Classic of Yangma River
22 . staff

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Time: 2010-12- 31 21:58:19 Words: 4439

21. staff

I'm determined to find Luo Zhiyou.

However, no matter whether I made up my mind or not, when I reached the entrance of the mall, the mall was already closed. There was no one in front of the door. I looked at the four big words on it. They were hammered really well and steadily. It must have been written by someone who wrote very well first and then let the workers hammer them. Otherwise, I would never believe that it was Dong Sheng's father's handwriting.

If he couldn't find Luo Zhiyou, he would go find Dong Sheng.

I said I would go and I took big strides towards the grain machinery factory. I went to the sand workshop, but there was no one. I turned around and went to the building on the street to look for him. He was really in the dormitory. I asked,

"Not opening the furnace today?"

He said,

"It was just opened yesterday. Have you eaten?"

I said,

"Did you see if I ate it? I just came from school."

He picked up the bowl and walked out. His words came from the stairs.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll be right there!”

It was true. It had only been a short while, and he had already come up. I picked up the food he had ordered for me and felt that it wasn't as good as the last time. Dong Sheng seemed to have noticed.

"The canteen is usually like this. Only when we open the furnace will they specially do a good job for us. You're late today, so there's no one in the canteen.”

There were two reasons for this. One was that the time was not right, and the other was that the opportunity was not good. Fortunately, it was much better than our canteen. At least there were a few pieces of meat. As I ate, I asked him,

"What about that Gao guy?"

Dong Sheng was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses.

"You mean Gao Weihong? It would be better if he had no relationship with Feng Ai. He hadn't been here for a few days.”

His words weren't as heavy as the last time. Since he was relaxed, one possibility was that he had gotten rid of the harassment of the Gao family. Another possibility was that their relationship had deepened. The latter possibility was something that Aunt didn't want to see. I couldn't agree to it either, so I asked again,

"How is your relationship now?"

Dong Sheng took out his leather shoes from under the bed and said as he put on his shoelaces,

"Still the same. He doesn't have a good habit. He always likes to use other people's things casually. It's fine if he uses my things, but once, he took the chef's pot next door to cook and was seen by others. He was criticized by others. He expected me to quarrel with the chef next door and win glory for him. I'm not that stupid! How long can he stay here? Who was the person next door? My colleague! What if he offended her? Hurry up and eat. After you eat, accompany me to meet someone.”

When I heard his words, a stone was lifted from my heart. I could now explain to Aunt. I was about to wash the dishes after eating when he had already put on his leather shoes. They should be new leather shoes from the factory. He stood up and stopped me.

"Forget it. We'll shower when we get back."

He combed his hair in front of the mirror on the wall and flicked his clothes. Only then did I look at him carefully. Dong Sheng was no longer the original Dong Sheng. He was much smaller than me before, but now he was almost as tall as me. His shoulders were very broad, unlike my ugly shoulders. His face was also delicate and handsome, but there was a red mole in the middle of his forehead, which was very eye-catching.

He asked me to go out first and lock the door. He carried an iron frame by the door and asked,

"What is this iron shelf for?”

He stopped and placed the metal rack at the top of the stairs.

"What do you think it's for?"

I looked at it for a long time, but I couldn't remember where I had seen something similar. Seeing that I couldn't guess, he put his feet in the middle of the iron shelf and said,

"You still don't understand? This is the shoe rack I made."

I finally understood. The shelf for shoes. Our shoes are placed on the ground, so they are easily wet. When they are wet, they are easy to mold and rot. It is also uncomfortable to wear. The working class really knew how to think!

I followed him. He pushed a bicycle out of the gatehouse. I walked closer and saw a phoenix pattern under the street lamp. I asked,

"Is it a Phoenix carriage?"

He said proudly,

"How is it? I flipped two pairs of dumbbells for Feng Aiwu, and he helped me get a bicycle ticket. I bought it for 145 yuan, and my eldest senior brother spent 35 yuan more than me.”

He put the shoe rack on the bicycle hanger and tied it with a rope. I remembered the " dumbbells " he mentioned just now. I remembered that when we watched " Million Pounds " in the past, there was a strong man carrying two big boxes. When we opened them, we saw two huge dumbbells. They were used for exercise. I thought I should exercise too.

I came back from my thoughts. I couldn't figure out who he was taking me to see, so I asked him again,

"Where are we going?"

He pretended to be mysterious.

"I'll tell you when we're almost there."

He told me that his master was a carpenter who made furniture at home every day. However, the people who were introduced to him were always half-hearted. First, they said that the grain machinery factory was not good. Second, they said that the master had not yet become a full-time worker and was also a farmer. They always pushed back the wedding date. He was a little indignant.

