Orc Special Forces Crossing
19 Hit the Top

Phoebe zhe


Leo probably felt that Dini was not a beastman and did not like him very much. He only wanted to play with the Grunts.

Di Nai was a little unhappy when he saw Leo ignoring him. He thought to himself, I'm such a manly man, but I'm actually ignored by a child. I'm so unhappy.

Speaking of which, Di Nai himself liked children very much. When he was in his hometown, the children in the neighborhood would rush over when they saw him come back. They would hang on to him and never want to come down.

However, as a young Orc, Leo would definitely worship the more powerful adult Orcs.

However, the more Leo behaved like this, the more Di Nai wanted the little guy to like and worship him. After all, challenges were motivation! He thought that he had to make something special to attract the little guy's attention.

He remembered that when he was young, his family was poor and he never bought any high-end toys. He only played with simple handmade toys. At that time, his favorite was the spinning top made by his father. He often played with it for half a day and often competed with his friends to see who could make the top spin longer. The loser had to be ridden by the winner.

Di Nai thought that things like spinning tops were easy to make and play with. It was best for a child of Leo's age to play with them. He did what he thought of. He went back to the cave to find a wooden stick, cut off a section, and began to cut the top. Di Nai thought that it was a pity that there were no nails. Otherwise, the effect would be better if he nailed a nail into the tip of the top.

The spinning top was quickly completed. Di Nai was ready to find something to make a whip. He remembered that there was a hemp rope made by Peg in the cave. However, in a place where resources were scarce, a hemp rope was very precious. It was too wasteful to use it as a toy for children. After all, hemp wasn't easy to find, and hemp rope wasn't easy to rub. He thought that he should find something else to replace it!

He remembered that when he played with the top when he was young, the whip was not made of hemp rope, but the leaf bark of a shrub. The soil name of that shrub seemed to be Yang palm. The leaves were long and shaped like a sword, with thorns at the tip. If a leaf was pulled off and a long strip was torn off, it would become a flexible rope.

Di Nai remembered that he had seen a palm-like plant by the river the last time he went fishing with Maji, but he had not paid special attention to it at that time. He thought that he might as well go and take a look now.

Di Nai walked to the plant by the river with his walking stick and found that it was indeed a palm-tree. Its leaves were the kind of material that could be used to make whips. He tore off a leaf and tied it to a small wooden stick. Thus, a simple whip was made.

He returned to the entrance of the cave and found that Leo had turned into a little winged tiger again. He was flailing around, trying to catch Xiao 'er. Unfortunately, his cultivation was obviously not on the same level as the waiter. He could only be teased until his head was covered in sweat and he was panting.

Dini raised the whip in his hand and shouted at Leo,"Leo, ignore the waiter. Come over and take a look at the good things uncle made for you.”

Leo looked up at Di Nai, then at the waiter. After a moment of hesitation, he turned into his human form and walked over.

Di Nai chose a flat piece of land and began to demonstrate the basic steps of spinning a top. He first wrapped the top with the whip, then pulled the whip to release the top. After the top spun, he began to whip it continuously. The top spun quickly on the ground, but it could not escape his control.

Sure enough, Leo was immediately attracted by this novel thing. His eyes were wide open as he stared at the spinning top on the ground without blinking. Wherever the top spun, his eyes followed.

Di Nai was somewhat pleased with himself. It seemed that even though he had not practiced spinning tops for many years, his skills had not deteriorated! Wouldn't it be easy to subdue a little brat?

Leo blinked his big eyes and looked at Di Nai."Uncle, what do you call this?”

Di Nai picked up the top and said," The one in my hand is called a top. This game is called playing a top. Do you want to play?"

"I want to play." Leo nodded immediately.”

Hence, under Leo's expectant gaze, Dini handed him the top and whip.

Leo was smart enough to know that he had to wrap the whip around the top, but unfortunately, he did not know how to do it. He whipped the top and it flew away. He tried again, but it was the same. He could not spin the top no matter how hard he tried.

Di Nai watched from the side and laughed without sympathy.

Leo's face turned red from his laughter. Although he was annoyed, he kept trying.

Di Nai also felt that it was inappropriate to laugh at a child and began to teach Leo how to operate step by step. Leo was also quite smart. In a short while, he was able to spin the top by himself. It wouldn't fall down even if he whipped it a few times.

Just as Dini was feeling gratified by Leo's progress, he saw Maji walking over from afar. "Hey, isn't this Leo?" Margie said when she saw Leo. You came here to play?"

Leo stopped playing his game and nodded like a little adult."Yes, Uncle Margie."

