at her with a scrutinizing look.

"Ya, this girl cut in line!"

The 'crowd' finally reacted to the series of quick movements that Sungmin had just made.

"That's right, that's right. Ah, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have given in to her just now…"

Countless chattering was omitted below.

Ignoring the heated "discussion" of the "crowd" behind her, Sungmin said angrily, This kid might not even be as old as me. He's actually squinting at me?! Stinky brat...... being scrutinized from head to toe like someone picking a turnip, Chengmin was filled with endless resentment.

Well, her skin was very fair, she was a little taller than an ordinary girl, and her hairstyle was a little strange.!),Her voice was soft, and most importantly, compared to those beside her…Enhe quickly glanced at the woman. She was much more normal! He was dressed plainly and looked like he really needed this job. He was also very smart…Enhe had already made a judgment without looking at the form.

But out of politeness and under the threatening gazes of the people around him, Enhe still picked up Sungmin's application form and glanced at it slightly. This glance was quite impressive. The application form of this "girl" in front of him actually had Brother Te's seal?!

Hah! Then there was no need to pick. Brother Te's taste should be right! It also saved him the trouble of facing this bunch of women. God knows, his ears were buzzing right now.

Looking at the name column, was it Li Shengmin? Yes. "Uh…Miss Li Shengmin, congratulations on passing the interview. Please follow me.”Enhe made a prompt decision and stood up from his seat. He made a professional gesture and pointed at the entrance of the house behind him like a gentleman.

"Eh, eh, eh?" Even though she sent three messages in a row, it couldn't alleviate the doubts that slowly rose in her heart. How did it go so smoothly? Shouldn't…Shouldn't there be many checkpoints? Just like a game?

Despite feeling surprised, Sungmin still obediently followed the instructions and followed Eunhya into the hall on the first floor of the house.

" Ah, how can this be?!"

"What the hell? Are you making fun of us?"

The " crowd " that had gathered in front of the gate of the Yi mansion began to question Eunhye's hasty decision. They even rushed forward to stop Eunhye and Sungmin, who were advancing, and prepared to judge. Eunhye only said into the Bluetooth in his ear," It's fine now." Then, a group of security guards dressed in black appeared from all directions and invited the women who came to apply for the job out. They also instantly fell silent when they came into contact with the security guards. It should be known that the security guards of the Yi mansion were all special police officers. It would not be a joke if he was punched.

Feeling his feet stop behind him, Enhe turned around and saw that the " girl " named Lee Sung-min was indeed in a daze. Following her gaze, Enhe saw the security guards standing in front of the porch with their hands behind their backs and the " black spots " who were gradually getting further away from him after being invited into the golf cart... Was " she " impressed by our efficiency, or was she scared by the security guards?!

However, now was not the time to weigh the possibilities. He had to let 'her' familiarize herself with the environment first.

Otherwise, that kid Kyuhyun…Ah, just thinking about it gave me a headache. He was clearly very cute when he was young…

"Miss Shengmin? Can I call you that?"

"Oh? Oh, just call me Shengmin." Thanks to Enhe, Shengmin finally came back to her senses.

"Okay, then, Shengmin, can you come with me now?”Well, she looked cute when she was in a daze, just like Kyuhyun when she was young.

"Oh, oh, okay." Nodding her head, Sungmin rubbed her nose in embarrassment and followed behind Eunhye to listen to him introduce some things to take note of in the house.

" The first floor that we are currently on is equipped with a media reception room, a conference room, a banquet hall, as well as a lounge for security personnel and a control center. The kitchen operation room on the right is marked 'No Entry for Unauthorized Personnel.' The first floor is usually used to entertain the media…"

After looking through the rooms, Enhe brought Sungmin to the elevator on the left side of the first floor. "We're going to the second floor now."

"Wow, there's an elevator?" Chengmin asked curiously.

"Yes, because it's more convenient."

" Oh…" It was really strange. There was an elevator in his house, but it was only on the fifth floor.

"The second floor is relatively simple. There are only some gyms and study rooms. There is also a silverware storage room, a porcelain storage room, and a dry cleaning room. The third floor was the audio and visual room, dining room, wine tasting room, and guest room. The fourth and fifth floors are the master rooms with a separate study, reception room, and bathroom. Members of the public such as the media are not allowed to enter…The rooms here are designed with the latest technology for fingerprint verification, so you have to follow me to the control center to input your fingerprint information later…"

This book is provided by FunNovel Novel Book | Fan Fiction Novel [Beautiful Free Novel Book]

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