


As the summer vacation of the fourth grade ended, the six-year-old Qian Xun was about to embark on a journey back to Osaka again. Xiao Yue threatened to beat her up if she came again next year. Qian Xun deliberately hugged Qian Jun and pretended to look pitiful. Xiaoyue was so angry that she went over to pull her, making everyone smile. Qian Jun was the only one who felt pity for Qian Xun. The reason why Qian Xun was so attached to him since birth was because she had barely seen her father. Her uncle, Qing Feng, was still going about his so-called romantic affairs in a mysterious manner to show his dissatisfaction with the arranged marriage.

After sending Qian Xun and Aunt Boye off, Xiaoyue was still angry on the way back." Brother, don't be fooled by her pitiful look. That wretched girl is scheming behind our backs. She's a sly little fox."”Qian Jun was a little speechless. Xiaoyue and Qian Xun really didn't get along well. They had been fighting with each other for countless times. He felt that Xiaoyue only had the upper hand on the surface, so he was a little indignant.

Qian Jun thought to himself," Speaking of which, the sisters are really related by blood. Instead, this cheap brother of mine makes them feel closer. Is this the result of me transcending the family?" Qian Jun shook his head with a bitter smile. He hoped that they could be closer when they grew up.

After school started in the autumn, many students were unknowingly dragged into gang fights. Of course, they were all male students. As a result, the environment around the school deteriorated rapidly. Many innocent students were beaten up, and female students were harassed and robbed. Of course, it was not serious. It was almost impossible to file a case, and the things robbed were not worth much. Since there was no serious problem, even the police said that they could not do anything about it. They could only send patrols to increase the patrol in this area.

Of course, the group of people who went after Qianjun were all tragic. They were directly knocked out and thrown near the trash can. For safety, Qian Jun had to send Xiao Yue home after school every day, and then go to the dojo to practice martial arts. On the other hand, Jing Yang and Naoko were famous. Jing Yang's family owned a martial arts school, and the two of them had always been inseparable with baseball bats. For a while, no one really caused trouble for them. A few ignorant students came looking for Xiao Lan and Yuan Zi, but they were naturally beaten up by Xiao Lan. These guys were so angry that they found a large group of people to cause trouble in 4th grade Class B. Qian Jun lamented that it would be difficult to live a peaceful life. It was better for boys to fight in groups. It was a good time to practice. He had to control his strength so that no one could die.

While Ms. Yonehara was dumbfounded, he asked Naoko and Jing Yang to guard the door while Xiaolan protected the teacher and the garden. He shouted," Come on,go!"”First, he kicked the hooligan blocking the door in his lower body. The poor hooligan rolled out in a miserable scream. Then, Qianjun turned his mop and charged out. Shinichi kicked a football first and knocked down a guy. Then, he picked up a stool and followed behind Qianjun to hit him. Jing Yang and Naoko took out baseball bats from the drawer and guarded the front and back doors respectively. Anyone who dared to come over was beaten down by the two of them. Only Yuan Zi held onto Xiaolan tightly. The strongest power of the Fragrance Divine Dao Flowing Sword Path was fully displayed by Qian Jun. The mop danced in the air, and those who were hit fell to the ground. His movements were clean and nimble, and he never used a second move. Shinichi didn't expect Qianjun to be so powerful. He waved the stool around wildly to boost his momentum.

Wen Liang heard the news and came over to help with Tozen Puli from Class A. Wen Liang's fighting skills were displayed, and screams of pain could be heard everywhere after being captured by him. Saruno and Taguchi hurriedly pulled the football team's people over, so this kind of war almost turned into a school free-for-all. The fight was bloody and chaotic, scaring Ms. Yonehara. She had no choice but to protect a group of girls and desperately call the police.