Margie also saw what Leo was playing with and asked,""Hey, Leo, what are you playing?”

Leo frowned and thought for a moment before answering,""This thing is called a spinning top. It was given to me by this pottery uncle.”

Di Nai laughed and flicked his eyebrows."What pottery uncle? My name is Di Nai. Call me Uncle Di Nai in the future.”

Leo rubbed his eyebrows and replied,""Oh, Uncle Di Nai."

Maji seemed to be very interested in the top as well. She squatted down and picked it up to check.

At this moment, Di Nai saw that Maji was carrying something that looked like a basket on her back. He asked Maji,""Maji, is that the wicker basket on your back that you made yourself?”

Maji nodded and took the basket off her back and handed it to Di Nai.

Di Nai took it over and looked at it. Although the basket looked quite rough, it also had the embryonic form of a basket carried by the villagers. There were also two straps made of animal skin tied on both sides. It should be considered practical. What shocked Di Nai the most was that there was actually a stone hoe with a wooden handle in the basket! The people here didn't farm, so it was too surprising for Di Nai to see a stone hoe!

Di Nai picked up the stone hoe and asked Maji,"Did you make this stone hoe?”

Margie nodded.

"How did you come up with this?" Di Nai was puzzled.”

"I'm a gardener!" Maji chuckled. If you haven't been to my cave, you wouldn't know. I have many beautiful flowers at the entrance of my cave!”

Di Nai couldn't help but laugh. This Maji, everything she did was for her own interest! However, he thought about it again. No matter what Margie did, she was always innovative. She was completely at the forefront of the times here! If he was properly nurtured, he would have great potential for development in the future!

However, the basket made of willow branches was still not very strong. When he cut down a bamboo and asked him to weave a basket, it would definitely be much more durable than this.

Di Nai was looking at the basket while Maji was studying the top. Maji looked at it for a long time, but she couldn't understand it. So he gave it to Leo and asked him to play with it again.

Leo took the spinning top and immediately felt a little smug. After all, he could teach others now!

After watching Leo play with it a few times, Margie's hands were itching to play with it. He took the top and started to learn how to play with it. After all, they had never played with any decent toys since they were young. This spinning top was indeed very novel to them!

At this moment, Frey and Heda also flew over. After all, the adult orcs were much calmer. When they saw the spinning top, they were only a little surprised, but they had no interest in learning.

Maji played with the spinning top for a while and had basically mastered the game. He was too embarrassed to let so many people wait for him, so he reluctantly gave the top to Leo.

Di Nai said to Leo," Leo, the uncles have something to do and have to go out. This top is for you. Take it and play with it!"”

"Thank you, Uncle." Leo jumped up happily.”She hopped away with the top in her hand.

Seeing that the top was gone, Maji was a little reluctant to leave. She kept staring at Leo's back.

Di Nai laughed and patted Maji's shoulder.""If you like it, I'll make another one for you when I come back later.”

Margie was overjoyed and quickly urged everyone to dig the pepper tree. Thus, they paired up and set off for the jungle.

When they reached the jungle, Di Nai led them to the location of the pepper tree based on his memory.

Frey and Heda landed on the ground and transformed into human forms. After some discussion, they decided to split into groups. First, they would go to pick fruits. Then, they would come back here and dig the pepper tree together.

Frey saw Dini struggling in the bushes with his crutches and wanted to go over and carry him away. He knew that Di Nai didn't really resist his beast form, so he transformed back into his beast form and walked to Di Nai's side. He used his big head to nudge his waist and turned around to signal him to sit on his back.

Di Nai was a little troubled. Sitting on Frey's back while flying in the sky was still acceptable. After all, it could save time! But on flat ground, it wasn't like he couldn't walk at all. If he kept riding on Frey's back, he would be bullying Frey too much. Although Frey was a big guy and his beast form was abnormally strong, he was still a big man. He would still be tired after sitting for a long time.

However, looking at Frey's expectant eyes, he cursed himself again. Was he a man? Why did he think so much? Accept the fact that he needed someone to take care of him. Don't drag him down!

Just like that, after struggling for a long time, Di Nai finally rode on Frey's back.

Very soon, Dini found the feeling of riding a horse on Frey's back. No, this was much more comfortable than riding a horse! There was no need for reins at all. All he needed to do was give verbal commands. Such a mount was simply hard to buy!

Dini sat on Frey's back and walked through the forest very comfortably. The birds chirped in the jungle, and the trees were lush. The scenery was not bad. What annoyed Di Nai was that whenever he touched a tree branch, he would be splashed with water.

