Classic of Yangma River
46 . hot day

the genera


Time: 2011-2- 12 22:41:54 Words: 4318

45. hot day

After sending He Rongmei away, she was reluctant to part with him and wondered when she would go to Jianli.

On the way home, she found out that she had not been to Liu Shengbing's place for a long time.

When I asked his aunt at the door of his house, I found out that Liu Shengbing had gone fishing in the lake. I remembered when I was young, I saw him holding a fishing rod with a tukema tied to the fishing line and a string of snakeheads in his hand. I tried to learn from him, but I couldn't catch him no matter what.

When he returned home, he knew that the double robbery had begun. He immediately went to the fields to help plant the seedlings and returned very late.

Her brother had also returned from Santai's supply and marketing cooperative. Her father said,

"Su Hua, are you going to plant the seedlings with us tomorrow?”

Her brother did not say anything.

The next morning, before dawn, Father woke us up. Mother had already made breakfast. After we finished eating, we followed Father to the field to pull the seedlings. After less than half an hour, Brother said,

"I'll pick the seedlings for you."

His father glanced at his brother and said,"

"Do you know the location? Su Mei, you take your brother, you go first.”

Father, mother, and I pulled the seedlings. My brother picked two loads and threw them on the ridge of the seedling field, saying,

"I'll go plant the seedlings."

When we were almost done, my father said to me,

"Su Ning, pick the seedlings and shoot them in the field.”

I filled up the stretcher. When I was loading it, I shook off the water, so it wasn't too heavy when I jumped. When she walked over, she noticed that the sun was already very high up in the sky, and it was beginning to show a spicy smell. When I went to the field to plant the seedlings, I realized that the seedlings that my brother had planted did not have a path, so I had to pick them up again. I picked up my brother's ridge, and he only planted them a few meters away. Su Mei was already halfway there.

After picking the seedlings, my parents came over. I also started planting. I almost caught up with my brother. Su Mei's second seedling was also almost catching up with us. Brother suddenly ran to the ridge and sat down to smoke. By the time he finished smoking, I had already surpassed him by a long distance. The elder brother stood on the ridge and said,"

"I'll go back and light a fire for you."

She left without waiting for her father to say anything. His father said,

"This is also because he has never suffered since he was young!”

I remembered that my brother shaved my head when I was young. After shaving half of it, his friends and classmates came and waved at him. He said to me,

"Wait a moment, I'll be right back.”

I waited and waited. I really couldn't wait any longer. I took off the cloth and looked for my brother everywhere. He was actually making a slope with his classmates behind the house. I went over and kicked their bricks and copper balls everywhere. His playmate said,

"Your brother is quite ruthless!"

I said,

"Who said you ran away without shaving my head!”

It was a hot day. After lunch, he said to me,

"Go and pick a melon from the soybean field next to the vegetable garden. I'll shave it off for you. Otherwise, I'll make you lose half of your head.”

I had no choice but to run to the soybean field next to the vegetable garden to look for melons. There were many wild melon seedlings, but I couldn't find them. When I came back empty-handed, he spread out his hands and said,

"What do you mean you can't get it! I won't shave it for you."

I was very angry and pushed him with my hand. He picked up a rope next to him and tied me up. I was so embarrassed that I cried. I don't know when my sister ran out and picked the melon from the soybean field and handed it to my brother. My brother still refused to untie the rope for me. Instead, my sister secretly pulled open the slipknot of the rope. I struggled a few times and took it off. I was very angry and threw the rope on the top of the tent. The elder brother cut the melon into four pieces with a knife, handed one piece to the elder sister, and ate one piece himself. He said,

"Are you eating?"

I was so angry that I ran to the soybean field to look for it myself. I didn't find any big melons, but there were many bitter gourds that were already ripe. I picked a golden bitter gourd and bit it. It was very delicious. Therefore, I picked two bags full.

His brother refused to study and often played truant. His father had beaten him many times, but it did not work. He sent him to learn how to shave his head from his son-in-law in Jiangbei. After three years of learning, he would shave the heads of the team members. If he did not shave his head, he would shave here and there. It was difficult for the team to give him work points. His father had no choice. At the age of sixteen, he asked the minister of the armed forces of the Commune for help and passed the military inspection.

He had an A-grade body and was assigned to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport as a signalman. Later on, he wrote a letter saying that his family could send someone to visit him. My father started to prepare for my mother to bring me there. I was happy for a long time, but later, he said that my brother was too young and that it would be difficult for my father to work at home. I sent my mother and brother away in disappointment. I was very dissatisfied with my father for this. I quarreled with my father and ran away in a fit of pique. Actually, I didn't run very far. I hid in the team's field of sorghums and stepped on the sorghums to eat. It was a hybrid sorghums. The stalks were very sweet. I ate about a few square meters of stalks. Later on, I thought that Father had already gone out to work, so I walked back. My mother-in-law was still saying to my aunt,

"Call his aunt and ask if she saw them go there.”