By the time the police arrived, the students lying on the ground were all troublemakers. Some were from the same school, while others were from other schools. The victorious side of justice had almost everyone injured. Shinichi had been hit on the head, Jing Yang and Naoko had minor injuries on their arms, and the rest of the soccer team and class were the same. Only Qianjun seemed to have been hit on the back to protect Shinichi. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been injured at all. Only Xiaolan and the other girls who were protected by Yonehara-sensei were safe and sound.

When Qian Jun saw his wife, Zhuang Caiyi, in the hospital, he was scolded. As his wife said, no matter how good one's martial arts was, they were afraid of hooligans. The key was that these hooligans couldn't be beaten to death. His daughter had been messing around with Qian Jun for a few days. Qian Jun had no choice but to bow and apologize, promising his wife that this would not happen again. As the leader of the fight, Qianjun was naturally considered the culprit of this incident. Kudo Shinichi was naturally an accomplice. Everyone on the soccer team was coerced. Fortunately, Mr. Yonehara-san defended him vigorously. Otherwise, the school would have fired Qianjun. When Qianjun returned home, he was naturally scolded by his parents. Xiaoyue curiously asked her brother how many people he had knocked down, and Dai Zi hurriedly coaxed her away.

This incident eventually alerted the media. School violence existed in all schools at that time. Under the pressure of fishing boats, the police department mobilized on a large scale and detained all students suspected of violence. They could only be taken home after their parents ensured it. If they committed it again, they would be sent to the juvenile reformatory. After this incident, the school returned to peace. The football team was banned for a year, and Ms. Yonehara was given a major demerit by the school. All the students felt unfair for the teacher. Ms. Yonehara felt that she could not stop the violence and blamed herself, so she was relatively calm.

Only Xinzhuang Wuping felt strange. With Qian Jun's martial arts, this mob would not be able to hurt him. Qian Jun explained that he did not want to be too eye-catching, and if he had not suffered a minor injury this time, the school might have expelled him. After this incident, the boys saw the power of Wen Liang and Qian Jun, and the girls envied Jing Yang and Naoko's sword skills. Therefore, many students went to Shenyi Dojo to learn various martial arts under Jing Yang's encouragement, which increased the number of customers for the dojo.

By the time winter arrived, Qian Jun's wind element power had been cultivated. Storms, lightning, thunder, dragons born from the clouds, and powerful dragon-shaped true qi flew with the wind. He was already able to complete the circulation of these seven powers. At this time, the green wind crystal was formed. The so-called five spirits were the five great natural forces of water, fire, thunder, wind, and earth. Fire burns everything, and thunder is unstoppable. The wind blows freely, there is no obstruction, there is no obstruction, there is nothing that cannot be melted by the earth. The five spirits represented all the powers in the world, and together with the five elements, they formed a complex natural world.

Water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth, earth produces metal, metal attracts lightning, lightning attracts wind, wind and thunder produce water. The wind and thunder made up for the transformation from metal to water. The seven types of power relied on each other for the first time, and the dragon-shaped true qi developed independently. The addition of the five elements and the power of wind and lightning didn't cause Qian Jun to experience a drastic breakthrough. This was related to the replenishment of the five elements. Why couldn't the power of light be added to it? Logically speaking, light was the source of all power. It had to be known that all the forms of matter in the natural world were related to light.

The dragon-shaped pendant cried out again. If there was light, there must be darkness. Without the power of darkness, the continuous operation of the power of light would destroy the power of nature. Therefore, there must be the existence of night on the land now. Otherwise, the radiance of the sun would destroy the entire ecosystem. There were also some planets in the solar system that were known as dwarf planets. The representative of them was the legendary Pluto.

Pluto was named after Pluto in Roman mythology. It was one of the nine planets in the solar system, with three moons temporarily discovered. Pluto was the furthest away from the sun, and it had been silent in the endless darkness. The observation of Pluto required the use of a professional base telescope or a space telescope. It was very difficult to observe Pluto with an ordinary astronomical telescope. Pluto was the best representation of the power of darkness.