"That woman isn't much either. I've seen her at my master's house. She doesn't have any cops, looks, or height. Her eyes are like those of a dead fish, and her mouth is full of money! If it were me, I would have dumped her long ago!"

The current Dong Sheng was no longer the Dong Sheng who studied and farmed in the village. His mouth was full of these arrogant words. It was good for a person to have confidence, and it was also good for a man to have the spirit to despise women. However, I always felt that something shocking had happened to him. I couldn't tell what it was exactly.

We turned at the Youth Bridge and then the cinema. This was a place we were very familiar with. Back then, it was his brother who led us over the wall to watch a movie. I remember that it was a moonlit night. We were still looking for pork and vegetables when Wu 'er ran over and called us,"

"Jianguo-Donggou-Dongsheng-, Ersheng came back from the street and said that there was an Albania feature film. Hurry up! Hurry up! If we're late, we won't be able to see the end!"

We hid the vegetable basket under the fence of the vegetable garden and covered it with grass. Then, we secretly ran to the small stone bridge to gather. Ersheng and Wuer were already waiting there. We almost ran to the cinema. We didn't have money to buy tickets, so Ersheng told us to climb over the courtyard wall. It was so high, but we actually climbed up in a few steps. Then, we jumped down from the wall. Ersheng told us that when we landed, we had to bend our legs down so that we wouldn't hurt ourselves. When we sneaked in, the movie had just started. It was called Morning of Battle, and it was about some children fighting against the Germans. I was engrossed in it when Wu 'er patted me on the shoulder.

"Let's go! The ticket inspectors are here!"

We snuck over to the window on the opposite side where the man had checked and continued to look.

"Su Ning, give me some advice. Someone introduced me to a girlfriend, a worker in the county construction team. I heard that she was an official worker, but she didn't have the skills to carry ash buckets.”

I woke up from my memories and arrived at the People's Hospital. I had never been in a relationship and didn't know much about women. I could only say some irrelevant things.

"In my opinion, it's fine as long as the woman is passable. The most important thing is to treat herself and her parents well. If a daughter-in-law is not filial, she will definitely not live well.”

Dong Sheng said,

"I think so too, but I don't know what to think.”

This question is too difficult. I can only say,

"Then let's see how she treats people. If she doesn't, we'll take her to the countryside and see how she treats Aunt.”

Dong Sheng pointed at the corner and said,

"That's the one with the electric lights coming out of the door.”

Dong Sheng set up the car and untied the rope that tied the shoe rack. A girl came out of the house. Dong Sheng said,

"This is my classmate, Zhang Su Ning. Su Ning, this is Wang Xinmei.”

I looked at the girl in the shadows and said,


The girl let us into the house. Dong Sheng placed the shoe rack by the door and said to the adults who came up to him,

"This is my classmate, Zhang Su Ning."

I greeted them and followed Wang Xinmei into her room. Wang Xinmei served us chairs and tea. She seemed very enthusiastic and then told us some interesting things about her unit. I had been observing her every move and didn't hear what she said clearly. According to Dong Sheng's standards, Wang Xinmei was very tall, neither fat nor thin. Her body was very straight, her face was a little round, and her hair was very thin. Her eyebrows were very light, and there was nothing wrong with her eyes, lips, and nose. She was just a little short, but that was according to our standards. In our two families, Yuan Lan was the shortest, at 1.62 meters. Wang Xinmei should be not far from 1.6 meters, which was the standard height for a girl. I wanted to find something else, but I couldn't find it for the time being.

I've been waiting for a long time. This kind of task is very difficult. They are talking enthusiastically, and I can't interrupt. Wang Xinmei sent us all the way to the People's Hospital, and I asked Dong Sheng to let her go back. However, Wang Xinmei was still standing there. When we turned the corner, we looked back and saw her waving at us. We waved back at her, signaling her to go back.

I said,

"My initial impression is very good. I can't find any fault with him. He's good-looking and treats guests well. He's generous and not frivolous.”

Along the way, we planned how to test Wang Xinmei's filial piety.

When I went to bed at night, I thought: If Dong Sheng married this woman, it would be very ideal. As for him, he was still not sure. So, I thought of Wu Aiting and Li Jiagui again. I couldn't shake off the shadows of these two people and always compared them. In the end, I couldn't compare them. In the middle of the comparison, I fell asleep in a daze.

In the morning, I actually woke up very early, but I decided not to go back. Today was Sunday, so I had time to go to the Xinhua Bookstore. I quietly got up and walked around the factory. It was Sunday. It was quiet. The machines had stopped humming. I carefully searched for the things that I used to visit the factory when I was a child. Scrap iron and copper pieces seemed to be much less. They were all piled up neatly, unlike the original, a little here and a little there. I strolled to the riverside. This should be the Oil River. The riverside was covered with grass, but it was all withered. It trembled in the slight north wind. I looked at the grass and rubbed my hands, feeling cold. He walked to the small house where Dong Sheng's father lived. The door was still closed, so he must still be sleeping. Thus, I walked back.