His aunt said,

"He's so young. He's only been running for a while.”

I might have moved the poodle by the roadside. Little auntie came over to take a look and said,

"This isn't establishing a country!"

My mother-in-law pulled me into the house, filled the bowl with rice and served me the dishes, and advised me not to run away. At that time, I felt that I had won the battle, but it still couldn't eliminate the hatred that I didn't go to Shanghai.

When my mother came back, my brother also came back. He brought back a lot of books for me. I brought them to the classroom and lowered my head to read. The teacher noticed and walked over to take them away from me. Only then did I wake up. The teacher raised the book and said,"

"Look, the book is about a servant girl who was deliberately burned by a rich man. This is the evil old society. If you don't study hard, the landlord and capitalists will be restored, and you will be like this servant girl, enslaved by others again.”

The teacher walked to my side and returned the book to me.

"Reading is a good thing, but you have to read after class and listen in class.”

I was very touched and listened very carefully during that half of the class. After class, my classmates came to borrow books from me. I had no idea who borrowed the book. I don't know how the news that I have a lot of books was found out by the people in the team. Everyone came to borrow them from me. Not long after, the doll books that my brother bought for me were all borrowed.

I remember that when my brother came back, his mother-in-law introduced him to a woman from Wang Gang as his fiancée. When he was about to leave, my mother brought me to deliver something to him. At that time, he went to his girlfriend's house. When we found that family, he was already ready to leave. I felt that his girlfriend was very beautiful, but in the end, it didn't work out.

When her brother returned, the government no longer arranged for the soldiers. Moreover, her brother said that they were all soldiers of the government and had all been dismissed. His father had no choice but to spend some money to invite the party secretary and the head of the armed forces to a table. They seemed to be acquaintances. After that, my brother started working in the supply and marketing cooperative of the Commune. At that time, the Commune was between our team and Team 8, Team 7, and Team 9, with the small stone bridge as the center. Her brother was selling production materials at the shop by the bridge. Now, her sister-in-law came every day to wash his clothes and shoes. In this way, they broke off their relationship with the girlfriend introduced by his mother-in-law.

I remember that at that time, he sat at the table every day and wrote on the manuscript paper. He even said to me,

"If you continue writing like this, you can write a book.”

I was looking forward to him writing a book. Soon, the Commune and the Gold Commune merged, and our Commune was abolished. He was arranged to go to Santai and learn white cases in a restaurant. He also brought back an old book, saying that it was dedicated to how to do white cases and red cases. I also hoped that he would cook delicious food. After all, at that time, my biggest wish was to eat meat.

Of course, there was also studying. From time to time, he would bring back a book or two. He would bring back all the garbage sold by the armed minister of the Commune and say,

"There are many useful books here.”

I picked out the "571 Project Minutes","Collection of Materials for Biting Lin and Biting Kong" from the old books he brought back, and so on. I found the "Three-Character Classic" and "Zengguang Xianwen" and even copied a lot.

When my father called me back for lunch, I woke up from my memories. It turned out that I didn't feel tired at all while planting the seedlings while recalling. On the way home, I imagined that today's food must be very delicious, because my brother had learned it from a teacher in a restaurant. However, after eating, she found out that the food her brother had prepared was salty in one way and bland in another. The rice had also been burnt, and the whole room was filled with a pungent smell. His father laughed at him.

"I heard that you learned how to make fire in a restaurant, and this is how you learned it?”

The older brother argued,

"There's no cornflour, soy sauce, vinegar, and nothing else. What am I supposed to do? I'm already doing very well!”

His father smiled and said,"

"I see that your mother doesn't have anything, but she cooks very well as usual.”

His mother laughed at the side, which meant that she was saying," How is it? You don't think I'm the one who makes the fire usually, but now you know, right?" But he still said,

"Eat less of the salty ones. The light ones have another taste. The cooked rice crust will be eaten to digest the food.”

Only then did everyone start eating. Mother went to the kitchen and did something for a while before bringing a basin of porridge. It was the rice porridge that we often ate. There was rice soup, smooth and delicious.

In the afternoon, when the sun was about to set, we went out to plant the seedlings. When it was dark, we drank with our father, washed our heads, and went to sleep. The next morning, he didn't feel like he was at a disadvantage.