Other than Pluto, the other dwarf planet, Haume (Santa), rotated at an extremely fast speed and had two moons. Maemake, low temperature, no satellites; Eris, which was made of ice and methane, had one satellite. It was once considered the tenth planet because it was larger than Pluto, but it was much farther away from the sun than Pluto. Ceres was the most special. It was the smallest planet in the solar system and the only dwarf planet in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. In Western mythology, Ceres was the goddess of agriculture and harvest.

Ceres represented the end of the power of darkness and the arrival of dawn or the beginning of darkness. The other dwarf planets were all night planets, so it became the bridge between darkness and light. When the cultivation of the power of darkness was completed, the power of light and darkness would be balanced. The power of darkness was terrifying because of its corruption and death. It also had the ability to conceal itself. The dark night planets led by Pluto were only vaguely recognized by humans until now because they were far away and dark. The dragon-shaped true energy skipped the light and shadow, connecting with the dusk represented by Ceres and entering the dark night domain, slowly circulating and strengthening. The power of darkness came from the night. The power of darkness was most abundant on cloudy nights.

As the New Year bell rang again, Shinichi and Qianjun ushered in the new year. Shinichi was 11 years old when he and Qianjun welcomed their first murder case. However, at the beginning, they only helped a classmate find a puppy. A female student in the class was introduced by Jing Yang to look for Shinichi and the others to find the lost puppy. All the clues were only a photo. Qian Jun felt that there were almost no clues in this case.

Shinichi felt that he had nothing better to do anyway, so he embarked on the glorious path of searching for dogs. At first, there was no progress. They walked through many squares and parks, looking for clues everywhere. It was not until the sun set and the two were exhausted that Shinichi finally figured out the correct direction. At night, the two of them found the most suspicious house that Shinichi had mentioned. Shinichi pressed the doorbell. When the owner came out, Shinichi said that he and Qianjun had hit the ball into the courtyard and wanted to go in and look for it. The owner of the house rejected him rudely.

Shinichi sighed and patted Qianjun's shoulder. Qianjun was angry." Hey, Shinichi, you're not going to let me go in and steal the dog, are you? That dog barks." Not everyone is as lucky as you.”Xin Yi's face darkened." Please, what do you mean by dog affinity? That's because I love dogs, so dogs don't bark when they see me." You don't have to steal the dog. Go in and check if the dog is inside. If there isn't one in the yard, go around the house. I'll keep watch for you outside.”Qian Jun was depressed. Why did it feel like the two of them were thieves? Were they here to scout the place today?

Under Shinichi's admiring gaze, Qian Jun quickly climbed up the wall and sneaked in. Qian Jun had made some progress with his Dark Force recently, so his Dark Invisibility was quite useful. Soon, he found a dog kennel behind the house. Qian Jun didn't dare to get too close, afraid that the dog would find him. He hid in a corner and threw a stone, which quickly caused the dog to bark. After confirming that the target was the dog, Qian Jun immediately retreated.

After coming out, he reported to Shinichi, who was naturally overjoyed. The remaining problem was how to take the dog away smoothly. Qian Jun was confused. Why didn't the owner come out when he heard the dog barking? Shinichi also felt that there was something wrong, so he pressed the doorbell. However, there was a reprimand, and the two of them had no choice but to run away. Since there was no evidence to force the other party to admit it, Qian Jun suggested that they should find a way to steal it. After all, the other party didn't dare to look for it again.

Shinichi was initially against it, but after being encouraged by Xiaolan and the others, he agreed. Hence, Shinichi devised a plan to create a diversion. He had Wen Liang, Pu Li, Saruno, and Taguchi split up into two groups and fight a dog battle at the door of the house. The dogs were naturally from Wen Liang's family's wolfhound and Pu Li's big dog. Shinichi and Qianjun were in charge of stealing the dogs from the back. Xiaolan, Jing Yang, and Naoko were in charge of receiving them from outside the wall. Therefore, everyone decided to take action during the day to prevent any accidents from happening. The plan to steal the dog was carried out smoothly. As expected, the dog fight in front of the door attracted the owner's attention. They quietly sneaked in from the back wall.