After a while, they found a big jujube tree. The fruits on the tree were heavy and huge! Di Nai reached out to pick one and took a bite. Oh, it was crispy and sweet.

Frey placed Dini on the ground and transformed into a human to pick the fruits. Di Nai stood there and only cared about picking and eating. He then called out to Frey," Don't just focus on plucking it. Hurry up and eat it. It's very delicious."”

Frey was still holding a piece of animal skin with a green jujube he had plucked. Hearing Di Nai's words, he also took a green jujube and put it in his mouth. The taste was indeed not bad.

While the two were eating happily, Frey suddenly looked around warily and walked over to Dini's side. He threw down the green jujube in his hand and transformed into a winged tiger. His beast fur stood on end as he growled deeply, his aura fully displayed.

Di Nai also sensitively felt the rustling of leaves. Some animal in the forest was approaching. He pulled out the dagger from his boot and entered a state of alert.

Suddenly, a lion head poked out from behind the leaves. Di Nai was shocked,"Ah, it's actually the lion head gorilla from last time!" Heavens, there was more than one strange gorilla. A large group of them had come over.

They surrounded Dini and Frey from all directions, then pounced on them from the trees.

Frey let out an earth-shattering roar and snapped the neck of an approaching strange gorilla before going to deal with the other gorilla that pounced on Di Nai. However, there were too many monsters, and Frey was unable to completely protect Di Nai. Moreover, the forest was narrow, and Frey could not spread his wings. His combat power was reduced by at least half.

Fortunately, Di Nai was holding a dagger and could barely deal with the monsters that approached him.

Frey was furious. He roared and recklessly attacked the monsters that were approaching Dini.

At this moment, Heda, who had heard the roar, flew over with Maji on his back. After he put down Maji, he joined the battle. For a moment, the situation on the battlefield reversed. The lion headed gorillas saw that they could not take advantage of the situation. Instead, they were bitten to death. Therefore, the leading monster let out a strange cry and led the group of gorillas away, dragging the corpses of their companions. It seems that these monsters are quite intelligent.

Seeing that the monsters had left, Frey quickly transformed into a human to check if Dini was injured. Fortunately, Di Nai was fine. He only had a slight scratch on his shoulder. Frey heaved a sigh of relief. If he failed to protect her and caused her to get hurt, then it would be his own incompetence!

Maji also ran over to check if Heda was injured. It was only then that Dini realized that Frey's thigh had been scratched and was bleeding. Fortunately, the wound wasn't too deep, so there wasn't much blood.

"You're hurt. Doesn't it hurt?”

Frey shook his head. It was an honor for a male to be injured for a female! Moreover, he didn't care about that small flesh wound.

Di Nai was very touched. Frey protected him without caring about his own safety, and even took the initiative to care for him when he was injured. This kind of friendship was really rare. Di Nai thought that such a good man must be his good brother! But he couldn't figure out why that animal attacked them for no reason. "I met one of these monsters in the jungle last time, but I scared it away. Why did they attack us?”

Maji looked enlightened.""These are lion-headed beasts. You must have injured one last time, so they found you this time and came to take revenge on you.”

Di Nai didn't expect this to be the reason. He looked at Frey apologetically."You're injured, and I don't have anything to bandage you with right now. Why don't you go back and let the Grand Magus treat your injuries first?”

"You guys go back first. I'll go dig the pepper tree with Hedda."”

Frey nodded and looked at Di Nai.”

Di Nai looked at his injured leg awkwardly."I won't go back with you, right? You're already injured, and you're still carrying me on your back. This…isn't very good, right?”

"It's just a small injury. Besides, I injured my leg, not my wing.”Frey said firmly and transformed into his beast form.

Di Nai had no choice but to pick up the animal skin and green dates on the ground, sit on Frey's back, and fly back.

Frey brought Dini back to the cave he was staying in.

Di Nai also felt that there was no need for Frey to look for a Senior Magus to deal with this kind of flesh wound. He could also handle it. So he took out the first aid kit from his backpack and began to treat Frey's wound.

He first disinfected Frey's wound with high-concentration alcohol, then took a roll of bandages and squatted down to bandage Frey's wound.

Frey stood with his legs spread so that Dini could bandage him. Frey was very pleased to be treated so gently. However, Frey's forehead began to sweat after a while. Of course, what made Frey sweat wasn't the pain of his wound, but another reason.

As he felt the female's warm breath on his thigh, something below him started to raise its head uncontrollably, slowly pushing the animal skin out of the small tent.

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