Dong Sheng brought two people to help their family plant the seedlings. I know Gao Weihong. The other one should be Feng Aiwu and Wang Xinmei. Aunt came to me at noon and said,

"Jianguo, look, Dong Sheng brought them here. Help me talk to them.”

I looked at Aunt's worried face and comforted her.

"I'll talk to them after they leave, okay?”

After Aunt went over, Sanyo's loud voice was heard. It was the same voice Wan Huaping had played Teresa Teng's song on the night of our graduation. It made people's hearts shake. I started to worry about Dong Sheng, especially Gao Weihong. She would definitely affect him.

The seedlings were planted in the morning. After lunch, he changed his clothes and went to the stone bridge. He leaned against the railing and looked at the scenery at both ends of the drainage canal. There was a springboard not far away. He could see children playing with water on the springboard. It was similar to when he was young. A branch could row in the water for a long time. I thought of my childhood classmate Wan Chengzhen. Her mother drowned in the water. Her father had a stepmother and treated her very badly. She washed the clothes, swept the floor, and fed the pigs. Every morning, she would go to the springboard to wash her clothes before dawn. There would be the sound of water. She said that it was her mother talking to her…

While I was reminiscing, Liu Shengbing called out to me,"

"Su Ning, why don't you go to my house?”

I stood still on the bridge and let the sun shine on me. I was dark anyway, and the sun would only increase my blackness a little. I said,

"I want to stand here and watch. I haven't watched so quietly in a long time.”

When he saw me standing on the bridge, he also walked over from under the roof of his house. He stood by the bridge with me and said,

"Su Ning, let me tell you. The scores of my students are out. They are all good and can all go to junior high school. Also, I took the civilian teacher examination. The questions are very simple, so I don't think I'll have any problems getting in.”

I remembered what Wu Aiting said. I didn't tell him in time when I came back last time. Is this still a friend? I didn't tell him about such good news.

"If you pass the exam, you don't have to run a school anymore, right?”

His tone came out again.

"I'm not bragging, but who on the other side dares to compete with me? None of them can beat me! That Wang fellow wouldn't be able to pass the exam even if he studied for a year! And you're even bragging about being a poet! Didn't he just publish a poem in the newspaper that looked like dried tofu? He bragged everywhere and said,"When we were training in the writers 'class…" He even called himself a "writer". It was more like he was faking it. He knew where he had copied a few sentences of bullshit from others!”

I suspected Liu Shengbing and warned myself," Zhang Su Ning had already graduated a year ago, but she had yet to publish a single article. When would she be able to write one? Even if it was just two or three sentences like Wang Xianghua's dried tofu!

Liu Shengbing saw that I didn't say anything, so he pulled my clothes and said,"

"Let's go! Come to my house. I wrote a novel. Help me take a look.”

I admire him very much. He actually wrote a novel and shouted to himself every day that he loved literature. Other than writing a diary, what else did he write? There seemed to be nothing written. I followed Liu Shengbing to his house. Aunt was enjoying the shade in the tree behind the house, waving a fan in her hand. I called the old man and followed Liu Shengbing into his room. He took out a stack of letters. I took it, about seven or eight sheets. I was a little surprised that he could write so many words. If it were me, I would be speechless after writing a few hundred words. As I read, I thought, if I write like this, I can also write down the story of my brother and sister-in-law. Wouldn't it also be an article? He had connected his classmate's matter with his own matter. It was probably after he had been dismissed by the school principal that he had found a way out. Under the guidance of his classmates, he had found a way to run a chicken farm. After some hard work, he had finally succeeded.

I didn't directly comment on his novel. I felt that it was written just like my article. It was plain and tasteless. There were no twists and turns in the plot, no thrilling narration, and the language was similar to mine. It was like plain water. I asked him,

"How's your classmate's chicken farm?”

He was a little disappointed and said,

" He sent a letter saying that his chicks were infected with chicken plague and almost two-thirds of them died. He didn't know how to treat chicken diseases, so he bought a few veterinarian books to read at home. He swore to become a chicken doctor.”

I smiled and said,

"There's still a Chicken Doctor? If he really became a chicken doctor, it would be an amazing thing. At least, when the chicken plague came, people would ask him to treat chicken diseases everywhere, and money would come.”

He slapped his thigh and said,"

"That's right! I'll write to him now and encourage him to study chicken diseases. He'll use the sick chickens in his own chicken farm and experiment a few more times.”

He was really a man of his word and immediately picked up his pen to write.

I bid farewell and came out. The sun had already set. On the way home, I thought of Wu Aiting. Can I look for her?

This book comes。

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