Shinichi comforted the dog and prepared to leave. However, the dog kept digging for some reason, which attracted Shinichi's attention. There was a reason for any abnormal phenomenon. The yard was very green. The evergreen lawn and tree walkway were laid out perfectly. The only thing that was not beautiful was the kennel. Why was the soil under the kennel a little new? Qian Jun saw that he was paying attention to the soil and was curious as to why there would be new soil in winter. The first thing Qian Jun thought of was whether there were treasures buried underground. Shinichi gestured to Qianjun, and Qianjun understood that Shinichi wanted him to find a way to open this place. Qianjun gestured to Shinichi to send the dog away first and leave this place to him.

Shinichi was puzzled, but he still nodded. He carried the dog to the wall and climbed up the rope. He handed the dog to Xiaolan outside. Xiao Lan and the other strange dogs had already stolen it, so why weren't they leaving? Shinichi lowered his voice, turned around, and went back in. When he came back, he found that the dog kennel had been overturned, and the soil was bulging out. Qianjun had used his Earth Element power, and he wanted to take the opportunity to take away the treasures. Who knew that there were no treasures at all? Instead, he found a corpse. Qianjun looked up at the sky and sighed. Shinichi was a god of death. He could even steal a dog's corpse.

Shinichi and Qianjun quickly went out and called Officer Mumu. When Officer Mumu arrived, their poor friends were still fighting dogs at the door and quarreling with their owners. They wondered why Shinichi hadn't given the order to retreat. It had been a long time. When they saw the police, everyone thought that they had found out and immediately fled. The owner of the house was also sweating. Mu Mu felt strange. What were these kids doing here? Seeing Shinichi and Qianjun at this time? It had been many years since they last met. Mu Mu was now a police officer. He recognized Shinichi at a glance and then confirmed if the strange child next to him was Qianjun.

Megure felt a headache coming on. How did these two guys end up together? The owner of the house denied the discovery of the corpse. He did not know what had happened. When Megure saw that Shinichi hadn't had time to take the rope away, he asked Shinichi to tell him about how they found the corpse. Police Chief Mu Mu's expression twitched. What kind of child was this? Shinichi quickly followed the clues and helped Police Chief Megami. He continued to deduce and successfully found evidence of his master's murder and found the reason why he buried the body in a hurry.

Of course, he stole the dog at the last minute so that the staff who came to clean up the yard the next morning would not be suspicious of the renovated kennel. He originally planned to wait until the staff left today and use the cleaning vehicle to get the body out. He did not dare to use his own car because he was afraid that someone would find out and leave clues. After the incident was over, the criminal was taken to the police car by Megure. What awaited him was roughly six years in prison (the punishment in this Conan world was really light), and the children were also taken to make their statements.

" Listen," Megure lectured the children," you can't steal a dog, understand?”Qian Jun snorted." Inspector Mu Mu, how can you say that dog stole?" Shinichi and I were just taking back our classmate's dog.”Shinichi said elegantly," That's right. The murderer admitted that he stole the dog. It has nothing to do with us."”Wen Liang asked weakly," Officer Mu Mu, can we leave now?"”

Officer Mu Mu was so angry that his nose was almost crooked. He nagged for a long time." Anyway, it's not right to barge into other people's houses. Also, what if the murderer finds you and kills you? Why don't you kids know what's important?”Qian Jun pursed his lips." Hmph, who knows who will be killed?" What I meant was that we will immediately escape, hehe.”Lan asked softly," Officer Mu Mu, you're not accusing us of stealing, are you?”Mu Mu shook his head. It was just a bunch of kids messing around. How could it be considered stealing? He was just worried that the kids would be in danger.

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