I turned on the travel alarm clock. It was already past eight o'clock. The Xinhua Bookstore should be open by now. I didn't plan to go up and say goodbye to Dong Sheng. I didn't do it last time either. We were classmates after all. Why did I have to talk about etiquette? So I walked towards Xinhua Bookstore and passed by a restaurant that made breakfast. I bought two steamed buns and ate as I walked. This reminded me of when I was a child, I helped pick cotton in the team. We discussed that if the team gave us food, we would buy at least two meat buns and we would pick them up desperately. If there were only steamed buns, sorry, we would go out to play. Thinking about her past and the students in her class, they might not be as obedient as us.

The bookstore was already open. I leaned against the counter and counted the titles one by one. If I liked them, I would ask the salesperson to bring them over for me to flip through. After choosing for a long time, I finally chose Decamon and Tagore's Poetry. I was paying when I heard someone call out to me,

"Teacher Zhang-"

I turned around and saw Chen Changde. I was curious.

"Chen Changde, why are you here at Xinhua Bookstore so early?”

I think it's a great thing for a Grade 7 student to know about Xinhua Bookstore and want to buy books. It's really studious…

"No, my father works at Xinhua Bookstore.”

As he spoke, a bespectacled man walked up to Chen Changde and said,"

"Don't run around. Just read in the bookstore.”

Chen Changde pointed at me.

"Dad, this is our Teacher Zhang. She teaches us Chinese and history. She's our form teacher.”

The man grabbed my hand and said,

"I've long heard that Teacher Zhang is very responsible. I've long wanted to visit Teacher Zhang, but I just can't get rid of him. How about this, Teacher Zhang, my name is Chen Aiwu, the person in charge of Xinhua Bookstore. If you want books, I can send them to you at any time. Anyway, my home is at Zengbutou. Come here, I'll take you to the warehouse to take a look. There might be some books you want.”

I followed this person called "Chen Aiwu". Yes, didn't Dong Sheng have a friend called "Feng Aiwu"? It seemed that there were many people called "Aiwu","Aiguo","Aijun". When he walked into the room, the smell of book dust hit his face, making him suffocate. He said something to the woman at the door, then turned to me and said,

"Teacher Zhang, you can choose here. Why don't you come to my place for lunch?”

I tried my best to decline.

"You go ahead with your work. I'll leave after taking a look.”

After searching for a long time, I finally found a copy of Guo Moruo's "Scroll Ear Collection of Qu Yuan's Fu Translated Today". It was not in vain for Chen Changde's father's good intentions. After obtaining three good books, he walked and read them at the same time. Unknowingly, he had arrived at the entrance of the Public Security Shopping Mall. I felt strange. I didn't seem to want to go to the mall to look for Luo Zhiyou. I walked over unknowingly. It seemed that I had to find him today.

I asked a saleswoman at the needle and thread shop at the door,"

"Comrade, may I ask where Luo Zhiyou works?”

The woman said to the woman beside her,

"Luo Zhiyou, why haven't I heard of it before?”

So, she said to me,

"Which counter is he from?"

I didn't know at all, but I finally found a way:

"He just graduated from Jingzhou Finance School and was assigned here.”

A man beside her came over and said,

"Go to the finance department on the second floor. He should be there.”

I ran up to the second floor and saw that the second floor was filled with stationery. So, I asked the woman in the stationery cabinet,"

"Excuse me, does Luo Zhiyou work here?”

The woman seemed to be very familiar with the situation in the mall. She said,

"Go downstairs, go out, turn left, and go through the first door. There's a staircase next to it. Go up. The second floor is the finance department.”

It suddenly dawned on me that it wasn't a business place. I followed the path she pointed out and soon found the office that I often visited in the future:

"Luo Zhiyou, so you're here! I've been looking for you so hard!"

Luo Zhiyou gestured for me to lower my voice. Only then did I realize that the two men and one woman had stopped what they were doing and were looking at me. Luo Zhiyou pulled me along and walked down the corridor for a while. He opened a door and pushed it open. He pointed at a bed and said,

"Rest here for a while. I'm going to work. Have lunch here.”

He closed the door and left. I was alone in the room and observed his bedroom. There were two beds. It seemed that there was someone else who was single like him. His luggage was very simple. It was just a box, a washbasin, and a towel. It was similar to mine. There was nothing to look at. Therefore, I opened the Decamon that I had just bought.

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